Is anyone having a hard time breathing?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by amybloch1913, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. amybloch1913

    amybloch1913 Member

    Hi Everyone,

    Is anyone having a hard time catching your breath? I am 26 weeks and going up and down the stairs is making me out of breath. I was in pretty good shape before my twin pregnancy and my singleton pregnancy I never had this problem. I know they are taking up more room but still.
  2. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    I am experiencing the same symptom and at first was wondering why since I was in good shape before my pregnancy. I am winded from the slightest exertion. However, my doctor assured me it's just another symptom of twin pregnancy and that it will go away when I have them.
  3. monaraj

    monaraj Well-Known Member

    I am out of breath after walking a few steps. The doc said, its because of the babies growing and the uterus. It could also be because of your babies positions.
    My twin B has always been up in my ribs.
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    It definitely goes away right after delivery thank goodness!!!!
    I remember having to stop every few stairs to catch my breath....sometimes I would even take a 'break' halfway up & sit down! :)
    Hang in there ladies!!
  5. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    I am out of breath often. It is embarrassing when people call the house and I am panting when I answer the phone. When I go out with my family I am always waddling about 10 steps behind now and that is even a workout for me. It seems like it was worse in the beginning when it first started and now in the last trimester.
  6. amybizzell

    amybizzell Well-Known Member

    I am right there with you. Anytime I answer the phone its like I did a mad dash to get it - nope, I just can't breathe anymore!

  7. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    Amen, sista! Even laughing gets me winded, and my husband is a stand up comedian with all comedian friends so I'm doomed! Lol! On a more serious note though, in addition to just the usual breathlessness you get during pregnancy, sometimes it can be a sign of anemia-or it could be a combo of both. Good luck-it's just a good reason to make the husband carry everything up and down the stairs for you! :D
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I definitely had a hard time breathing while pregnant with my twins. I felt very out of breath a lot and would sometimes have to take a deep breath, to catch my breath.
  9. lukesmom325

    lukesmom325 Well-Known Member

    I am 24 weeks and have been experiencing the same thing. . .Baby B has too much fluid (polyhydramnios) so the doc said I will be more uncomfortable than usual (lucky me LOL) and Baby A has been up in my ribs. . .But my family always asks why I am out of breath when they call and I am on bedrest. . .I get out of breath just rolling over to answer the phone LOL

  10. tashatank24

    tashatank24 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I started feeling "winded" around 15 weeks. Doc says it's hot here, allergens in the air, summer is an active time, but I can't imagine it getting any worse as I get bigger. I've gone home from work early from not being able to catch my breath.
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