Is anyone else heading to preschool in the fall for the first time?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MichelleL, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I don't want to rush summer, but I'm so excited to send my girls to preschool in the fall!! :clapping:

    Last year at this time I wasn't feeling excited. I was nervous. And upset. And unsure.

    My girls are born on our town's cutoff day. So we're not even sure when we're sending them to kindergarten. They were old enough for preschool last fall but we decided to hold them off. 1 - because I didn't want to work more hours just to send them to preschool for 5 hours; 2 - because it could have meant 3 years of preschool (not a big deal, but we just didn't want to financially do that) and 3 - I just was NOT ready to let go and send them off to school.

    But now...I'm ready!! :woo: My dh keeps scolding me because he says I'm wishing summer away. :lol: In some ways I am, because I know they are going to love it. The girls are very excited about it too!! :yahoo:

    Who else is going? Are you as excited as I am??
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well, as you know, my 2 started last year. But I know Lauren & Emma are going to LOVE it!! And there is also the bonus of a few hours of alone time for you. A win/win situation all around!

    So how does it work with them being born on the cutoff date? Do you get a choice of when you want to send them? Our schools here just go by calendar year. If you turn 5 by the end of 2010, you start Kindergarten this year. I find those arbitrary Fall cutoff dates confusing!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :Clap: Your girls will LOVE preschool Michelle!!

    Mine aren't going in the fall for the first time, but they are going 5 afternoon's a week to the 4 year old program at their preschool and I can't wait (and neither can they, they love it) until school starts up again....for all 3 of my kids. :lol:
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    In our state you get to choose if their birthday is before or long as they start by 6 I think. If born after, then it is the school's discretion, but they get no funding for those students, so most kids get denied and you have to go to a private school if you want them to start K. We wanted our girls to start K this year, but they didn't make the cutoff, but because of this special grant that our county has, we were able to start them in the school preschool program even though financially we don't qualify. We are super excited for them (and completely free for us :banana: ). They get to ride the bus (for preschoolers only) and they go to the regular elementary school with the big kids (separate wing). They think they are such big girls and can't wait to ride the bus and have a backpack.
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I bet they are SO excited!
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Not a ton unfortunately. DH will take them 2 out of 3 days (I'll be working 3 mornings starting in the fall, as opposed to the 2 I do now). So it's a lot of alone time for him. :laughing:

    I don't know the official word but have spoken to teachers in the town who say it's ultimately our decision. The town says they need to be registered if they are "ON or before 9/1" and since mine are 9/1 (by only 6 hours :faint: ) then that's them. So they will either be the absolute oldest or the absolute youngest. It's such a hard decision. :wacko:
  7. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    Mine are starting this fall. DS will go to a preschool through the school district 5 days a week and receive special education services. DD will be going to a day care center/preschool for full days, either 3 or 5 days a week, depending on if I find a job before the end of August. I am so so so excited to have them going to a structured school setting. They crave the social interaction right now. They're always asking to go play with friends, etc.
  8. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine started daycare at 2, and last year at 3.5 they went to a more pre-school structured program...they LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! They have learned so much in the last year - I know your girls will could always see how they do through the winter with pre-school before making the K decision...their teachers will be able to help you decide...
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    This is just what we're going to do. :good: I know at least one of their teachers next year has been teaching preschool for 20ish years now. I'm confident with whatever advice they might give.

    I have received so much advice, and read so much on here, but everyone seems to be split down the middle. I did receive the BEST advice from a kindergarten teacher recently. We sat next to her (she was older, has been doing it for a while) at a shower and I voiced my concerns to her. She, by far, has given me the greatest input so far, along with the pluses and minuses of each decision. If her instincts are right, we'll be sending them "on time".
  10. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    My girls are also going off to preschool (or anywhere for that matter! [​IMG] ) for the first time this fall. I'm excited about it, they're excited about it, but at the same time, I'm really trying to enjoy the time we have this summer without any sort of schedule but our own (and my part time work schedule...but my mom comes to the house, so I've been spoiled in that I haven't ever had to consistently get them up and out of the house. I'm not a morning person, getting myself up and out of the house is a challenge...!)

    Since they were born in December, I don't even remotely have to worry about our Sept. cut off here. They probably would have loved preschool last year, but again, they would have needed to be three by the time Sept 30th hit in order to go to the school I wanted them to, and that would have been three years of pre-k anyway, so I kept them home. They're going to have so much fun, but definitely another sign that they're not babies anymore!
  11. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    We're starting preschool this fall too. I can't wait! It's going to be really good for them, AND more free time for me. Sometimes I get antsy looking at the calendar too!
  12. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Liam is starting preschool in the fall as well. Two mornings a week. I am excited, but also a bit sad to be sending my baby off. (The twins will be starting K and that's a whole 'nother box of tissue :cry: ). What will I do with those 4 hours a week! ? :laughing:
  13. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Awww, they are growing up!! :hug:

    I can think of a gazillion things for you to do!! :woo:
  14. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    We are headed to preschool in fall, 3 days a week. I am so excited to start this phase with them. We're just too crazy at home and Mom is exhausted. I think they will LOVE it! I was a teacher so all of it is super fun for me as well! Potty training has been pretty hard w/ 1 and I'm hoping getting into more of a school routine and hearing it from someone else will help.
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