irritable uterus

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by pgwithtwins, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. pgwithtwins

    pgwithtwins Well-Known Member last night whenever I got up, and I mean everytime, I would have a BH. My tummy would tighten as soon as I stood and would stay that way for about 30 seconds maybe, then would stop and then within 10-15 minutes, or less later on, would happen again. When I realized this was happening so frequently I laid down on my left side and rested while pushing 64 ounces of water. Everytime I would stand to go pee I would contract again until I was done and laying down again. Now because they were stopping when I laid down I did not call or go in. I was just in the doc office on Friday and my cervix was fine....I am on the fence about what to do today. Thinking I need to call doc just to let them know. I am also wondering if anyone with irritable uterus can share with me your exp. as I am wondering if that could be my problem. They have not yet started this morning, but I have only been up for about 45 minutes. TIA for your responses!
  2. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I had an irritable uterus and it definitely got worse when my bladder was full. The key for me was to keep drinking constantly but also to keep urinating constantly and to try hard to get my bladder completely empty. Alot of times during pregnancy we think our bladder is empty when it truly isn't, leaning forward after you think you are done might help with that.

    If at any time you think it will make you more comfortable to call the doc office and explain what is happening and what you are feeling, never hesitate. That is what they are there for so call whenever you feel you need/want to!
  3. pgwithtwins

    pgwithtwins Well-Known Member

    Dianne, thank you first of all for your response. I am also wondering how your irritable uterus was diagnosed and when if you remember? Just curious. Thanks!
  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I was 29 weeks and it was at a regularly scheduled peri appointment.
  5. Babygus0

    Babygus0 Well-Known Member

    I had irritable uterus and it was worse when I had a full bladder or when I was walking. If you have any doubts, call the Dr. and be seen.
  6. pgwithtwins

    pgwithtwins Well-Known Member

    So were you guys able to go about your regular day to day stuff with Irritable uterus and all the BH? I am supposed to take DD to the park this will involve a fair amount of walking for me. We will come home and nap though. I don't know. Just wondering. Thanks!
  7. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I too had an irritable uterus, along with some good strong BH contractions. I noticed it first around the time that you are at now (22-23 weeks). I thought though that it was the babies moving (I described in a similar thread yesterday that I felt that they were "balling up"). At 24 weeks I had a routine Level II U/S that detected a change in my cervix (was down to 2.9cm) along with funneling. My doctor put me on immediate bedrest. It was while on bedrest that I noticed just how "irritable" my uterus was. I was having a lot of those "balling up" sensations, like one every couple minutes. So my doc sent me to L&D, where I landed myself on hospital bedrest for a week. It was hooked up to those monitors that I realized what was really going on, and that I was having a lot of BH contractions.

    While on bedrest I was concerned about the frequent contractions upon standing up, because I would ALWAYS get one. So that was a huge reminder for me to stay put and let others get things for me.

    Typically, your doctor will give you a baseline number of BH contractions in which you should call if you exceed (most start with around 4 an hour). I would definitely call if this is the case. The worse thing that can happen is that they have you come in and monitor you which will probably give you some reassurance.

    Good luck and keep us updated.
  8. Babygus0

    Babygus0 Well-Known Member

    I would definately take it easy, and call your dr. and see what their baseline is and how many you are allowed to have in an hour. I wasn't allowed to walk, shop, clean or anything else.
    Dr. said it wasn't bedrest, but I wasn't allowed to do anything. What's the difference???
  9. pgwithtwins

    pgwithtwins Well-Known Member

    I have a call in to the doc...I am just waiting to hear. Thanks for all your responses. I will let you know what I find out....I suppose I am going to go lay down now. :rolleyes: since that seems to be my only "cure" for now.
  10. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I've had very frequent bh ctx with all my pgs. they usually start at 4 months and gradually get more frequent and more painful. Initially most of them are just a tightening...but occasionally I will have one that is painful. This time around I'm being a little more careful b/c of the bleeding I had during the first trimester, and placental issues that put me at more of a risk for PTL. Otherwise, I would just do pretty much what I normally long as it wouldn't wear me out too much. the worst part about the bh ctx is that it makes you tired. They would get to the point where even walking gets uncomfortable. You feel like you have to stop to breath through the painful tightening. I would say that if you cervix doesn't seem to be affected than use your own judgement about what to do or not to do.. If you are feeling tired, then don't do as much activity. Do make sure you drink a good amount and do make sure you pee frequently. This can help...but won't prevent them if your uterus is just more prone to them. Intmacy with my dh has always affected me for a few days afterwards too... so that's another thing you have to consider.

    Anyway, yes they can be totally normal for some women...but do keep mentioning them to your doctor...just to make sure you are not one of those women who does go into PTL b/c of them..
  11. Susiepie

    Susiepie Well-Known Member

    My doctor says I have an irritable uterus. I've been on bedrest for going on 7 weeks and take terbutaline. I have contractions often and the most is when I go in for an NST. It seems like being hooked up to the monitors irritates it even more and I contract every 2-3 mins while I'm there.

    I would definately bring it up with your doctor because mine keeps telling me that it's a fine line from when the contractions actually start to affect your cervix and you just never know. So you should get yours checked often.
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