irritable uterus

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mccabewilson, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. mccabewilson

    mccabewilson Member

    Hi all,
    I am 24 wks today (yipee) but yesterday, I was feeling very weird, kind of like contactions but not really. I called my OB, she had me go into the L/D to have this checked out. After being there forever....good news is that I was not going into labor and not having contractions. But they told me that that I had an irritable uterus. Anyone else hear of this or know what this is?

    I never had this with my son, so I am not sure if this is a twin pregnancy thing or what. Anyway,I guess I learn something new everyday.

    Best wishes to all,
  2. mccabewilson

    mccabewilson Member

    Hi all,
    I am 24 wks today (yipee) but yesterday, I was feeling very weird, kind of like contactions but not really. I called my OB, she had me go into the L/D to have this checked out. After being there forever....good news is that I was not going into labor and not having contractions. But they told me that that I had an irritable uterus. Anyone else hear of this or know what this is?

    I never had this with my son, so I am not sure if this is a twin pregnancy thing or what. Anyway,I guess I learn something new everyday.

    Best wishes to all,
  3. txtwinmom2b

    txtwinmom2b Well-Known Member

    I also had irritable uterus as well. I just had irregular contractions often, I'm not sure if it's the same as Braxton Hicks or what.
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    YES!!! I have a VERY irritable uterus!!! this is something that I NEVER had with any of my singleton pregnancies!!!! If I have to use the bathroom - BH!! if I stand too much - BH!! if I get stressed -BH!!
    if the babies move a lot -BH!!! if I havn't had enough water to drink -BH!!! lately it has been kind of frustrating because I have a
    c-section scheduled for 01-03-07 but my doctors feel like I may go before then - so every little twinge makes me think THIS IS THE BIG ONE!! but nope - just more BH!!

    dh said if one comes out and is actually a boy - we should name him Braxton!!! [​IMG]
  5. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same situation as Heather and have been since about wk 16. Every kind of movement, activity, stress, crying, going to the bathroom, taking a shower, you name it and it comes with BH! Its frustrating and it makes it really hard to know when to be concerned. But, so far, the babies are looking great!

    Hope that helps,
  6. MyRiley

    MyRiley Member

    I am 27w4d pg and ended up in the hosp on Sunday and Monday for pain and BH. It turns out I was having 30 second contractions every minute. I was given a shot of Nubain but I am not allowed to have Terb because of a mild heart condition. When I went back to the hosp on Monday for the same thing I was having very mild contractions and it was a irritable uterus. This time they gave me Procardia to relax my uterus and now I have to take it every day as needed. I'm also on modified bedrest. I too did not have this problem w/ my singleton pg but then my DD was born at 35 wks due to my membranes rupturing prematurely. If you continuously have an irritable uterus I would suggest asking about Procardia (I forgot the generic name but it starts w/ an N).

  7. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    I had this with my son and my twin pregnancy! Drink LOTS of water and try to lie down as much as possible. Plus, make sure your bladder is always empty! That is kind of hard when you drink gallons of water a day, but all of that - dehydration, doing too much, and a bladder with something in it - can cause the irritation!
  8. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I had it too and second all the advice about drinking as much as physically possible and emptying your bladder as much as possible. Alot of times when you are pregnant it is hard to completely empty the bladder. Once you think you are done, lean forward and see if you go some more. Sometimes you might think your bladder is empty but it is not.
  9. ~Laura M~

    ~Laura M~ Well-Known Member

    Anyone else hear of this or know what this is?

    Oh yes! Early on in my pregnancy. I was on procardia and that helps a lot. A lot of good advice given here.
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