irritable uterus after twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by rainkane, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    So Im 19 weeks 5 days into my single pregnancy after having twins 16 months ago. I am finding that this time around things are different. I have a very irritable uterus starting at about 15 weeks. Pretty much everything I do makes my tummy tighten up, I think they are braxton hicks contractions It happens when I walk, carry things, sex even. Its so weird. But the doc said its ok as long as they go away within a few mins and I rest. So we will see how it plays out later on Im hoping to go full term and not go into preterm labour with twins at home I can't imagine being in the hospital for any length of time or having to go out of town for the delivery.
  2. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I went to MFM specialist with what I called contractions at 20 weeks. He said they weren't and would be unless there were cervix problems as well. I have the tightening when I do too much, or am stressed. I go back on Tuesday so we will see what he says.
  3. rainkane

    rainkane Member

    So your having another set of twins, how are you finding this pregnancy as opposed to the last?? And how are you feeling about haveing 2 sets of twins! I admire you!!
  4. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I got pregnant with #7 when my twins were 4.5 months old. I had contractions starting at 16 weeks with her. I tried to take it easy, drink lots of water and take my magnesium drink (Natural Calm) when I was nervous about the duration and frequency of the BHs. I carried her to 40 weeks, so hopefully you will too.
  5. IdenticalBoysNewMom

    IdenticalBoysNewMom Well-Known Member

    Finally, someone I can relate to!!!
    I had an "irritable uterus" with my twins, was put on bedrest with "threatened preterm labor", in and out of the hospital 3 different times (had to take Magnesium Sulfate), was on a terbutaline pump at home, doing home uterine monitoring twice a day. Anyway, all that said, we made it to 37 weeks.

    Now, pregnant with ONE, (32 weeks right now), and at 23 weeks I had my first Braxton Hicks. They've increased in frequency, until at my 28 week appointment, my OB decided to do weekly nonstress tests. I was told to do modified bedrest (3-4 hours off my feet in the evening), pelvic rest (NO SEX), and she just recently gave me some oral terbutaline to take as needed (if I get more than 5 or 6 in an hour).

    Anyway, I think we're doing okay, and I'm not to nervous about early labor, but it is frustrating to feel like even with just ONE, I have to be so aware and cautious. My husband is kind of a nervous wreck, and reminds me almost daily the difficulties this baby would have if he were born early. He freaks out when he knows I'm having the Braxton Hicks, even though I assure him it's okay.

    She checked my cervix a couple weeks ago and it was long and closed, far so good.

    Please share with me whatever you're going through. I haven't really found anyone that has experienced this like I have, so it's nice to hear I'm not alone.
  6. IdenticalBoysNewMom

    IdenticalBoysNewMom Well-Known Member

    And yeah, same thing with me...activity- walking, sitting, sex, full bladder (although even when I pee it's a pitifully small amount), going up stairs, car rides, etc...everything irritates my uterus. I have on average 4 an hour every hour.
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