Iron supplements for preemies

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by brieh, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone else give their twins iron supplements. When Quinn was in the hospital the dietician reccomeded she have 0.25ml a day. Once she was out I took her to our pediatrician and he recommeded both girls be on it. He never told me for how long, and I didn't remember to ask at the time. Now the girls see a regular Dr, not a pediatrian. I've tried to read up to see why and for how long. Most info seems to say for preemies its important for a year. I am using formula only now and it isn't the fortified kind because I worry they will get too much since I am supplementing. They also aren't old enought to start the rice cereals. Wondering if anyone is doing the iron too?? Also while I'm at it what about the vitamin D ? Now that I am no longer giving them breast milk, should I stop that too. They are eating 4oz bottles every 3-4 hrs. I tried to add up how much they would be getting by looking at the label on the can and it seemed like it wasn't quite up to trecommended dose yet. Any input?? thanks :)
  2. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    We did it up until they were maybe a month. I asked our pedi and he said he didnt see a need for it since we were fortifying as well but if I wanted to, I could give it to them. Then again, he also said he didnt see a need to fortify either. Mine werent too low birth weight or any issues just a few weeks early
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two were always on iron fortified formula so we never supplemented, but they weren't preemies either. I might check with the doctor if I were you, just to see what they recommend.
  4. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    My preemies were on it while I was still attempted to BF, when I gave up about a month ago. Once they switched to just formula I was told they didn't need the supplements as long as they got 16 ounces of formula today since the formula (neosure) has it .
  5. DayDreamin

    DayDreamin Well-Known Member

    My twins were 9 weeks early, and were on iron supplements till their 4 month appt. That is when the pedi said we could stop. Mine were on breastmilk, with 1 bottle of formula supplemented per day. Be sure to check with your dr before making any changes. My pedi told me that it was important to have that supplement since they were preemies. ;)
  6. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    I 'think' we stopped around 3 months. Eve especially couldn't keep it down no matter how we gave it (even in the NICU). We were supposed to try to continue it but it was fruitless. Our ped understood why we stopped since her weight gain at that point was more of a priority and since she would vomit her entire bottle it just didn't make sense. I bf for 4 months (pumped almost exclusively) so she had about a month without it but her labwork was good so we just stopped. My girls were 10 wks early and my littlest was 1#15oz. They've done fine without the iron but I'm sure that's not the norm. I really wish we could have continued it even though she's well now.

    I would definitely call your ped and see what s/he recommends.
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We did for the first 12 weeks, but once they were on all formula, there was no longer a need for it.
  8. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    We were taking polyvisol with iron and one of my boys was taking additional iron when we left the hosptial--mine were 28 weekers. Our pedi checked their iron around 1 or 2 months after we left the hosptial, so 4 or 5 months old. They were okay, not great, so she just kept them on the vitamins with iron and took the one off the additional iron. at the 9 month appt, still iron wasn't hihg, so still taking polyvisol w/ iron. Definitely ask your pedi and they could always check it. Mine are on neosure also.
  9. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    They definitely don't need vitamin D if they are on formula but they probably do need the extra iron if they were sent home on it. Babies build up their iron stores in the last 1-2 months so if they are born prematurely they don't have these iron stores. A full term baby gets enough iron through breast milk or formula to keep their iron levels steady until they reach 6 months of age, which is why babies are supposed to start on solids at this age to take over for the increased need. If a baby is born prematurely, they need extra iron on top of the iron in BM or formula to make up for the lack of iron stores in their body. I would not stop the iron supplement until they are on cereal (which probably won't be until they are 4-5 months corrected) unless their doctor does bloodwork and says that their blood counts and iron levels are normal.
  10. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    We're still on them at 27 months. I wasn't aware that you needed to stop?? We'll be on them as long as my kids will open up and swallow them! It's great for them esp if they don't eat a lot of red meat! LOL.
  11. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

    The pedi told us that our LOs should continue taking Iron supplements until they are one year old with the understanding that my babies were born at 35 weeks.
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