introducing solids

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    here is our LOs schedule:
    8 - wake/6 oz bottle

    9 - nap

    12 - 6 oz bottle

    sleep until about 230, 3ish

    4 - 6 oz bottle

    8 - bed time with 6 oz bottle

    I'm thinking my LO is hungry. they are beginning to wake around 7ish and devour the bottle so quickly....

    do i throw solids in? (i can't remember, lol!!)

    (my LO already eats rice cereal in every bottle due to reflux.)
    she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth and lately seems hungry...wasnt sure.
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    How old? If your ready for solids you could add them if she's over four months but if you want to wait a bit you could just add a little more to her bottles. I had one that barely took four oz at a time and the other took eight and probably would have eaten more if I'd let him! He had four eight oz bottles until we were solidly doing three meals a day and four bottles.
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  3. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    We started the boys on cereal just after 4 months and now they have eat a variety of foods as well( avacodo, bananas, sweet potatos, peas, carrots, pears) Right now we don't feed them to substitute formula it's more of for practice and to make sure they don't have any food sensitivies. Here's our schedule. They are 5 1/2 months. I don't feed them food with their bottle. At this age they still need the same amount of breastmilk/formula. I do find them very hungry in when they wake in the morning which is why I do an 8oz bottle which they gobble down. I also offer them a very small amount of distilled water after their food which they take a few sips of. My doctor has said that was fine.(less than an ounce) Your schedule looks good, maybe you could increase their bottles by an ounce and see if that helps. I aim to have the boys eat 26+ ounces a day. Hope this helps.

    7am - wake/ 8oz bottle
    9am - nap
    11am - wake 7oz bottle
    12:30 - food serving
    1pm - Nap
    3pm - Wake 7oz bottle
    5pm - Catnap (usually 20 mins)
    5:30 - 7oz bottle
    6:30- cereal feeding
    7pm - Bed
  4. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Ditto above.

    At 4 months my girls were on 5 x 6oz bottles then we upped their bottles to 8oz x four bottles per day until we introduced solids at 5.5 months (they were 3 weeks early). They now still have 8oz in the morning wake up then 6oz the other 3 bottles. They're super hungry after sleeping 12 hours!

    PS: I think the recommended intake is between 24-32oz formula per day. And like PP I aimed for 26+ oz per day.
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would also increase the amount per bottle rather than add solids yet, they need the formula/breastmilk, the solids are just for play/practice at this age, not an actual form of nutrition.

    12 hrs between nighttime feeds is an insanely long time in my opinion, that's why she is waking up hungrier. I'd definitely increase the before bed feed and then feed her as soon as she wakes in the morning. Most of my kids only went about 8-10 hrs overnight before needing to be fed again. And we did 8oz bottles all day long, and they would drain most of them, maybe leaving an oz here and there.
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