Introducing myself

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    I'm very excited to be moving up to the next phase in my girls lives...THE TODDLER YEARS (yikes! :D ) I am posting the letter that I posted for my last post in FY as an introduction to you all here. I look forward to all the wisdom and experiences that you have to offer and getting to know you all and your little sweethearts!

    So, here it goes…

    The first year…whew!!! After trying to get pg for 4 years and going through 1 year of medical intervention to help me get pg, I finally found out I was pg on August 31st 2005 after having one of the worst and craziest days of my life. Obviously, we were elated and overjoyed but when we found out we were having twins the emotions were indescribable (which I’m sure many of you can relate to). Then we were hoping for at least one girl (of course healthy was the most important thing) because my dh has a son (14 years old) and when we were together in that US room and found out we were having 2 girls well…we welled up and wept. I had a FANTASTIC pregnancy and carried them to 37 weeks, 6 days and gave birth to Arwen Skye and Lorien Elisabeth, via c-section, on April 19th, 2006.

    The first 5 months were really really tough for me. My dh and I both thought that I may end up in an asylum but some how, I made it through. Raising twins with absolutely no family support was soooooooooo hard. I even questioned whether having kids was the right thing for me but I know now that that was the sleep deprivation talking. (Throwing my back out when they were 4 months didn’t help either.) Around 6 months it started to get easier but the next couple of months would still be some hard ones for me. Some of you might remember when I started a thread about Do you LOVE being a mommy. Well, at that time I honestly did not enjoy being a mommy although I loved my girls with ALL my heart and soul. Then one day after having one of those horrible SNAP moments, I screamed at the top of my lungs after my one dds kicked a bowl of cereal I was feeding them out of my hand and all over her. When I saw the sheer terror in my girls’ eyes and they both began crying, I realized that I had to make some changes about what’s really a big deal and what’s not. Then I saw a Dr. Phil episode with this woman who was struggling with blind and deaf triplets and I realized how lucky and blessed I was to have these incredibly healthy and beautiful girls in my life and how lucky I was that God chose ME to be their mother. From that day on, I have absolutely LOVED being a mommy.

    The girls continue to surprise me each and everyday with their shining personalities and their innate inquisitive minds that guide them to figure out their world around them. I feel honored that I (and dh of course :rolleyes:: )) get to be the guiding force in helping them grow up in this crazy world, with love and stability and an understanding and respect for everything and everyone in their life. Having the ability to carry and bring life into this world really is the truest miracle of all.

    If you took the time to read this, thank you. (You have more patience than me :D: ))


    P.S. I promise not to post anything this long ever again! (unless it is an emergency!!)
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Your girls are absolutely beautiful. Congrats on surviving the first year and welcome to 1-5!
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Welcome to 1-5 :)
  4. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member


    Everyone on here has such great advice and experiences that really help me alot.
  5. clg05

    clg05 Well-Known Member

    Your girls are such cuties! The second year is so much fun. Our girls are 16 months, and we are just so amazed at what they are learning every day. Have fun. :wavey:
  6. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the 1-5!! :)
  7. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to 1-5 (and congrats!)
  8. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    Welcome to 1-5.....I remember you from the fy forum......glad to have you.
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