Introducing my 2 year olds!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by genagoodrow, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    My girls turned 2 years old today. Not babies anymore! It's a very happy birthday, even if it's a Tuesday. The girls have been singing the birthday song for a couple days and love all the attention. I'm thrilled with all the things they can do, with all the affection and the new words all the time. Guess that means DH and I will have to clean up our act though, and soon! :FIFblush:

    Looking forward to another good year, and happy to be here!

    Here's a question: my girls are spoiled and haven't put up with a stroller for months now. When they're out with DH and I, they either walk or are carried in an Ergo. When out with one of us, we carry one while the other walks.

    Is it too early to sell my strollers? I could use the money, have a twin sale coming up and a MBUD sitting unloved in my garage.
  2. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to 2-4! Happy Birthday to your girls. I think you would be ok to sell your stroller, maybe you can buy a cheaper double umbrella stroller for short walks. :pardon:
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :bday: girls!! :welcome: to 2-4.

    I would think it's okay to sell your stroller if you really don't use it anymore.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :birthday: to your girls!!!
    I would say if they don't use the stroller anymore, it would be okay to sell.
    :welcome: to 2-4!
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    :birthday: Girls and WELCOME to the 2-4!

    We rarely use ours anymore either. The only one I use is a side by side jog stroller when I workout (walks, jogs, etc...). I think it would be OK to sell yours now if you don't use it. Most places where you might want one (amusement park, mall, etc..) usually have them for rent if you absolutely had too.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday and welcome to the 2-4 forum!!

    My girls have been long done with strollers, but I kept my Jeep umbrella stroller just in case we ever went somewhere that required tons of walking. Even though most of the time they preferred to walk, when we went to big outdoor events that required a lot of walking (like the zoo, etc), they were glad to sit and rest a bit. I usually never used it for anything else, but outdoor bazaars, the zoo, or stuff like that I took it with us.
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :bday: to your kiddos!! :)

    I do still use a stroller, but it's rare (and I'm a single mom). I won't part with my SBS jogging stroller until the boys outgrow it, though. I'm officially in love with it! :wub:

    Welcome to 2-4!!

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Kids!!!!

    I just recently sold my stroller and the girls will be three in May. They hated it and we never go anywhere that we used it. So yes I would sell the stroller and get the extra dollars!
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