introducing eggs

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by axpan, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping to get some advise from you all.
    Nefeli had blood tests for allergies when she was 10 months old and showed level 1 allergy for egg yolk, 0 for egg white
    Iris when she was 8 months did the skin prick test and had level 5 for egg white and 3 for egg yolk. Blood tests shoews 1 for egg yolk and 2 for egg white.
    The pedi having seen the results suggests I have them try egg yolk anyway. He does not think these tests valid.
    The girls eat well and are growing nicely. It would make life easier if they could eat eggs but really it's not a big deal that they don't.
    What would you do? Would you try? If yes, what would you start with? If not, what would you do? Wait? Retest?
    Any advise and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  2. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Let me just add that when Iris was tested again when she was 10 months blood tests showed level 1 allergy for egg white and 2 for egg yolk. Exactly the opposite of the first blood test.
  3. LISA257

    LISA257 Active Member

    Umm, I find it odd that your pediatrician would so quickly discard the skin prick test. I know a lot of doctors question the validity of them for infants, but in my daughter's case, they were definitely right on. She had allergies to everything - milk, eggs, oats, chocolate, corn, etc, etc - and I had to give up so many foods when I was pumping milk for them. She now eats/drinks everything except eggs. When it came time for their flu shots last winter, she had a horrible reaction to it (it is grown in an egg culture), so the pediatrician saw firsthand that her egg allergy is real. Our allergist told us that when a child has a reaction to a common allergen like egg, peanuts, etc, then you should wait to introduce that food until she is 3. My niece had the same thing happen - she was allergic to egg as an infant and toddler and then outgrew it. She is now 4 and can eat eggs. I hope the same thing happens to my daughter.

    Do what you think is right. But talk to the allergist before doing anything. Egg is a food they can definitely live without, at least for awhile. I plan to wait another year...

    Good luck - I know how hard allergies are!
  4. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    If possible, I would consider waiting another year before trying eggs. I gave my boys only egg yolks until they were 2 with no problems but when I tried egg whites, Nicholas immediately got a splotch on his cheek. We haven't had any allergy testing done.
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