
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by emerelaino, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. emerelaino

    emerelaino New Member

    I have been on the site before as emerel, but for some reason could not get myself logged in again even with password help or anything, so re-registered as emerelaino. It is a more fitting name anyway since it includes all of my children and emerel just represented my older three girls. I am new to the second year forum as my twin boys are now 13 months old. I must say I have been reading some of the current threads and it is quite reassuring to see how many things that I am thinking/worrying about and experiencing being asked about and addressed here.

    My oldest girls are 16, 14 and 11. My twins are Aiden and Noah and are 13 months old, born at 37 weeks. Aiden was 6 lbs 14 oz and Noah was 7 lbs 1 oz. They seem to be developing well over all, but I find myself always watching and worrying about them. I feel like I was so lucky and blessed with a simple, complication free pregnancy and delivery and am overly sensitive to their development now. I am sure part of it has to do with having two babies developing side by side, so it is easier to see if one is not soing something and the other one is, then you wonder if that is something to worry about. Both boys are already walking, Aiden started really walking consistently about 2 weeks ago or so, Noah a week or so behind him and he is still a bit wobbly but they both generally walk the majority of the time now.

    I really find myself worrying about speech and signs of autism and such, I am not sure if that is because they are boys, I hear about autism more, they are slower to talk than my girls were...I do not want to "borrow trouble" but i would also not want to be oblivous and delay recognizing a problem if there were one. My ped made me a little paranoid at their 12 month appt because he asked about the pointing and at that point neither one ever pointed at anything and he said it was something to watch. We do not point at things so I am not sure they have ever seen that behavior modeled. They wave, but Aiden is a quick and vigorous "waver" while Noah is less inclined and his "wave is efinitely a smaller movement.

    Sorry, I did not mean to turn this into another kind of post, just wanted to post an intro and say how glad I am to see so many common interests in the 2nd year.

    Mom to twin boys Aiden and Noah
    Big sisters Em, Er, and El
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to SY, Laura! :D

    It seems like there is always something to worry about, and it's so hard when you have 2 little individuals side-by-side to compare each other with. Just keep in mind that they are both very different, and will advance at different rates than each other, and even than their older siblings!

    13 months is pretty early for any communication (verbal or non-), so I definitely would not worry at this point. Receptive language (what they understand) is so much more important at this age, from what I've read. Keep talking and pointing out things; I'm sure if you "test" them you'll be amazed at what they already understand! :)
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: Laura!

    I agree with Valerie, at 13 months my two understood a lot more then they spoke. My DD was much faster with speaking and picking up language then my DS was and I noticed that both of them had a word explosion after 18 months and again after 24 months. It's hard not to worry and if you are still concerned, share your concerns with your pedi at your next appointment. It sounds like Aiden and Noah are doing great!
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    You got some great advice from Nancy and Valerie! I wouldn't worry too much and enjoy those 1 year olds!
  5. emerelaino

    emerelaino New Member

    Thanks for the welcome, and the reassurances. They do understand quite a bit of what we say to them and simple requests. I know I should not focus on any one thing at this point (oh no, they do not do "X" so I must worry even if they have hit every other milestone) but as you know sometimes it takes a real conscious effort to break that thought process.

    I must say even though alot of things are more challenging (and exhausting!) in this beginning of their second year now that they are mobile and love pulling things out to play with all day long, it is an amazing experience watching two little people develop and grow side by side. I love watching their relationship with each other evolve as well, and I really am going to make an effort to come here regularly to gain the support and shared insight that is so prevalent on this site!

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