Instead of Milk?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mollyjm, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    LOL, So I almost posted this in FY! I need to get use to SY!!!

    From what I can tell, Colin isn't ready for Milk. The couple of times he even got something with milk IN it, he threw up. Im going to wait a little longer before I try again.

    No more bottles, just sippy's. For 2 weeks now I have done rice/almond milk in the morning and formula at dinner (this well be the last week of formula). They HATE the rice/almond milk!!!!! They wont even take it any more. One sip and they throw their sippies. I've tried to just be persistent in giving it to them hoping they would 'warm-up' to it. But after 2 weeks and 3 containers, they for sure are NOT.

    What could I give them that would still provide the nutrition? They are to young for OJ and I don't purchase soy products. And something that doesn't have milk in it? Would it be OK to just give them balances meals and only water now? That doesn't seem right to me....?

    Thanks gals!

    P.S. Let me add this too. So far I don't think Lia has a milk problem, but what I do for one I have to do for both. Their would be no way of me keeping track of who's is who's.
  2. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    aww I am sorry Colin is having trouble getting used to the milk!....and did you say no more bottles?? How the heck did you do that??

    Does Colin throw up after everytime you have tried to give him milk? How soon after? Could it maybe be a milk allergy? If not, and he just doesn't like the tast you could maybe add some strawberry syrup to the milk or try ensure. Sorry I am no much help!
  3. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Did you slowly take them off the formula or cold turkey? We have only transitioned W but had to very slowly. We got all the way to 3/4 milk and 1/4 formula and when I tried to go all the way he would get an upset stomach. So we stayed at the 3/4 to 1/4 mixture for a couple of weeks and then took him off entirely. Do they eat other dairy products ok? The way I understand it is that if they are getting lots of other dairy the milk intake is not as critical.
  4. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    What almond milk are you trying? My 3 year old uses Almond Breeze original. Not the vanilla too sweet, and not the unsweetened, yuck.
  5. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    To answer both of you....

    He starts throwing up within 20-30 minutes and it can last for about an hr.

    Weaning them off of formula- that depends on your definition? ANd just on the rice/almond milk. Diary was just a try it thing mixed with food. So I would say even lighter then putting it in a cup. I have slowly taking away when they get Formula. Like I just replaced their morning sippy of formula all together with rice/almond milk, but they still got formula at night.

    I just took away the bottle. No big deal really. THey had a couple nights when you could tell they were looking for something, but no struggle. I could tell they were ready.

    He throws up milk (like mashed potatoes with milk in it... I can't think of the other times off the top of my head?) But there were about 3 or 4 times when something had milk in it and he couldn't handle it. So just the milk. I did give him just a pinch of graded cheese the other night and that seemed OK, but Im taking that REALLY slow. If he has a milk prb I don't want to push to much to fast.

    So no, they are not getting dairy in their diet.
  6. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    I am so jealous, mine still want their bottle at naptime and still drinking 4 bottles a day. I give them sippy's of water or diluted juice at mealtime. When I put the milk in the sippy they aren't too interested in drinking it....and my two are very spoiled, I have to warm the milk otherwise they won't drink it!

    If he is getting sick after he drinks and/or eats something with milk in it could it be he has a milk allergy? Was the formula milk-based?

    reason for edit...bad grammer :headbang:
  7. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Have you tried Lactose Free Whole Milk? My girls had a terrible time transitioning from BM to milk at 14 months. Soy worked for a while and then I decided to try lactose free. They are still on it and can now tolerate some milk that has lactose in it. I think it was just too much of a transition from my nice BM to milk that was too hard to digest. Plus they had never had formula (or been able to digest it when I tried giving it to them).
  8. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Geez.... It never even crossed my mind to try lactose free.... :blush: Ill pick some up.

    They were bf tell 7 months. After that I ran dry (My fault) and they went to formula. Colin never did 'good' on it. He did start spitting it up, just a little but very routinely. Not enough for me to switch him off.
  9. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    How does he do with yogurt? That could be a calcium source for him if he can tolerate it, and you could just give them water for hydration.

    Also, have you tried goat's milk? I know some mom's whose kids could only drink goat's milk, not cow's milk.

    Good luck in figuring this out!!
  10. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    You have gotten some great suggestions!!!! I'm sorry he's having those problems with milk though!!
    Have you tried changing the temp of the milk?
    Good luck, let us know what works!
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with trying lactose free or soy milk. Perhaps maybe Pediasure instead of milk for right now as well. I do believe there is also Toddler Formula too (Room to Grow or something by Similac) that might be worth trying. Good luck and let us know how he is doing :hug:
  12. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies!

    I have thought about warming it.... but just not sure that's a habit I want to start. My mornings are crazy :)!

    Im going to start SLOWLY giving dairy. Like he got the pinch of cheese the other day, and Ill wait until sometime next week to try anything else. I just don't want to 'encourage' a food allergy.

    Ill try the lactose free milk.

    One More Question?

    Since it looks like we might be low on dairy intake for a bit, do you know of calcium rich foods that babies can have? Like I know about almonds and OJ, but those are not good for such little ones. Ill also try Dr. Google
  13. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    Mine still get alimentum because their nutritionist doesn't want them to get soy or almond milk yet. There is also ensure that is lactose and gluton free. I only give them 1/4-1/2 of the bottle since it is ment for adults. Let us know what works as I will be looking for something to down the road.
  14. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    if its just a lactose issue; cheese -hard cheeses seem to be ok to digest-i cant have any milk,ice cream, cream, cream cheese, but chocolates, hard cheddar, mozerella, yougurt, -not to much soy milk either--i drink lactose free milk but i cant tolerate a whole lot--foods made with milk is fine ( for myself) but some people who have lactose intolerant can not have butter, milk based foods, soy, --i would slowly introduce the easy calcium rich foods-1/2 cup of the lactose milk mix with 1/3 cup of almond milk--
    Spinach,kelp,kale, rich in calcium, almonds, orange juice, yougurt, cottage cheese, smoothies, pudding( you can make it lactose free) i would stick to using the lactose milk to bake with,cook,ect, if he is intolerant to milk you will know right away( like you do now with tummy problems) dont give huge amounts of any dairy products,--you can grind up almonds into a powder to mix with his foods in say oatmeal-you can do orange juice at 1 yr in small quanities-its tough on thier tummies-use it for baking as a liquid replacement for water:) it will change the flavour but still yummy say in muffins,pancakes--I would check out the lactose free recipes, i have a great book with some subsitutes im sure you can find them on line! Good luck ! pm if you have any questions!
  15. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Have you tried soy milk? Mine are both on regular Silk and love it. It took a little while for them to like it when we took them off of formula. Also, I would try cheese. I know my friend's son can eat cheese, but not yogurt or milk. He gets awful stomach pains when he has milk or yogurt.
  16. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    pediasure is lactose and gluten free and comes in an array of flavors(some with fiber) and generic(we've used both walmart and target brand). No reason to give them ensure since the viatims are adult calibrated.
  17. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    our bag or animal crackers says "good source of calcium" :laughing:
  18. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    This is awesome info, thanks!

    Just a couple days now on the lactose free milk and they are not drinking it either...

    So, game plan-

    Im going to give them the Lactose free milk once a day so they will hopefully get use to it. The rest of the time water (trying to keep them hydrated). I will just make sure they get calcium rich foods in their meals (thanks for the great ideas). Hopefully they will get use to the the L.F. milk or grow out of the problem soon.

    Thanks for the time and thought you all put into it!
  19. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    HOpefully they will get used to the LF milk and start taking more in. I wanted to add that after you posted this, we ran out of LF milk and I gave them regular milk to see if they could handle it. They have been fine on it! So they had LF from around 14 months and now at almost 21 months are OK with the lactose. Hopefully that will happen with you!
  20. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Lactaid also makes a calcium enriched milk which is what I get for my kids...

    All 3 of my kids have had lactose intolerance. The girls grew out of it by age 2.5, and their brother is working on it (he's 18 months)

    I found that they could all eat cheeses, like Cheddar, mozzerella and Feta (that took some getting used to, but they LOVE it now! DH is greek so we eat a lot of Feta) I also found that after awhile I was able to use regular milk in cooked form, so like Mac 'n' cheese where the milk is actually cooked (not like Mashed potatoes where it's added afterwards) they did fine on. They can have yogurt, I buy the Lactaid Cottage Cheese (more expensive, but to get them calcium and protein) and they gobble that stuff up like it's going out of style!

    All of them did wel on milk-based formula which is what I really didn't understand. THe girls were on it from day 1 (supplemented to BM) and my son didn't get formula at all until he was over a year old, but still did fine on that and not so good on cow's milk... My son STILL gets Formula at night time (don't ask...) and the girls I went back to formula after discovering the lactose intolerance, and didn't take them off until I started them on Lactaid which was around 17 months old, so they were getting all their nutrtion still from Formula.

    What I did with the Formula though was just made up a big pitcher, and would serve it to them cold in their sippy cups. They did this at daycare for them too. I always bought the Target brand formula, which was $13/can,so I figured by the time I bought that much in Lactaid, it averaged out to about the same cost-wise and Formula had more nutrients then the milk. Not a choice everyone would make, but it's what I chose and it worked for us....

    As a side note, Breyers makes a lactaid free ice-cream in both vanilla and chocolate that's actually pretty good! :) I used this for the girls' second birthday so they wouldn't have to miss out on the best part of the party! By their 3rd birthday they were good with regular ice-cream.
  21. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    What has your pediatrician said about it?
    And could you try toddler formula for a while?

    [email protected] New Member

    You might consider taking them to an acupuncturist that specializes in allergy elimination and have them tested. My daughter has been throwing up for over a year. We have tried every formula, feeding therapy and two different GI docs. After six treatments from the acupuncturist the throwing up has cut down in half and she is getting whole milk without throwing up. Rice Milk doesn't hardly have any nutrients in it (1g protein, 1g fat) so it is pretty neutral. Our feeding specialist recommended HEMP milk as it has the higher levels of protein. But all this could be masking a simple problem that is fixable. Good luck!
  23. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

  24. twinfinite

    twinfinite Well-Known Member

    Well, my boys absolutely detested whole milk. They would spit it out or worse yet, just let it all dribble slowly down from their lips!!!

    So I switched to Kirkland Signature Organic Soymilk Plain or Vanilla (tastes comparable to Silk, but much much much more affordable and the boxes you don't use yet can sit on the shelf without refrigeration, hooray!) , and add what others have mentioned here before, Carnation Instant Breakfast (for extra nutrients). The vanilla flavor only -- because the mess that the strawberry or chocolate flavors creates is not too fun for me to clean up all the time.
  25. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    I would also call your Pedi and ask them, that is what they are there for...explain all to them and see what ideas you get from them...sorry but i can not be of any help in the milk dept as my boys love the whole milk, transitioned them when they turned one, but i did 1/4 C whole milk mixed with rest of formula for them to get used to it and for me use the rest of the formula, they had no problem, plus they have been on sippy cups since they were about 8 mos old...also i have given them watered down OJ, watered down pear juice and watered down apple juice, along with just plain water....good luck...
  26. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    your welcome:) add some chocolate syrup to the Lactose Milk some brands are quite ick :lol: i only can tolerate the Pure Fiter Lactacia, it taste no different from my old milk:) Keep giving them calcium rich foods and they will be ok-talk to the ped for alternatives to dairy foods so they get the recommended servings:)
  27. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    with the throwing up it def sounds like a milk allergy, does he throw up with any other dairy products? foods made with whole milk? milk is in so many products:( almost all process foods have some form of milk culture in it--our friends have a daughter who is allergic to milk and soy-i can get a menu plan if you need some ideas-she also keeps her other kids milk free so they dont drink milk in the house at all--
  28. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Thank you. It just seems to be milk from the cup, or things where I add it in (like mashed potatoes). Ill get more serious about alternate meals and variety after Im sure he has a problem or not
  29. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    def good idea to have him tested for other allergies too! good luck i hope you get it sorted out so you know for sure:)

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