Insomnia anyone?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ssbard, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. ssbard

    ssbard Well-Known Member

    OK, a few weeks ago I started having trouble getting comfortable at night to sleep. Instead of disturbing my husband, I would come lay on the couch now and then, which actually ended up being more comfortable than bed most times. Now I've moved on to an entirely new level and I'm so glad school is out and I'm not working because I would be useless! My body feels so exhausted and yet I am so awake at night that sleep just won't come. I've tried reading and just laying in the dark and I end up staring at the wall for what seems like hours before I give up and turn on the tv. Sometimes it is 1:00 or later before I actually fall asleep, then I'll wake up an hour and a half or two hours later to pee--only to be fully awake again for another hour or two. Last night I fell asleep between 12:30 and 1:00 then woke up at 2:30 and didn't go back to sleep until around 5:00 this morning! I caught a few more hours after that, but it is so frustrating. I feel like my whole internal schedule is screwed up and I can't get back on track! I guess I can forget about schedules when the babies come along too--at least for a while.
  2. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    I'm with you. I haven't been able to sleep since about 20 weeks. I toss and turn all night long, and then just when I start to fall asleep, something happens to wake me up. Last night/this morning, I woke up four times between 1:30-5:00 am. I'm so exhausted, but still have two little ones to keep up with during the day.

    Hope you find a way to get some rest!
  3. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I totally know where you are comming from.. I can not fall asleep at all!! My DH tells me to just turn off the TV earlier and roll over.. But its not that easy!!! I cannot get comphy.. My back hurts and my stomach hurts... and then when i need to roll over it starts all over again.. (rolling over in sections...) then i have to pee... Grrr..!!!
  4. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    I could have written this myself!!!!!

    Last night was night 6 that i have had problems getting to sleep...and last night was by far the worst of them all...almost 5am before i actually fell asleep...then got up 2 times to use the washroom and awake by 1030am.

    I feel like i am going to hit burnout soon...when my body crashes, I am sure that i will sleep all day and night!!! I am just waiting for that to happen!

    I have decided that if i am like this until my next appointment i am going to talk to my doctor about this and see what i can do...I really need my rest, and need to be able to function!!!
  5. Amorita

    Amorita Well-Known Member

    I wish I could say it gets better! Personally, I find that I simply stay up on the computer until my eyes are drooping, between 1 & 2am. Then, I hit the restroom and crawl into bed. At that point, when I wake in 2 hrs, I can fall back to sleep rather quickly most days. I am then wide awake about 6am because I am hungry and have to pee. I stay up for an hour or two, eat, pee, let the dog out, maybe switch dishes in the dishwasher...then I put on a sleep mask and try to take a nap. Now I wake with contractions, those wake DH too. Good luck, just find what works for you to get the most rest possible. It's not easy. :hug99:
  6. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    Yep. At 10o'clock I can fall asleep pretty quick. Staying asleep, not so good. I wake up usually 2-3 hours later. I just go ahead and turn on the tv until I get sleepy again. I don't s;eep anymore, it's just naps from 10 at night till 10 in the morning! I guess it's just the body getting you ready for what is to come? It could wait a little longer though.
  7. drossan

    drossan Active Member

    I haven't been able to sleep since about 28 weeks. I toss and turn all night long, and then just when I start to fall asleep, something happens to wake me up. It seems the further along I get...the less sleep I get...I only sleep a totally of about 2 hours a night:) And I'm always wide awake between 6:00 and 7:00 every morning:) The doctor finally told me last week that I take Tylenol PM at night - which did work for the first couple of nights - but not anymore! It's not easy!!!
  8. drossan

    drossan Active Member

    I haven't been able to sleep since about 28 weeks. I toss and turn all night long, and then just when I start to fall asleep, something happens to wake me up. It seems the further along I get...the less sleep I get...I only sleep a totally of about 2 hours a night:) And I'm always wide awake between 6:00 and 7:00 every morning:) The doctor finally told me last week that I take Tylenol PM at night - which did work for the first couple of nights - but not anymore! It's not easy!!!
  9. Amberzas

    Amberzas Active Member

    I'll be 31 weeks Friday and this started with me last weekend....I can't get comfortable, my back hurts, if I'm too flat I can't breathe, etc. I finally fell asleep at 10:30 last night only to wake at 11:30, 12:30, 2:30 and 4:30 to pee. I also have a terrible cold and can't breathe out my nose! Went to sleep at 4:30 and finally got three hours of sleep anyway!
  10. nhucke

    nhucke Member

    I'm having lots of trouble sleeping lately too. The idea of going to sleep at night sounds so wonderful, but when I get there at about 11:15 or 11:30 I have trouble settling down because my mind is racing or I just can't relax, plus I am not super comfortable. Then I wake each night at least 5 times to pee and my stomach is so hard with BH contractions that is it difficult to get out of bed and then back to sleep. I toss and turn trying to find a comfy position. Now I have started to wake with pain in my hands which I have learned is carpal tunnel and very common in pregnancy. Yikes, I never knew.

    I still work full time, thought I have tried to scale back my hours a little, so I can't nap during the day unless my DH takes my DS outside or to a friend's house in the late afternoon after work. So I am dragging! So much for getting as much sleep as possible before the babies come.
  11. ssbard

    ssbard Well-Known Member

    I ended up being awake so long last night that at 3:30 I had to go get a snack because I was so hungry!
  12. JenClark74

    JenClark74 Active Member

    I am only 9 wks tomorrow, and I've ALREADY had major insomnia - so bad that a week ago, I was in my doc's office in tears b/c I had only gotten about 4 hours of sleep in 3 nights. The worst night was last Sunday night, when I was awake until 4:30 a.m., slept for 1 hour, and was awake again. She actually gave me some Ambien to use now and then so I can get a decent night's sleep, and it was a godsend! I feel guilty using it, even though it's only a Pg Category B. I mean, heck, even Sudafed's a Cat C, and they tell us to take that! But still, I'm paranoid something will happen to the babies and then I'll feel like it's b/c I took the Ambien! And yet, I work full time and I have a 2-yr old, so I have to be able to function, and I was starting to worry that the lack of sleep and my increasing anxiety about it was going to negatively affect the I guess it's a toss up!

    Anybody else out there have their doc give them something like Ambien?
  13. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    Well the fact that I am only on here late at night or early in the am, should say something!!! I can't get comfy so I roll over then I have to pee..... on and on in circles!!! Thank goodness Jay works nights so I wait up for him, some nights until 330 in the am,, but I gotta get off this schedule. The only way I can get to sleep is if he rubs my back till I fall asleep and if I wake up in the middle of the night I'm screwed.....Good all of us!!!

  14. Stephanie1074

    Stephanie1074 Well-Known Member

    I can't sleep either! I feel your pain! I am up practically all night, my problem is that I just don't feel tired. I don't mean I am ready to get up and run a marathon or anything, my body is tired, but my mind just will not stop going!
  15. ssbard

    ssbard Well-Known Member

    I'm so relieved others are dealing with this too. My husband is very confused because he sees how tired I am during the day and then when he gets ready for bed, I head back downstairs to watch tv or work on the computer. I think he thinks I'm high on something. :lol: My mind is just racing and no matter how hard I try to calm down and relax, it just doesn't work. If I could use some energy it might help but I can't very well vacuum or go for a walk in the middle of the night. ;) Thanks for sharing--at least I know there are some other night owls out there (which by the way I'm usually NOT!)
  16. Susiepie

    Susiepie Well-Known Member

    Yup I'm about where you are. Some nights it's terrible and I'm still up at 3am trying to figure out why I'm not sleeping!! I think it's just a combination of everything; sore hips and pelvis, babies kicking, contractions occasionally, heartburn, anxiety, etc... Sorry I don't have any solutions, someone had recommended Benedryl to me earlier when I mentioned not sleeping well. You could try that. Good luck and I hope we all get some sleep!!!
  17. Mama Mia

    Mama Mia Well-Known Member

    Count me in for the "up late club" too!

    What's the deal? Sleepy but can't sleep. I've been up until 3 or 4 AM sometimes.

    I've been talking with friends on the west coast since they are still up with the two hour time difference, so that has helped pass the time. I'm a night owl to begin with, my husband is an early bird so he's snoozing away by 9PM.

    I am usually up watching TV or on the computer. Here's the funny thing - I feel like I can't actually do something productive -like update my daughter's photo website or work since I haven't been working much during the day (manager letting me work from home).

    Yeah, the couch is my bed... with lots of pillows. Tonight I can't get comfortable at all - left side, right side, trying to get up, etc...

    Sorry you're feeling this way, but at least all of us are going through it together?

    Too bad we can't all get together for late-night pedicures or facials!
  18. JenClark74

    JenClark74 Active Member

    Yeah, I'll be thinking of all of you out there tossing and turning with me, making those treks to the bathrook, rearranging the pillows countless times in an effort to find comfort...At least I know I won't be alone!
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