Ingrown toenail on toddlers?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TwinxesMom, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Thanks to my X's bad genetics(xfil, and xh and xbil all have ingrown nails) Jazz has a ingrown toenail. I keep her nails cut really straight but they break and fragment and now she has a red sore bump on the side of her toe. Any one have this problem this with one so young and what was the treatment?
  2. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My son has had ingrown toe nails since he was born. He wasn't even a month old and it got infected also. Put Neosporin on it to make sure it doesn't get infected. The doctor also suggested put a warm compress on the toe too to help it a couple times a day (which I know is easier said than done). Something that we also do is put a little v in the center of the nail so when it grows it grows toward that and not into the skin.

    I hope you can find something that works for her. The doctors also told me he would grow out of it but I also have problems with it too so I'm not sure about that. We still have some problems with his toe nails but it's not as bad as before, we also try not to cut them to low either that also seems to cause problems.
  3. returntoshore

    returntoshore Well-Known Member

    I wish I had an answer for you. Soren's been doing this since he was very small, and all I've found to do is soak it in the tub, try to move the skin, and once it's out let the nail grow far too long.

    I hope it resolves itself soon!
  4. Lindyloo

    Lindyloo Well-Known Member

    One of ours had this. The doc said to cut the nails straight across, then cut on a tiny angle on the edge so it doesn't cut into the skin. I also push it back each time he has a bath.
  5. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    We are having to deal with this right now too. Both William and Brandon have had problems this summer with ingrown toe nails. We finally got Brandon's looking pretty good, but William is still in pretty bad shape. I have started to use some Bactroban on it since it is starting to look infected. I am hoping this will keep any farther need of antibiotics at bay. I hope this one grows out some soon.
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I removed the spur from Jazzy's toe and it looks better today. I also removed a spur from Jessy's toe and both have spurs forming on the other feet. We go in for a weight check next month so hopefuly the doc will have something useful to say. I put some prescription antibiotic ointment on their toes too.
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