Independent Play 4 year old

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mama_dragon, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    Up until now I have had to interact and help the boys set up their play time. They would play on their own in short bursts.

    They woke up at 7 am today. They have now been playing for 4 hours. Other than me making breakfast and setting with them to eat I haven't heard a thing out of them. They have played dinasaurs all over the house. Is this normal? I could get used to this.

    How long do your kids play independently? I do find they do better in the mornings so I try to take advantage. Afternoons I am usually more on call for entertainment. But at this point they are going on 4 hours.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    It's a beautiful thing isn't it?! I don't remember how old my girls were when they started playing together for long stretches, but at almost 6 they can play imaginatively for hours! Today is a snow day and they've been up since 8 am playing nicely together.. They move from one thing to the next and have only fought once over taking turns with the kids scissors. I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

    I think it was around 4 when I realized the "pay off" of having twins. :)
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I can't honestly remember ever setting up my kids' playtime. They've always played on their own. Seriously, even as babies, I just left them on the floor and let them play. They were playing with each other before they turned 2 even. I've always wondered why twin moms felt so busy (well, after infancy obviously), but I guess a lot just do a lot of activities etc... Not me. I've had time to play games, watch tv shows, even read books (although with some difficulty because they require more concentration). I do activities occasionally but they always end up in tears and then they want more more more and it's horrible - kudos to moms who can do it all the time. But I keep reading everywhere about how free and open play is so good for kids anyway, so I let them do it. Ok obviously it also means that my kids have got in probably more trouble than others because I don't hover on them all the time, and that part sucks, but overall it's so much better for all of us (although if it's quiet.. ALWAYS CHECK).

    I realize it will put me in the 'bad mommy clan' for some people, but I think it's what prevented me from going over the edge at times! And we still go out and do things (although not all the time, gas is $$$), have family dinners etc. And obviously I don't ignore them. It's also why they are in preschool - so they can learn to do more structured activities.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine have always played independently for short periods, but I have noticed the last 6 months or so it's less playing side by side and more role playing together, which can last for hours! They do get rowdy though and still have a destructive streak a mile wide, so I have to stay on top of them, but it's nice when they're just hanging out and I can get some things done.
  5. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    From about 3.5 on they would play maybe 45mins-1hr together nicely. Once they got closer to 4 and in the past few weeks, I feel like they honestly could care less if I'm here...I am bc like Jen's mine are a bit curious and have no fear;)
  6. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    I should say that I do check on them all the time since mine are fearless and very very creative. They have been playing together and colloborating since before they could talk.

    They have been playing together for up to an hour at a time with little input from me. Usually as far as setting up something for them to play I mean building a train layout or helping them build one. Building a fort, something out of blocks, getting out the legos etc. They are extremely creative with play. They entertained themselves for 3 hours in the car with a straws and empty McDonalds cups. They are never bored. They just always want me to play with them. 4 entire hours and they didn't ask me to play once. It was very nice.
  7. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    In terms of the play itself, I think my kids are capable of independent play, but they can't go more than a few minutes without getting into a tiff over something (someone not sharing, yanking things away, picking at the dogs or at each other, etc.) or doing something too daring (climbing to the top of the sofa or other such things). :catfight:

    I can't WAIT for the day when they can stop getting into so many fights over stuff. As it is now, I have to supervise them constantly. I have a bad feeling that's years coming for us when they can play more than a few minutes without being watched. :wacko:
  8. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My kids always play on their own since very little. The past 4-5 months, they became best friends forever. They play as a team now. And it scares me sometimes. I work from home. So usually they play in their playroom, and I work in my office. I just check on them once for a while or when Its TOO QUIET (you know its the sign of trouble). It would say they can play together or by themselves for 1-3 hours without me entertaining them. :)
  9. NicoleLea

    NicoleLea Well-Known Member

    My girls have always played together, but I'd say after about 3 or so they started playing independently for longer periods of time. Since about 4 years old, they play for hours together...I'm talking half a day, sometimes more. They have really good imaginations so they like to play make believe, they also will sit and color for hours, or play with dolls/toys, all kinds of things. It's awesome!!!! Especially since I've been pregnant and so tired and sick a lot, it helps me so much that they can occupy themselves.
  10. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    Wow! I must be doing something wrong. I am super frustrated because my 3.5 year olds do not play alone. Ever. Unless I come and initiate the play and pretent to be part or it. The second I try to retrieve, the play stops cold. They always fight over every toy and its a rare occurance of them being away from me more than 10 min. I mean they even come to the bathroom when I'm there because they want me to come out. "Attached to my hip" as my husband puts it. What to say...
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