incredibly cranky babies!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by leaudemiel, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    Many days the boys are cranky. Some crying, some fussiness, nut they are babies so we just try to comfort and help them through.

    Last night and today they are either sleeping, eating or crying like they are in pain. They don't feel hot, they are cleaned up, not hungry. One hasn't pooped $uch today. But they are both just miserable.

    Could this be because of overstimulation yesterday (grandparent visit)? Could they be sick? Could they have just decided after 8 weeks they want to trade us in for a different set of parents?

    They have usually been colicky at night but the last week that's been better...

    Any tricks would be great.
  2. lalique

    lalique Well-Known Member

    We went through this with both of ours at different times... I didnt know what the heck to do. We just did the swaddle suck sway shush thing and tried to calm them. eventually it passed.
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They do seem to go through a phase where all they want to do is fuss. I'd say if there's no other symptoms that might indicate something is wrong, then all you can do is tough it out. Try gripe water in case their bellies are upset, let them listen to running water, maybe give them a bath if that calms them. It's sure tough to listen to two screaming though. Hang in there!
  4. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    Mine woke up to the world at around 8 weeks. One was fairly calm about it but the other was a complete fuss pants. We used gripe water, put her on meds for reflux, did A LOT of babywearing, took a lot of walks, switched her to Good Start formula (although I primarily BF), swaddled, used white noise, and tried as hard as we could to stay relaxed. It sucked, but they are 5 months today and MUCH happier!
  5. mary2bmeg

    mary2bmeg Member

    My DD's are 5 months old and DD1, who used to be my happy baby, has decided just in the last week to try to win the "Crankiest Baby In The World" award. Recently she has been only pooping every other day, so it could be her stomach. Just in case, I give her some Colic Ease. She's drooling up a storm, so she could be teeting. Just in case, I give her a teething ring and rub some Oral Gel on her gums. Primarily, though, she screeches in the most high pitch screech I have ever heard. She's just learned how to do this and it's driving me crazy. She stiffens up her entire body and screeches until her face turns red. I have to take her to the other end of the house b/c it makes DD2 and DH a nervous wreck. Sometimes the exercauser and Baby Einstein will pacify her for a few minutes, but for the most part, I just have to suffer through the fit. It's terrible.
  6. leaudemiel

    leaudemiel Well-Known Member

    Happy to hear we aren't alone! We think it may be a growth spurt as well. My nipples are raw and they are eating really aggressively. Yikes!
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