Inconsolable crying while have a!?!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Natalie81, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. Natalie81

    Natalie81 Well-Known Member

    I feel so bad for my little Allison, every time she poops she cries and last night she was actually bleeding because it was so large and hard. I always associate constipation with not going at all and she does not have any discomfort throughout the day, could she be constipated? Should I try prunes or is there another way to soften her stools?
  2. KeriBrack

    KeriBrack Well-Known Member

    my son has always had this problem, I tried prunes and they didnt really help. I water the formula down just a little more then is called for that helps, and I sometimes feed him big people apple sauce, but only about 3 or 4 bites and that really helps. Maybe try apple juice, not sure if you water down juice or if you feed it to them but if you do water it down , don't and if you dont feed it to them, try it. Just be careful you dont give them too much juice I was told by the BPD clinic to only give them 4 ounces of juice a day.

    Good Luck!

  3. jeanliz

    jeanliz Well-Known Member

    One of my girls also has this problem. It's a distinct cry of pain and I can always tell she's trying to do a BM. I've actually heard applesauce can be constipating and I've found that to be true so that hasn't worked for us. I mix a few tablespoons of prune juice with her cereal and try to offer her a sippy cup of water throughout the day. I stay away from bananas and applesauce, like I mentioned. I think I've read other fruit like peaches and pears are good though. I've found increasing her water intake (but still keeping it under 4 oz) has helped the most.

    Good luck! It's so sad to see them straining so hard and in pain.
  4. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    My boys both had this problem starting around 3 months and have continued to have it. It is horrible. My boys have bled too. It is as hard as a marble. I used to put them in the bathtub and when they would push, it would help soften it up. This is so horrible but I would try to chip away at it with a thermometer in hopes of making the outer part smaller so it could come out.

    Then, before our final step which I will mention next, we would put a suppositry in when they were having this issue.

    We tried a couple ounces of water...we tried prune juice and finally after months of this happeneing, I called again. Finally, they are now taking mineral oil (Kondremul- it is white, not clear). ANyways, this has been like a miracle. I definately would ask your ped. first.
  5. Natalie81

    Natalie81 Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much you guys. I don't know what I would do w/o TS!!! [​IMG]
  6. KrazyKat

    KrazyKat Well-Known Member

    We have this problem occasionally. Prunes don't seem to help here either, but if all else fails, they do make a Little Tummy's Laxative. YOu can ask you pedi or the pharmacist about what dose for your baby. I only use this as a last resort, like if he was having a hard dry poop every other day or so and nothing in between.

    It's hard though, to sit there and listen to you baby cry like that. It helps too, to hold their feet up and massage their tum while trying to go.
  7. jeanliz

    jeanliz Well-Known Member

    This is so horrible but I would try to chip away at it with a thermometer in hopes of making the outer part smaller so it could come out.

    I've done the same thing... Glad to know I'm not the only one resorting to such measures. [​IMG] As a last resort a few times I've used the Baby Lax liquid supposotories. The non-liquid didn't work but the liquid worked within minutes.
  8. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    I'd go to the pharmacy and get infant/child glycerine suppositories. You can cut it in half and insert -- it lubes everything and baby should poop more easily within and hour or so.

    I give prunes and/or prune juice every other day and use pears as well.

    My boys are breastfed, though, so I they are not prone to constipation without the solids.

    Teri D
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Grace had this. Are they on extra calorie formula? I put a tablespoon of prune juice in her first morning bottle each day and it helped. Even if it gets better, just keep with the prune juice every morning.

    Once I took them off the extra calorie formula Grace's issue went away.
  10. Carpathia

    Carpathia Well-Known Member

    My daughter has this problem. I tried everthing, all the tricks stated above and nothing helped except suppostories. I had read online that giving suppositories regularly is not a good idea since the baby never learns to go poop on their own. I guess my ped has the same idea, because I used them a couple of times and when I called to tell them, they asked that I please call before doing that. [​IMG] Anyway, after this went on for a long time with bleeding, etc, I was finally able to get her a miralax (laxative) prescription from the ped. It works wonders and she's so much happier now. I don't have to worry about her getting hemmoroids from all that pushing.

  11. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I was finally able to get her a miralax (laxative) prescription from the ped.

    What kind of laxative is that? How often do you give it to her?

    I need to ask my ped how long they can be on mineral oil. Originally he said start qith a tbs and if that works go to half a tbs and keep reducing but if the problem comes back, you may need to increase.

    I am just curious about what you are using
  12. Natalie81

    Natalie81 Well-Known Member

    The girls are on Good Start Essentials and eating 3 meals a day I was trying apple juice (my mom's suggestion) but now I plan on trying prunes and working down the list. Thanks again everyone.
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