Inconsolable crying jags

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by silver_stardust, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    Three days ago, my LO was sleeping in her swing, had been sleeping for about 1.5 hours and than just suddenly woke up screaming a blood, curdling scream. I took her out and started to walk around, bounce her, just about everything I could think of and nothing was settling her down. After just a few minutes of this, I undressed her to see if anything was pinching, too tight, etc and I noticed that her feet were swollen and had a little white dot on the top; almost blister like because of the swelling. She also a had fiery red color that was creeping up her legs starting from the feet. I got really nervous after not being able to settle her down so I took her into the ER.

    They looked her over and did a lot of head scratching. Sent us for an x-ray on the thought of bowel distention and nothing. The only thing they saw was a bunch of air due to all the screaming she had done. After 3-4 drs. and 3 hours, they sent us home. Her feet/legs had returned to normal and she had stopped crying. Strange.

    The next day it was as if nothing had happened. Well last night she did this again. She had her bedtime bottle around 8:45pm and was really easy to put to bed. She had been sleeping for about a half hour and started to fuss so I went up and gave her her nook. Fine. About and hour later she started to cry hard so I went up there and tried to settle her and it just ended up being another one of these crying jags. Her legs and such never turned colors or swelled up but it took forever for her to calm down and I really think she just tired out. We did give her some tylenol and mylicon. And than she slept all night.

    So we finally got her down around midnight and she woke up this morning at 8. Was up a little bit and than only ate 4 oz.

    I'm just at a loss of what's going on. She's been a really happy and pretty easy baby. She was not colicky and other than a bought of brochiolitis, she has been healthy.

    I checked for swollen gums and didn't feel anything, although I'm sure she could still be.

    I'm just wondering if anyone here had any ideas or went through anything like ths.

  2. Sarah75

    Sarah75 Well-Known Member

    I would take her back to the doctors for a check harm in getting them to check her out again..I know this must be stressful for you.
  3. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    The sad thing about babies is they can't tell you what is wrong, so frusterating. I would think it would be a gas issue. I honsetly wouldn't stress about it.
  4. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    How's it going Christina? Any more episodes? It could be really painful gas. Did she seem awake when she was crying...this may be too early for "terrors". I cannot remember but once those started your description is how I would describe those. Especially since it was happening out of sleep. Zoe would wake and scream bloody murder for a good long 5-10 mins and then settle and fall asleep again. Not sure about the way you described feet though. Do you BF or formula feed? If you BF have you eaten anything strange lately that is not your norm, like something really spicy? Just thinking out loud here.
  5. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    Have you tried Gripe Water? I found with my daughter that she got very gassy sometimes at night and it would literally break up the gas bubbles in her tummy.
  6. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for your replies!

    So far, she hasn't had any more episodes! Thank goodness! It truly was just the strangest thing. I've never experienced any baby just waking up out of sleep and than to scream and scream. I'll just play the waiting game and see if it happens again and write down everything that happens. I'll keep track and see if we can figure something out but hopefully it was just a fluke thing and won't happen again!!!
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