In the middle of one nap transition...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well-I finally caved and decided to try one nap. I was hesitant because I wanted to drag it out as long as possible(the two naps that is), and the fact that they went to sleep RIGHT AWAY at BOTH naps. They would wake around 7:15am and go down between 9:30/9:45am. No problems-no fussing, crying, talking, playing, etc. Same thing with their afternoon nap. However-both naps were relatively short-especially for Anthony. Nicholas generally sleeps longer-provided his brother doesn't wake him up(share a room-not a problem in the middle of the night).

    Today is officially day 3. Yesterday was not all that bad. I gave them a bath first and then nap-at 12:30pm(up at almost 8am). Anthony woke after 30 minutes, 50 minutes, and finally slept until 2-so I will take the 90 minute nap(I let him cio when he woke-as he was not screaming-I can tell by the cry if he will go back to sleep). Nicholas I had to WAKE up at 3! So he took a nice 2.5 hour nap.

    Today? As I write this, it's fixed itself for the time being... LOL! Anthony woke up after 30 minutes and SCREAMED. The kind that usually has me running upstairs to get him so he doesn't wake his brother. Well, I didn't. I ignored it and decided to come here with a question. LOL! He has since stopped crying in less than 15 minutes. And Nicholas is still sleeping!

    So-how long do you let them CIO at naptime? When switching from 2 to 1? FWIW-I didn't do CIO for their other naps-never needed it. Anthony can be a tough one though! And also-do you find they sleep a bit later in the morning? That's what we are seeing so far-about 30 minutes longer-I'll take it!

    If I can get 2 hours, or close to two hours-I will be one happy person!!
  2. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I've done some CIO with Aiden for our 1 nap transition. Conner hasn't needed it. He's gradually lengthened his nap on his own & typically naps 2-2 1/2 hrs now (if he wakes before then, I do let him fuss, but if he screams, I usually get him since it's SO atypical).

    Aiden is my stinker & has been since the day he was born. The kid's a pro at CIO :). When we FIRST transitioned, the rule was that he was in his crib an hour. After he started doing that consistently & started stretching his naps to 1 1/2 hrs, then 1 1/2 hrs was the magic CIO time frame. I can honestly say he hasn't slept under 1 1/2 hrs in a LONG time. Now we have a 2 hr rule for him. Most days he does wake & fuss, but 50% of the time, he goes back to sleep. He'll quickly fall back to sleep if I lay with him (a bad habit I started b/c I work night shift so I try to get him to sleep longer while Conner is still sleeping), so I know he's not ready to get up. I am hoping to break him of the 'wake late in the nap & go back to bed with mom' routine :). At daycare, he's pretty consistent with his 1 1/2 hr nap (Conner is 1-2 hrs there).

    As a side note, I have my duo separated for naps. Have since they were around 6-7 mos old & were waking each other (at that time it was Conner who took shorter naps). I've trialed them together but neither of them sleep that long, so they stay separated. I'd never be able to do CIO with Aiden at nap if Conner was in the room. Also, since Aiden doesn't require as much as sleep as Conner, I expect him to wake earlier & don't want him to wake Conner (Aiden wakes SCREAMING so he instantly wakes Conner).

    Not sure if my rambling helped. Guess I could've just replied that yes, I've used CIO for naps :). I'm just a wordy person!
  3. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I have no clue how I posted twice, let alone how to delete the 2nd post. Sorry!

    Oh & the nap transition didn't really effect their wake time. It created a FEW earlier bedtimes, but not that many sleep-ins. I guess it has lessened our 'early wake ups' a smidge, but that's about it. I'd LOVE for my boys to sleep til 8, but I can't expect that since they need to be up at 6:30 on daycare days......
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(nurseandrea02 @ Jan 27 2009, 04:29 PM) [snapback]1164561[/snapback]
    I have no clue how I posted twice, let alone how to delete the 2nd post. Sorry!

    Oh & the nap transition didn't really effect their wake time. It created a FEW earlier bedtimes, but not that many sleep-ins. I guess it has lessened our 'early wake ups' a smidge, but that's about it. I'd LOVE for my boys to sleep til 8, but I can't expect that since they need to be up at 6:30 on daycare days......

    Nurse Andrea, I deleted your 2nd post for you :) Thank you ladies for your advice on transitioning to one nap, I am not looking forward to those days but I know it's inevitable!
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We've been down to one nap for about a month. With one nap, I have not needed to let them cio. They usually fall right asleep. If they are waking after a short amount of time or crying, how about trying to put them down a little bit later, maybe 15-30 minutes? My boys get up at 7:00 and go down at 11:30 for about 2 hours. My goal is to keep moving it a little bit later so by summer, they'll be napping at 1:00. This way we'll have the entire morning.

    They are not waking later, but I have found they get tired by 5:30 so they NEED to be in bed by 6:00. Anything later, they have a hard time falling asleep and will cry for at least 1/2 hour. When they are in bed at 6:00 they fall right asleep.
  6. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(cjk2002 @ Jan 27 2009, 08:09 PM) [snapback]1164864[/snapback]
    We've been down to one nap for about a month. With one nap, I have not needed to let them cio. They usually fall right asleep. If they are waking after a short amount of time or crying, how about trying to put them down a little bit later, maybe 15-30 minutes? My boys get up at 7:00 and go down at 11:30 for about 2 hours. My goal is to keep moving it a little bit later so by summer, they'll be napping at 1:00. This way we'll have the entire morning.

    They are not waking later, but I have found they get tired by 5:30 so they NEED to be in bed by 6:00. Anything later, they have a hard time falling asleep and will cry for at least 1/2 hour. When they are in bed at 6:00 they fall right asleep.

    Thanks ladies! Nurseandrea-I'm wordy too-don't worry about that! LOL!

    I could put them down a bit later-as they really do not seem all that tired when I do! But they do go right to sleep! As for their bedtime-that hasn't changed at all either! They still go to bed at 7, even if they are up at 1:30pm from their nap. Weird, I know. And go figure-today Nicholas was up after 1.5 hours and Anthony slept 2 hours and 45 minutes!!! Why can't they trade notes and do it on the SAME DAY?!!? LOL!
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