Imported cosmetics selling

Discussion in 'General' started by Kasyan, Oct 9, 2024.

  1. Kasyan

    Kasyan Well-Known Member

    Hey guys! So I’m trying to bring in some really unique cosmetics from overseas to sell in the US, but I’m kinda lost on how to make sure everything’s done properly. Heard about some FDA stuff I need to take care of. Anyone ou
  2. Gaserty

    Gaserty Well-Known Member

    Importing cosmetics into the US can be a bit of a wild ride if you’re not prepped for all the red tape. You definitely need to go through the FDA cosmetics registration process. It’s not about them “approving” your products like with drugs, but they do want to know what's coming into the country and make sure it’s safe for people to use. It covers stuff like your ingredients, manufacturing setup, and product labels to make sure you're not dealing with anything sketchy. If you want to save yourself a lot of stress, I'd suggest reaching out to the Disqover team—they really know their way around the whole FDA cosmetics registration thing. They can help you register everything correctly and make sure your products are compliant before they even hit the port. Trust me, it’s way better to get this handled from the jump rather than dealing with a mess later on.
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