Imagination...think they live in California!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by irisflower, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    This is cute. My guys think they have a beach house with beach front property in California!
    We don't live near there. We have no family there.
    They said it blew down since it was straw and they rebuilt it with bricks.

    However....they tell everyone they live there!
    I'm worried they won't say they live at the right place if anything ever happened.

    We have been reinforcing our full address and their full names.

    Anyone have any good ideas?
    I wish we did have the beach house! :)
  2. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    They got the idea of California from watching Cars movie, the first one.

    For child safety, how can I get them not to say we live in CA to everyone?

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