Imaginary play

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    My almost 4 year olds and 2.5 year old LOVE to play this game they call 'puppy'. It consists of them all calling each other puppy, walking on all 4's, panting, etc. Not a big deal and I think it's cute. :)

    Well, yesterday DS goes to leave daycare, and says to one of his friends "bye puppy". His friends parent was there also! Both the parent and his teacher were like "Oh no he didn't!" all the while laughing..

    LOL Wasn't really a big deal (really, it was funny and cute) but DH was embarrassed that they've taken their little show on the road! LOL
  2. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Aw, I think it's cute. And normal! Mine are often various animals and people. Today DS is "Daddy" and DD is "baby." Sometimes they switch off who is mommy or daddy or baby. Or dinosaur! And they play the same things with their friends at daycare too.
    I wouldn't be surprised if they come home pretending something that they learn from one of their friends too.

  3. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    Mine are always playing soemthing like that mom/dad/baby, cats, dogs, aunt/uncle, grandma/grandpa. It can be quite funny to watch. As I have started pulling out baby things they love to be babies. Drives me crazy with the whining and baby talk. Oh well.
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Yep, mine are into the role playing big time these days! I think it is cute though. :wub: Until I have to call a different name out (usually one of the cousins) in public to get them to listen.... :laughing:
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    This made me laugh! Lately my girls have been playing Toy Story, and god help me if I don't call them Andy, Sid or Molly :laughing: Oh and I'm usually Sid's mom. I don't know why I can't be Andy's mom.

    For the OP: mine love to play puppy too. I think any parents of toddlers/preschoolers know and won't think its weird that your kid called another kid puppy ;)
  6. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Yup, same thing going on here! It is very cute to watch how their minds work. Recently I have had
    * divers - naked of course. They found pool goggles and immediately had to be naked
    * all sorts of different baby/mommy/daddy - usually I am Grandpa :unknw: I did redirect when they wanted to change each others diapers.
    * batman, robin, batgirl - I am the commisoner
    * dog, monkey, bear

    I get in trouble if I answer when they say Mommy.
  7. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness yes - we're deep into the imaginary play here too. I love to hear the stories they come up with, but wish I could continue to be Mom. I'm usually our old nanny or Grandma, or some random name they've made up (yesterday I was Mountain, a fox with three legs). Fortunately they're usually back to themselves by the time we go run errands, but a few times I'd had to go grocery shopping with "Baby Rose" and "Yertle the Turtle" or other assorted characters.
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mine played it at preschool and brought it home. They still play multiple versions of it here. Teenager, little kid, Mommy, get the idea.

    I think it's great and really actually healthy play!
  9. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    At least yours are in pre-school! My MIL said my DH insisted on being called "chuck" for a long while when he was 7 years old! His name is Vince BTW :)
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