I'm wearing grumpy pants

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by miss_bossy18, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oi! I do not remember having such a short fuse in my first pregnancy but this time around everyone & everything is setting me off in 5 seconds flat. I've probably yelled (not just raised my voice at the girls) maybe a handful of times in the last 3 years - I'm not a yeller. This morning alone, I probably yelled at them a dozen times. And for piddly little things that really aren't a big deal at all (like asking politely for my help with something but the timing just happens to be annoying to me so I yell). :blush: I'm so frustrated with myself but can't seem to stop. And then DH gets home & I get ornery with him. Poor guy. Anyone else finding they're feeling really grumpy & out of sorts these days?
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  2. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    OMG yes! I mostly take it out on DH but I've found myself getting really irritated with the twins too. It doesn't help that they are almost 2 1/2 and thus have lost all listening capability and replaced it with the talent of going from sweet to tantrum in 10 seconds flat! I'm hoping that once this baby is born I'll have a little more patience with them :D
  3. Janclamat

    Janclamat Well-Known Member

    Yep, but I'm almost done this pregnancy, so I have actually improved, even though our addition is not done and it is chaos around here.
  4. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Add me to the list! I have been super, super irritable & short-tempered for most of this pregnancy. Some days are worse than others. It hasn't been as bad the last week or two, though, so maybe there is hope!

    I warned my husband and kids about it once I figured out what was happening and I keep apologizing, or I just go upstairs and tell them I need to take a nap! :lol:

    But it's definitely getting easier! My guy dropped a little early last week and that's made me feel 1,000 times better! I was having a lot of sciatic nerve pain but now I'm not so that definitely helped.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Thank God I am not the only one. :umm: I have been the biggest grump for a few weeks now and it only seems to get worse then better. :blush: The kids have tuned me out and I got lucky that DH is very understanding that it's not really me but the hormones yelling at all three of them for NOTHING. :gah: I feel bad and after I have this baby I owe them big time. :lol:
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    It's here too. Sorry... I am known for having a short fuse at times. Deep breaths!
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