I'm sorry if this was asked before...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ScarletD, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. ScarletD

    ScarletD Member

    What is everyone's experience with having number 3? When do you find the best time...sooner rather than later? I have pretty easy going boys so it is not at all unreasonable to think about starting soon (they are 9 months). Any experiences?
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We wanted sooner rather than later bc we didn't want to end the "baby stage" just to start over. I got pg with this baby when the boys were 9.5 months old:) Good luck...everyone is different and for their own reasons:)
  3. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    I wanted at least 2 years between the twins and the next baby so we started trying when the boys were 15 months old. Took 7 months to conceive Rebecca so they were just over 2.5 when she was born. There is 22 months between Becca and Sam. Personally, I prefer the 2.5 year gap, having BTDT.
  4. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I've heard 3 years gap is good and I soooooooo agree. Mine are 16 months apart and ... what was I thinking ?? Look around for strollers and you will know what I mean. This 2.5 yrs old is tough for us, the temper tantrums, it is so hard to even get out to the mall these days unless I have my dh and even then it is full -on for us. The car... Being pg and carrying kids and putting them into a carseat is really tiring. My one daughter was a late walker so I was still lifting and then lifting INTO the crib. I think at 3 yrs of age they have a bit more understanding, a bit more patience, and soon out of most temper tantrums and soon into school - even part-time.

    It is nice that they are going through most things at the same level but my days are full-on and things pile up. I have very little time to myself and only this weekend I've had more time being able to be on here.

  5. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Like PP said, it is really personal preference. Friends of mine who have had seconds and thirds seem to agree that about a 3 year age difference is ideal. We are probably not having any more, but I did want to mention that my two were very, very easygoing when they were 9 months old and beyond but lately (almost 20 months)they are becoming exhausting and I could not imagine being pregnant or having a new baby with twin toddlers (read tantrums, into everything, fun as can be but never a break)!
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