I'm on bedrest indefinitely - really disappointed

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Buttercup1, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Had a peri appointment today, the worst news is that my cervix is funneling to 1.3 cm from 2.37 2 weeks ago. I'm officially out of work and on bedrest with a cerclage scheduled tomorrow. I'm really bummed out, I prepared for this at work but I didn't think it would really happen this soon. I'm really worried about losing my job. My company has treated people really well in situations like this but if I'm out until the babies are born and then out for awhile after they are born who's to say what will happen.

    The second bit of bad news is baby A is still measuring a little behind with less fluid around her, so the peri is concerned about TTTS.

    Any tips, advice on being on bedrest? What should I expect with the cerclage tomorrow? I really need some support right now.
  2. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I really don't have any experience with this, but I can imagine it's very scary and disappointing to find out. I just wanted to offer my support and say that there are so many success stories on here from ladies who had early funneling and bed rest who carried their babies to term. I'm sure they will have some great advice for you. Big hugs, and hang in there!

  3. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    There are so many success stories with cerclages!! I'm sorry bed rest is already happening for you so early and I know you're worried about your job. But your babies are ultimately more important. I'm sorry also for the possible TTTS. Do you know what the babies fluid measurements are? Weight difference? Were both their bladders showing? Bed rest can really help this situation. If I were you I would try to sip 3 Boost High Proteins or Ensures per day. Hope things get a little better and that the cerclage along with bed rest will be just what you need!! [​IMG]
  4. traci_roo

    traci_roo Well-Known Member

    I don't have experience with a cerclage or TTTS, but I am very familiar with a funneling cervix. I have been on bedrest since 22 1/2 weeks because my cervix had funneled down to 1.3 cm. I was put on hospital bedrest for a little over 5 weeks and have been home since mid-february on bedrest. Even after 5 weeks in the hospital, my cervix was only 1.4. My little girl has been head down and trying to push her way out for a long time though. I had a round of steroid shots at 24 weeks and the doctors weren't sure we could make it to 28 weeks. Then my goal was 32 weeks. I have passed the doctor's goals so far and probably wouldn't have without bedrest.

    I had to stop working at 14 weeks because of the stress it was causing and was on modified bedrest at that time. I honestly just had to think about what my priorities were. It was hard to leave work so early, but I knew I had to for the safety of the babies.

    Best of luck with the cerclage and I hope it isn't TTTS. PM me if you need someone to vent to or to talk to about bedrest. It was tough for me at first (REALLY tough) and somedays it still is but I am more used to it now.

  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    [​IMG]s, I am sorry you are going through so much! [​IMG]
  6. Mrs.Bears

    Mrs.Bears Active Member

    I had a cerclage placed at 13 weeks due to a prior loss. Now I am pG wiht twins so I was extra worried. Both babies weight more now then my little girl did, so I have 2X the wieght and the cervix is long and strong. I was really scared about it but it was done so quickly, and the peace of mind is worth its weight in gold. GOOD LUCK
  7. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I am sorry to hear that you have been put on bedrest. The good news is that they caught this early, and that you are having this procedure done, which typically has great results. That just has to give you some hope! Hang in there and let us know how the procedure goes.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I had an emergency cerclage at 16w5d and was on bedrest from that point on, 15 weeks total with 4+ of them in the hospital. I work from home though, so for 7 weeks of my bedrest I was able to work (until I ended up on hospital bedrest at 24 weeks). Can you do your work from home? Have you asked your peri about this option? It helped me from being bored out of my mind.

    Television shows on DVD are great to pass the time. Also, if you can find an online grocery store, I'd do the shopping online and all DH had to do was pick it up.

    My cerclage went very well, despite being given a 50% chance of it working because my cervix was non-existant at the point I had it (0.2cm). I was so scared of the epdiural needle, but it really was not bad at all.

    Hang in there. I don't have any advice on the TTTS but hopefully that works itself out.
  9. mjv386

    mjv386 Member

    Hi there,

    Just wanted to let you know that my wife had a funneling cervix at 21 weeks and has been on bedrest since then (she's 31 weeks today), bed rest does work. My wife's cervix never increased but did end up staying around 1.0cm for the last 10 weeks or so. Bed rest does work and with the cerclage you're in even better shape, it was too late for us to do one.
    Good luck!
  10. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member


    I'm sorry that things are feeling so discouraging right now. I'm glad to know you have good doctors who are really monitoring you well and taking quick action for you and your babies.

    I had the same worries with my job during my pregnancy. I spent a total of 19 wks on bedrest and 8 weeks on hospital bedrest. I exhausted all of my leave time available, paid and unpaid. In the end, I did lose my job but I delivered two beautiful boys and brought them straight home with me!! It was tough, learning to live on our single income with a family that had doubled!

    Try not to worry TOO much about that stuff. It's a real issue and understandably something you have to tend to. But there's nothing you can do about it right now, your focus is on your daughters, and that takes enough energy.

    Please keep us all updated. You're in my thoughts [​IMG]
  11. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    no advice, just wanted to give you a [​IMG]
  12. stbmo4

    stbmo4 Well-Known Member

    No advice here, just wanted to tell you to hang in there. Please keep us posted. You and your babies will be in my prayers.
  13. t_a_l_i

    t_a_l_i Active Member

    Big hugs to you. I don't know anything about the cerclage but I hope it goes really well for you.

    I understand your worry about your job. Where I work, we are a very small company and don't fall under the FMLA rules, and I don't even have set medical/vacation leave. Once I go on bedrest I am quite sure I will lose my job.

    I was diagnosed with TTTS one week ago, at 14 weeks. I don't know everything about it but if you have any questions or just want to talk, let me know. [​IMG]

    Good luck with your bedrest. I'm just doing partial bedrest right now although I'm assuming it will increase later. You are doing a great job and your babies will thank you for it. [​IMG]
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