I'm not ready for this next stage

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christinam, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I really look forward to when I can put the girls down on a nice big blanket on the floor, dump their little toys out in front of them, and then just let them play. Right now they can entertain themselves for a good 15mins like this while laying on their bellies and rolling around a bit. They haven't mastered sitting up yet. Well I guess they can technically sit up since you can hunch them over a bit and they stay up for a good minute but it's not comfortable and they can't do anything while sitting like that. But anyway, tonight Maddie was working on getting up on her hands and knees. She had herself all the way up with the belly high off the mattress. Allie does it too but she wasn't as high up as Maddie. She gets up on all fours with her belly scraping the bed and then rocks back and forth. It's adorable and watching them crawl will be so cute but I'm so not ready for that! It will be fun once it starts but I just don't want them to get bigger!!!! They're my last babies and it makes me sad their getting bigger.
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Momma! I hear ya! My boys are three and I'm still not ready for them to grow up! I feel your pain! But each stage does provide lots of fun, new and exciting adventures! :) And way to go girls!!! They'll be moving in no time! :)
  3. jrg9171

    jrg9171 Well-Known Member

    My oldest just got his permit the same time my twins were born. Keep them babies for as long as you can!!!!! Once they turn into teenagers the sweetness and cuteness are GONE!!!! Im going through the agony with both of my teenagers and trust me when I say 13 year old hormonal girls are the WORST!!!!!!! This has been a very emotional time for me because I want to keep these babies little like they are now because I KNOW what will be coming years down the road.
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    totally agree!!! i used to wish theyd grow faster. But now I say 'please slow down'. my twins crawl over the places, and start pulling up. I really dont look forward to that. I have hard time to chase them around already. It seems like when we got them under control then they just move to the next level so so fast. And we have to learn how to deal with them all over again. tell me im crazy but i miss the time that if i left them lay on the blanket, when i came back theyre still there lol!
  5. zanetaya

    zanetaya Well-Known Member

    Oh boy...I guess we'll go through it together. :) My girls are soooo happy to lay on the floor and play though, but they don't sound as busy as yours yet. Good luck and at least there is other twin moms who share your feelings :)
  6. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    I have to agree. Everything is happening so fast! Our boys aren't trying to crawl yet but they are sitting up on their own for 30 seconds at s time and like being on their tummy and can roll to their back. They're also teething, babbling all the time, and eating solids. This has all happened since the first of the year. We can't keep up with all the changes! It is fun, but I know we will be even more busy once they start moving around on their own.
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