I'm not liking certain diaper brands!!!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kellyx2, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    Luvs: They smell like baby powder. That mixed with urine is gross.

    Huggies: The girls REALLY smell like urine with this brand.

    I've only used the Pampers preemie and newborn. Maybe I will try the size 3's.

    The majority of diapers we have used is the generic store brand because my DH and I used to work for Tyco and we got some cheap and others for free.

    What brand do you like?
  2. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    Luvs: They smell like baby powder. That mixed with urine is gross.

    Huggies: The girls REALLY smell like urine with this brand.

    I've only used the Pampers preemie and newborn. Maybe I will try the size 3's.

    The majority of diapers we have used is the generic store brand because my DH and I used to work for Tyco and we got some cheap and others for free.

    What brand do you like?
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We use members mark from Sam's Club. Works fine for us.
  4. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    It's funny - DS1 only wears pampers (cruisers and now the pullups). We tried Huggies (and other "cheaper brands") and he just leaked through them all.

    Now the twins wear only Huggies and have leaked through pampers! I haven't ever tried luvs with any of them.

    I have never noticed a bad smell with the huggies....?
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I will use Pampers Cruisers or Huggies Supreme. I will buy whichever is on sale or I have a coupon for. If I don't have a coupon or no sale, I buy the Huggies Supreme.

    I prefer Huggies Supreme as they seem to be thicker than the Cruisers. I also think the Cruisers feel like they are more full than they really are. I also have never noticed a smell with Huggies Supreme.

    Did you use the regular Huggies or the Supremes?
  6. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    I get the Parents choice (Walmart) usually. I'm currently using Pampers because I got a box of 192 size 2 for $24. Honestly I think I may like the Parents choice better. Although I've never had many leaks with any of the kinds I've had I think I dislike Pampers the most. They have a funny smell not neccesarily bad just funny. KWIM. And they seem to rub against the babies inner thighs and cause chaffing. Kinda weird since nearly everyone I know Loved Pampers.
  7. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    we love pampers. I never have leaks. we used the swaddlers until they were in the size threes and then switched to baby dry until they started crawling and now they are in cruisers.....I have had good luck with all of them
  8. hopewait

    hopewait Well-Known Member

    We used Pampers swaddlers from premie to 1-2. We didn't have any luck with Huggies, they always leaked through them. A friend gave us Parent Choice size 2, and I like them too. We might start using those. I guess every baby is different in what works for them.
  9. NikkiM7777

    NikkiM7777 Active Member

    I hate the smell of Pampers - i can't smell very well but those diapers are stong with baby powder.

    dd1 - I always use the diapers from babies/toysrus. They only time i had a leakage problem was when they were too small. Going up to the next size solved that problem. Sometimes I bought pampers if i was out shopping and really needed diaper. Then one time her diaper weren't on sale so i got some thing probably pampers and she use quite a bit of thhem and got a bad diaper rash. The doctor told me to go back to what I was using. So i did and her diaper rash cleared up. I found some pampers last week in my husbands car so we are using them so that we don't waste them and sure enough she got a diaper rash again.

    With the twins we received a lot of diapers. So we are using them up even though I would really just like to use the babiesrus diapers. dd2 had a poblem with the huggies diapers. and i still hate the smell of pamper diapers.

    I buy diapers in bulk when they are on sale. The bulk diapers are 21.99 Size 1/2 has 192 diapers in a box. Size 5 i think has 105ish in a box. When they are on sale it is 2 for $30. And there is no limit.
  10. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    We like the Huggies Supremse. They seem to fit my girls the best.

    We're trying to get through a pack of LUVS right now and we HATE them!! Every poop they leak everywhere, it sucks. Theres not enough elastic in teh waist and legs; you cant get them tight around little bodies!
  11. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    We tried Huggies and Luvs but have always come back to Pampers Swaddlers. They have fit the boys best from preemie size and now we have just started them in size 1 this week. No leaks with Pampers but always had leaks with the other brands.
  12. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    We tried Luvs and they never really fit the girls good.

    We used Pampers Swaddlers until we ran out and now use Huggies. We have so many Huggies coupons and they work best for the girls. We are about to move into size 4. We use the Huggies Overnights for bedtime.
  13. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    we use berkley & jensen, the generic brand from BJs.
  14. Christine100700

    Christine100700 Well-Known Member

    We use Parents Choice from Walmart...Huggies were HORRID and leaked everywhere everytime we put them on them. Pampers are ok and thats what I used for our now 3 year old but sorry...go through twice as many diapers now with twins so Parents Choice budget diapers it is!!!
  15. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    All 3 sleep in Luvs at night, during the day we use parents choise or white cloud diapers. WHat iritates me is the amount of money I spent on pampers when ds was little, I was too stubborn to beleive the cheap brands worked just as good [​IMG]

    I dont like pampers for the girls, they both broke out in this aweful rash (which reminds me that I need to call pampers since I have 2 brand new boxes with only a few used [​IMG]) And I REALLY dont like Target brand diapers either, those things suck!
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