I'm not buying Pampers anymore

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Every diaper change, we have a big fight about which Sesame Street character they want to have. At first it wasn't that big of a deal, so I would let them pick. I should have never done that! Now they scream and cry if the diaper they get isn't the character they want, or if one gets the character she wanted. Diaper changes are such drama now about the stupid characters, I can't take it! And why doesn't Bert get to be on Pampers Baby Dry but just Cruisers? I had a few rogue Cruisers in with the Baby Drys and it was a big consternation because Bea got the Bert and there were no more Berts. I'm going to switch to a diaper that has all the same thing on it.
  2. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    Best of luck to you. :rotflmbo: Here's when I am glad to have a boy and a girl. :winking0009:
  3. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry, but that makes me laugh! :rotflmbo: I haven't reached that time yet. Maybe I should switch before we get there!
  4. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    I can sympathize..............

    For us it is the Zoo Pal plates. They each want a certain animal and you never know what animals come in what packages!!!!!
  5. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    We have dealt with the same problem. In our house, everyone wanted Elmo. Sometimes they would not remember until the diaper was already on and I would tell them they had Elmo even if they did not. They would pull off all their clothes to check and really complain if they had Big Bird or Cookie Monster :rolleyes: We have switched to the Easy Ups and they all have Dora on them so it is not as much of a problem although Elizabeth sometimes still asks for one with Boots on it because Boots is not on every diaper.
  6. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    We use those diapers, and almost from the beginning I did not allow them to choose their own character. Mostly since once they had one, they would change their mind and want another one, and so on until I pulled out all my hair. So I would just say next time, we can see if Ernie is available. This time you get Cookie Monster. And by next time, they usually would have forgotten their original request. Now they don't fight it. I've fibbed a few times and said they had whatever they wanted even if it wasn't, but I usually just say Next time..... And they accept that now. Or you can give them a choice. Hold up two and say you can have either Zoe or Big Bird. And limit it to just those two, no waffling on your part.

    (I've got to say I'm on Elmo overload. I would like any character but Elmo and Zoe to be on merchandising. I grew up without Elmo and Zoe, they aren't all that! It's like there are two Elmo and Zoe diapers to each one of the others. Horse hockey!)

    Kids can make anything a challenge! Let them scream and cry, tell them you are so glad they can get their frustrations out, honey you are doing an admirable job of yelling, walk away (as long as they are safe). After a while, they get bored with the lack of reaction.
  7. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    this isn't really a struggle in our house, but alisha does like to comment on which character she has - (my elmo diapey! my cookie diapey!) - but the funniest thing is when she insists on which one cameron has - "nooooooooooo, no my cookie diapey - cam cam cookie diapey!" - jeesh!

    our struggle is who gets ready first - in the am and for bedtime - this was alisha this morning before i even said anything "noooooooooo, no my get ready! cam cam ready!" they both want to keep playing and give me grief about it. this morning i said ok, cameron will be first today but you're first tomorrow - but i wanted to tell her that she had to go first just because she said he should be first!

    sorry to hijack your thread! lol
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AlphaBeta @ Oct 22 2007, 03:25 PM) [snapback]462128[/snapback]
    (I've got to say I'm on Elmo overload. I would like any character but Elmo and Zoe to be on merchandising. I grew up without Elmo and Zoe, they aren't all that! It's like there are two Elmo and Zoe diapers to each one of the others. Horse hockey!)

    Kids can make anything a challenge! Let them scream and cry, tell them you are so glad they can get their frustrations out, honey you are doing an admirable job of yelling, walk away (as long as they are safe). After a while, they get bored with the lack of reaction.

    Yes! There are definitely more Elmos than any other character on the Baby Drys. Bea loves Ernie, so all she wants is Ernie, so if I let her choose, then we'll run out of Ernies really quick. There are hardly any Big Birds either. I'm not a big Elmo or Zoe fan either. I'm thinking about getting the Classic Sesame Street DVD's for Christmas, almost more for myself than them! ;)

    I do try to ignore the tantrums. The diaper ones are just really frustrating because of course 90% of the time, I'm trying to get them changed and off to something.
  9. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    We use costco's kirkland brand and think they are great! They're all the same too!!!!
  10. SweetPeaTwinsx2

    SweetPeaTwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    We used Pampers for Lauren and Madison until this summer...then switched to Huggies. That's when our problems started. Lauren would only wear "Mickey Hubboons (baloons)"...if she was wearing "Dancing Mickey" she would take it off. It was a phase that lasted for quite some time....they are in Pull-up's now..and the drama is whether we buy a box of Car's (Madie's choice) or Princess (Lauren's choice) Pull-up's. :rolleyes:
  11. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Luv's have Blue's clue's on them...

    My guys do the same thing with the pampers.
  12. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Oh I can totally relate. We are now using Huggies because they love Mickey Mouse. But our problem comes with their sippy cups. Kaylee refuses to drink out of the blue sippy cup and if Kelby has her pink or purple cup the world comes to a stop until I switch the cups. I guess that is good that he isn't throwing a fit over the purple or pink cup....LOL
  13. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :rotflmbo: Sorry, but I saw this as a downfall early on. I told them what they were getting but there were no negotiations!! GOOD LUCK KELLY!!! I hope you find a good diaper!!
  14. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    We have the same problem with the princess Pull Ups. It drives me crazy- especially the fact that they make the pull ups so appealing to liltte girls. They only wear them at night, but we actually went through a phase when they preferred pull ups instead of their underwear! I was really ticked at them for making the pullups this way ! Why can't they just make plain diapers/ pull ups? It's all marketing- they know we'll buy them, they know we need them, they know that they can brainwash kids. Sorry for the rant!

    What I do now is seperate all of the pull ups when I get them - Cinderella in one pile, the other with three princeees in anothert pile. I only offer CInderella and show them there aren't any others. When all Cindereall pullups are gone, I move on to the next pile. It took a while, but they are finally not making as big of a deal about it.
  15. AmyDeanna

    AmyDeanna Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad my girls aren't the only ones who do this! Mine too will only wear the cinderella pull-up...and not because of cinderella. One wants to wear it because it is pink on the back (instead of purple) and the other always wants the "coyote" diaper. There is some kind of small dog or animal on it that I never noticed until she kept asking for the coyote diaper and I was like what the heck is that!?!?

    I hope they grow out of this phase asap!
  16. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I read some advice in Parenting magazine -- they said you should have the household rule "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." It sounds admirable in theory, but I wondered if they had actually tried it on real live toddlers.

    Thank goodness my girls don't seem to have noticed that their diapers have characters on them. They barely watch TV anyway, but they know some of the Sesame St. ones from one DVD and one Elmo doll we have. Right now the diaper fight is all about not wanting to get off the potty (they don't produce anything, but want to sit there forever), and not wanting a diaper at all.

    Anyway, I remember someone posting about this a long time ago (when my girls were newborns) and I think I made a mental note never to point out to them that their diapers have characters on them! Doesn't anyone sell plain ones? What a weird world we live in.
  17. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I have tried choosing just between two to give them that "I got to choose" thing, but if it's not between two characters they want, then they still pitch a fit. In the interest of time, I have gone to "you get what you get" and I put the diaper on them kicking and screaming. At least the tantrum doesn't last too long.

    Anyway, I remember someone posting about this a long time ago (when my girls were newborns) and I think I made a mental note never to point out to them that their diapers have characters on them! Doesn't anyone sell plain ones? What a weird world we live in.

    They would have found the characters anyway, since pulling all the diapers out of the package is one of their favorite activities. If there were plain white diapers, I would buy them. I bought a box of Luvs since they all have Blue on them. I hope that will work and there isn't some difference in the picture of Blue they will find. I am going to write to Pampers and tell them that I love their product, just can't stand the fight over the characters!
  18. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    I have always thought that having the characters on the diapers was so odd, especially for the newborns -- like, yes, my tiny baby who sleeps 21 hours a day and only wakes to eat in 20-minute stretches is delighted to know that she has Elmo on her diaper! Plus, isn't it just weird that you're peeing/pooping on your favorite television characters? We didn't watch any TV at all until about 2-3 months ago, but my girls have been able to name all the Sesame Street characters since pretty much they were able to talk. :rolleyes:

    For the longest time the Huggies Overnights had Lion King characters on them (which, again, I think is weird, because LK is clearly for an older audience than, say Sesame Street, Dora, or Blue's Clues), and my girls didn't really care one way or another about those. But then they switched to Mickey Mouse, who my girls didn't really know but loved instantly ("Mouse sleeping! Mouse have teddy bear!). Woe betide Mommy if she brought home a package of LK Overnights after the MM Overnights had been discovered! But for the first couple of months all the packages were still labeled as having LK on them, so it was a total crapshoot as to what you were actually going to get when you opened the package. Thankfully now all the LK stock seems to be gone and the packages are now labeled as MM.

    On a related note, how annoying is it that the Huggies wipes have the little bear heads quilted into them? We usualyl use the Costco wipes, but we ran out once and just grabbed some Huggies wipes at the grocery store. Oh geez! They were already obsessed with wipes, but this took it to a while new level. "Bear wipe! Need bear wipe!" is all I hear now.

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