I'm new, 21 wks b/b...many questions!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Krazyk7757, Oct 4, 2007.

  1. Krazyk7757

    Krazyk7757 Active Member

    Hey everyone! This is my first time to this site. I just need a little advice. Just to fill you in, I'm almost 22 wks. with twin boys =) When i found out I was pg, I was about 110 lbs. and i'm about 5'3". So i'm pretty petite...everyones reaction when they find out i'm having twins is OMG how are you gonna carry two?! well, at first I laughed it off, but It's begining to take it's toll. So far i've gain about 20 lbs, and it's mainly belly. But my back is KILLING me constantly, and i've been in and out of the hospital for fluids. Mainly because of migraines and not being able to keep anything down. I am still working full time as an admin. asst... sometimes my job can be very stressfull. I don't want to be a "sissy", and leave work too early. When is a good time to start taking some time off work? And when does bedrest usually come into play??
  2. mom2twinboyz

    mom2twinboyz Active Member

    QUOTE(twinboys22 @ Oct 4 2007, 02:58 PM) [snapback]435562[/snapback]
    Hey everyone! This is my first time to this site. I just need a little advice. Just to fill you in, I'm almost 22 wks. with twin boys =) When i found out I was pg, I was about 110 lbs. and i'm about 5'3". So i'm pretty petite...everyones reaction when they find out i'm having twins is OMG how are you gonna carry two?! well, at first I laughed it off, but It's begining to take it's toll. So far i've gain about 20 lbs, and it's mainly belly. But my back is KILLING me constantly, and i've been in and out of the hospital for fluids. Mainly because of migraines and not being able to keep anything down. I am still working full time as an admin. asst... sometimes my job can be very stressfull. I don't want to be a "sissy", and leave work too early. When is a good time to start taking some time off work? And when does bedrest usually come into play??

    Hi there!

    Well I stopped working by 26 weeks pregnant with my boys cause my OB recommended it. He wants all of his twin moms to stop working by 26 weeks. I was never put on bedrest cause I took it easy with my pregnancy and stopped working when he recommended it. I gained 20lbs by 20 weeks and by the end I gained 70lbs! Mostly water though! I am 5'11 and before pg I was 150 and by the end...220lbs! Yikes! But everyone said I was all belly. My back killed me too and I got PUPPS, a painful, irritating pregnancy rash that developed a week before the boys were born. Other than that, no complications just really uncomfortable at the end.

    Hope you have a great pregnancy and congrats on twin boys! I'm a little biased but I love having my two little men. They are such great playmates too!
  3. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    :sign0016: Not much help here, but wlcome to the board!!
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi, welcome to Twinstuff!! Congrats on your twins.

    Stopping work is different for everyone. I think you can continue to work until you are uncomfortable and feel like it is taking a toll on you. If you feel like it is time to stop working now, then that is a good decision for you. Talk to your OB about it, they are usually willing to do what needs to be done to make you more comfortable.

    As for bedrest again, that varies. I was put on bedrest very suddenly at 24w, up until that point there was not even talk about bedrest because everything was going so well.

    I would encourage you to join our Big Sister Program. You will be matched up with another Mom with older twins and she will answer any questions you have and support you throughout your pregnancy and beyond. Click on the link in my signature for more information about it. It's a great program.

    I look forward to getting to know you better!
  5. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This whole post sounds just like me...I am almost 22wks, I am an admin. asst., I am up about 20lbs (started out at 125 5'2") and my back is killing me as well! I dont know how I am going to make it four more months, I just keep telling myself to suck it up because I have so much longer to go and things will probably get much worse.
    I wish you luck...and both of us some relief!
  6. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS
    congratulations on your twin pregnancy!!


    But my back is KILLING me constantly, I would suggest getting one of those support type of bands for your belly. The lower back pain was the worst part of my pregnancy; and the support belts help by holding up your tummy and relieving your back. There are many different types, just type in "pregnancy support belt" in any search engine and you may find something that will work for you.

    When is a good time to start taking some time off work? This really is an individual decision; as it depends on you and what type of job you are doing. The important thing to remember is to listen to your body. It will let you know when you are doing too much. If you were to do a poll about when women on this site stopped working, I bet the answers would cover a wide range!! For me; I worked until about week 32.....the 45 minute one way commute to work became so unbearably uncomfortable, I knew it was time to stop.

    And when does bedrest usually come into play?? Not everyone goes on bedrest; again this will depend on you and how your pregnancy goes. Once I stopped working my OB recommended modified bedrest; meaning to take it easy and not do more than I needed to.

    I second the PP suggestion about getting big sister!!! She can provide you with some great one on one support!!
  7. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinboys22 @ Oct 4 2007, 10:58 AM) [snapback]435562[/snapback]
    Hey everyone! This is my first time to this site. I just need a little advice. Just to fill you in, I'm almost 22 wks. with twin boys =) When i found out I was pg, I was about 110 lbs. and i'm about 5'3". So i'm pretty petite...everyones reaction when they find out i'm having twins is OMG how are you gonna carry two?! well, at first I laughed it off, but It's begining to take it's toll. So far i've gain about 20 lbs, and it's mainly belly. But my back is KILLING me constantly, and i've been in and out of the hospital for fluids. Mainly because of migraines and not being able to keep anything down. I am still working full time as an admin. asst... sometimes my job can be very stressfull. I don't want to be a "sissy", and leave work too early. When is a good time to start taking some time off work? And when does bedrest usually come into play??

    I am 35wks and still hear that! I'm 5'4 and weighed 100lbs before I got preg, I have gained 40lbs all in my belly. You really cannot tell I am preg from behind.
    I spent a fair amount of time in the er in the beginning too for dehydration, I was sick all the time, couldnt hold anything down. The good news is my doctor never restricted my diet, so I could still eat VATS of ice cream. She said it is better to be under than overweight, she had me drinking boost/ensure in the beginning. I dont think I even gained any weight till almost 20 weeks.
    You will be able to carry them although it is very uncomfortable and it will only get worse. I got a maternity belt which helped with my back for a few months but now it does nothing except suffocate me. haha
    I have had to change my pillow configuration almost every other week, I think I have 5 pillows in bed supporting me. Now I am sleeping on the couch.

    As uncomfortable as I was, I stayed working because my office was VERY ac'd and it was the dead of summer (I live in a 3rd floor apt). I was placed on bedrest at 27wks for cervix shortening and ptl.
    Sorry but the discomfort never gets better. There are ways to temporarily relieve it but it really doesnt get easier, our little frames take quite the beating.
    Right before I got placed on bedrest, I would clear my desk off after lunch and lay across it for a few mins to try and straighten my back out! I've tried tylenol, ice, heat, everything, but its all just a temporary relief, and what works one day might not the next.
    Good luck!!! And congrats!!
  8. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    First of all :sign0016: to TS this website has given me all the answers I have ever needed. You are going to get a whole boat load of interesting comments from people through your pregnancy. I was maybe 115 when I got pregnant and about the same height and very small framed. My body just loaded on the weight. I gained a total of 90lbs (which I believe my body needed to carry around all that belly on those skinny little legs!) and I have lost all but 5 lbs and my boys are 5 months. I was a sales manager at a gym so I also had to work out at work. I was done by 24 weeks, I was just too exhausted and my body felt beat to death by the time I got home. Everyone's body does react differently and some women work till the end, I was not one of them. You will really have to learn how to listen to your body, when it says rest, REST! Anyone who says you're a sissy has never been pregnant with twins. I never got put on strict bedrest but did start having a lot of contractions at 28 weeks and was instructed to really take it easy, which meant spend as much time as possible laying on my side and relaxing. So anyway welcome again and ask all the questions you can think of, and CONGRATS on your twins.
  9. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Welcome you will love this place!! I was 30 wks along before I found it! I never went on full bedrest just modified for one week. I delivered at 35 wks on the day because I was starting to show signs of PreE. Good luck you will do great.. especially if you are still working. I am a SAHM so I never got to "quit working" LOL I just had to ask for a TON of help. Glad to "meet" you!!
  10. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

  11. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, and welcome to twinstuff! This board is sooo helpful, and the people here are incredibly nice.

    Do talk to your OB about the back pain. I was having bad problems with back pain right about where you are in the pregnancy, and my OB started sending me to physical therapy, and it's helped incredibly! I actually feel better now than I did then, even though I'm much bigger. :D

    And if feeling like being a "sissy" is what's holding you back from taking time off of work....don't let it! I know there may be other reasons, but carrying twins may be the hardest work your body has ever had to do. Think about it--carrying two lives inside of you?!?!? It doesn't even seem like it should be possible! Anyway, you should do what's best for your body, and not worry about what others might think (especially if you've already had hospital visits).
  12. BMartinez72

    BMartinez72 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinboys22 @ Oct 4 2007, 09:58 AM) [snapback]435562[/snapback]
    I don't want to be a "sissy", and leave work too early. When is a good time to start taking some time off work? And when does bedrest usually come into play??

    Have you discussed all of this with your OB? Usually she's the one that puts you on bed rest and it's not sissy stuff, it's something very very important that you can do for the benefit of your babies. If you have dr. barbara luke's book "When you're expecting twins, triplets, or quads" there is a whole section on there with pictures of babys' feet and head sizes for every 2-4 weeks. It's tells you about the 3 levels of bed rest "modified" "Strict" and "Hospital" plus how to deal with it, exercises for muscle tone, support lines/groups, etc. Plus instructions for those that should be helping you when under bedrest and why you shouldn't try to negotiate with the dr. when they put you on bed rest.

    Laying on your side, drinking lots of fluids, keeping strenuous activity down - are all good healthy things that will impact the growth of your babies. Think about also (another thing mentioned in the book) about the NICU stay they will have for each week premature they are. Not to mention the cost. The health complications that may mean death for them or one of them, surgeries, possible future problems because of premature birth. Think about their quality of life. Doesn't that mean much more to you than if others think you are a sissy or not because of reducing your workload.

    The book also has a section on the Nursery and the NICU and it has a list of medical complications of prematurity... reading up on what they are is a BIG motivation to any sort of restrictions or care the dr. may want me under..
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