I'm finally brave enough to post this

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rissakaye, May 11, 2007.

  1. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wow. Talk about the kids being entirely different from each other. I think potty-training high-lighted that.

    Sarah was trained back in November. She was one of the one-day-wonder children. I put her in panties and told her to tell me when she needed to go and that was it. Literally. The first accident she had that day was after dh got home from work and I thought he was listening for her to tell and he thought I was. She literally told us starting from that first day when she needed to go and that was it. Within about 3 weeks she wanted her panties at night.

    Now Timothy. The more proficient Sarah got, the more Timothy looked at me and told me "I love my diapers". Talk about knowing you're in trouble. So, I could tell he was physically ready. About 4-5 weeks ago he started waking up dry more. So I would put him on the potty first-thing in the morning and he could usually have instant easy success. So almost 3 weeks ago, I went in one morning and told him he was going to start wearing underwear. He just looked soooo sad. There were a few quiet tears, not sobbing, just letting them flow where he tried to break mommy's heart. I assured him he could have his diaper for night-night and church and that helped.

    So off we went. The first week was alot of accidents. Some success, but only when I took him. He never volunteered to go. The second week, there was an attitude change. He realized that underwear was there to stay. He really started taking pride in going. He had a few days accident-free, but because I watched the clock and his body-language, not because he was telling me.

    That brings us to this week. We introduced bribery into the equation. If either of the kids tell me, and then go, they get just few M and M's. Today he told me all but once when he needed to go. We've been accident free for 3 days (would have been 4 but we had some diarrhea issues). He's telling us more and more he needs to go.

    Things are by no means perfect. The kids still aren't really self-sufficient with doing their clothes or wiping, but that we can work on. We didn't use pull-ups or anything else. The only bribery has been the M&M's for telling us when they need to go. I'm pretty satisfied. And I'm pretty proud too.

  2. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Congrats! I have one that is pretty much day trained. We have had a minor pooping set back but we are just getting over a stomach virus so he has had some dihearra issues too. My William sound like your Timothy. He is perfectly happy in his diapers and isn't even close to training yet.
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    That is fantastic! Isn't it wonderful to have it behind you?!
  4. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Dianne @ May 14 2007, 08:35 PM) [snapback]255235[/snapback]
    That is fantastic! Isn't it wonderful to have it behind you?!

    It is wonderful. Today we went to Barnes and Nobles, Target, McD's for lunch and then took care of the in-laws house (they are out-of-town) and it was nice. A few brief bathroom stops and we just kept going. We're getting ready to do some traveling and be gone over a week and I'm looking forward to not having to pack diapers (except a few for nights) and no more swim diapers.

  5. harryjacksmom

    harryjacksmom Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, Marissa! :yahoo: And Timothy and Sarah :clapping:

    We just took our first partially there trip (one day trained, the other not interested), and you're right the packing was so much nicer!
    Wishing you all continued success :D
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