I'm at the end of my rope and don't know what to do!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nadana77, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    DS has been having sleep issues on and off for about a month now. He use to sleep through the night no problem at all. Now he'll wake up cry/scream out for no reason I go in there and everything is fine.
    Well, last night was my breaking point. He went to bed at 7:30 then at 10:45 he started doing his crying/screaming fit! I went in there of course to check and nothing was wrong. This continued for an hour so, I went back in there to double check and he had woke DD up by then and she was jumping in her crib I told the both of them it was night time and we were to go to sleep. It still continued so, I gave him some motrin just incase it was his molars? Needless to say his whinning/screaming/crying on & off went on until 1:00 am.
    Has anyone had this happen? How did you handle it? How long did it last?
    We go on vacation in two days and I'm scared what it will be like!

    Please someone HELP!!!!
  2. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    We are going through this with Joshua right now. I'm now refusing to go into him. Eventually, he calms himself and goes back to sleep. Fortunately Jesse is so tired he rarely wakes. I was going to him, but saw that he is just crying, nothing wrong and now he wants my attention. He may be dreaming...
    You might want to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection. That can wake them in pain.
  3. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I'll get his ears checked out.
  4. mel&3

    mel&3 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like maybe night terrors. I've heard it's worse if you go in and disturb them. They usually will go back to sleep after about 10-20 mins (sometimes more) of crying, but they're actually sleeping, though they may not look it. Sarah does this sometimes, and if I go to her, she wakes and is up for a while, but if I leave her there she lays back down eventually an never remembers it in the morning.
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    If you noticed that this is becoming a routine, I think I would give him more time before I actually went in to check on him. Maybe wait 20 minutes or so. That way he has a chance to settle himself down and go back to sleep on his own. I know my 2, once we go in, it is harder for them to go back to sleep, but if we give them a little bit usually they will do it on their own.
  6. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    My first thought was "ears" as well. My son normally sleeps like a log so whenever he started waking up in the middle of the night, off we went to the doctor. He always had an ear infection but never any other symptoms. He has tubes now and no ear infections since. Good luck and let us know what happens.
  7. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    my girls actually periodically do this. It usually only lasts 2-3 days and then they are back to normal. I hope it gets better for you soon!
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    That's nutty!! :hug: I hope it's not night terrors! I think the molars is a good theory, I hope you figure it out!! :hug:
  9. T.O. Twins

    T.O. Twins Well-Known Member

    You can also try elevating his head a bit (put a towel or something under the head end of the mattress to tilt it up) in case it is something ear/sinus-like. That sometimes helps.
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