I'm at a complete loss and very frustrated!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    For about a week now, Lorien has just not been her normal energetic self. She's usually climbing up and down the couch, crawling all over the place, playing with her toys and reading her books. Lately, she has been completely lethargic. If I'm holding her she will gladly sit there with me forever. When I put her down on the floor, she will usually just lay there and do nothing. I brought her into the ped on Sunday and they saw nothing wrong with her. She threw up once last Saturday and had a little diarreah on Sunday but since then nothing really. She will not eat pretty much ANY table foods and has converted back to baby food and a very few selected table food items. If I try to give her regular food she will just squish up in her fingers and then throw it back on the tray or the floor but if I take the tray away she will cry. GRRRRRRRRRRR I know she is teething and has a tooth that has been at the surface for a couple of weeks now but it hasn't broken through yet. It doesn't look too red or swollen and I'm sure it's hurting her but does that cause them to be so lethargic and tired? The Ped said that maybe she has a stomach virus but I don't know what to do. She is usually drinking her bottles but sometimes will drink only half of it. I just don't know what to do for her. What do you think it could be??? I'm thinking of bringing her back to the ped today. Would you?

    This teething process is an utter nightmare. It has been going on pretty much non stop since they were 11 months!!!! When does it end????

    Oh and to top it all off, she has been waking up between 4:30 and 5:15 EVERYDAY for months now!!! Then she wakes her sister up. Will they EVER sleep later??? (They go to bed at 7:30pm everynight). Thanks for reading my rant.
  2. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    Check to see if she has a small fever. She could have roseola which wouldent show up for a few days until after the fever breaks. Your dd sounds just like my ds did when he had that. He is normally very energetic and for 4-5 days all he wanted to do was lay on the sofa and watch tv. Good Luck!
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I just did some research on Roseola and while she shows some symptoms of that, she hasn't shown some of the common symptoms of it such as a rash and a high fever. She did have a fever on Friday and Saturday but it was only 101.3. But, if I do make a trip to the Ped today then it's worth mentioning. Thanks for your response :D
  4. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    It's so hard at this age when they get ill. You question yourself about whether you should be seeking medical attention and go from feeling like you're over-reacting to thinking you're not doing enough. There is definitely something going on here, and because she can't vocalize what's wrong it is difficult to diagnose. IMO, it sounds like something more than teething but stomach viruses and even Roseola are both minor things that SHE WILL GET THROUGH, even without intervention. Just keep watching her for signs of fever, rash etc. If she becomes dehydrated, take her in. Otherwise, wait it out. She should feel better soon. :hug99: I know how hard it is when your little one is sick...and I remember the teething that seems to go on forever. I hope Lorien is back to her old self soon!!!
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