im a sippy cup failure

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2Xthelove, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    ok i have tried for a month now to get my kids to use a sippy cup. so far they just want to play with it. i tried using it instead of their bottles but they just cry and push it away until i give them their bottles. so then i tried giving them juice in it and of course they like to see how cool it is when pouring out and they chew on the tip and never really suck on it to get the juice out if i use the stopper so they don't dump it all over the place. they also throw it on the floor i tried just using a regular cup and me holding it and having them drink and they do but i can't give it to them or in a second they will be wearing it. i am sure i should be way past this stage and trying to wean them off the bottles and onto some milk by now although my doctor never said to wean them off formula.
    any suggestions i am just not any help to them on the sippy cup
  2. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    We had difficulty with the sippy cups at first, too. You might want to try a straw cup instead. Our children were able to use these cups very easily and they are basically "spill proof" like the sippy cups. A friend of mine also suggested using the Nuby sippy cups because they have soft "spouts" and it is easier for them to use. Good luck! :)
  3. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    oh they look interesting the straw cups good idea
  4. HH996

    HH996 Well-Known Member

    we watered down their bottles (1/2 milk and 1/2 water). They got real milk in their sippy cups---they were off the bottle in less than one week.
    Good luck!
  5. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    Another vote for trying straw cups....we like the nuby ones best.

    BUT I wouldn't worry at all about it at this stage of the game, if your ticker is right. They shouldn't need to be switched off of formula and bottles until one year, and even then it's not like the world will end if they still have formula or a bottle after their birthday! It's a great idea to practice with cups like you've been doing, but there's no need to worry yet. Once it was time to get them off of bottles and off of formula, the whole transition took us only about a week...but we did it after their first birthday. Maybe yours just aren't ready yet, but they'll get there when it's time.
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Don't give up! It takes time. We went straight from bottles to the Nuby sippies in one day. One of my girls was only drinking a sip here and there when I did the switch. She learned real fast once she got thirsty enough!
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I agree, at 10 mos, don't push it unless you have to. With my middle child, I was due with the twins just after his first birthday. I knew I'd never wean him from a bottle just after a huge upheaval in his life and him seeing the twins get bottles. We began the switch with him at 9mos so that we'd be completely on cups at 10 mos and have two solid months before the twins came. He was getting four bottles a day at 8, 12, 4 and 8. I started with changing the 12 noon bottle to a sippy. I waited almost a week and changed the 4 pm bottle to a sippy. Then the breakfast one at 8am went. It took him a little while to drink a decent amount from them but when he realized it was the cup or nothing, he started drinking. The bedtime bottle was a little harder but I had to follow through. I had been holding him on my bed to feed him before putting him to bed so I made sure to do everything the same except the bottle was a sippy. It only took two days for him to adjust. We used the Gerber soft spout cups...I'll see if I can find a link.
    Overall it was an easy transition. My twins made the switch to cups in a week at 10.5 months! They were obviously ready.
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