I'm 21wks and have ZERO Patience!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by twinsmommy11007, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. twinsmommy11007

    twinsmommy11007 Well-Known Member

    I am 21 weeks and am exhausted and have zero patience. the twins are nuts and I am ready going over the edge!
  2. ejiran

    ejiran Well-Known Member

    I feel for you. Taking care of toddlers and being pregnant is exhausting. I probably have at least one day every week that I am so tired to the point of being weepy by 9:30 in the morning. You also want to punch the people who say 'oh by 12, 18, 24 weeks that should pass and you'll start feeling better.' I think to myself, if you're going to keep extending the time why don't we just go for when the baby turns 18 and goes off to college.

    Things I've found that help me: Get away for one afternoon a week, drink hot chocolate in the morning (I don't know if its the chocolate or just that I sit down most of the time when I drink it), try to stay off your feet (Yeah, right, I know.) and don't plan more than one big thing a day (like don't do groceries and laundry on the same day).

    Hope you are able to get some rest and feel better.
  3. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Some days I have less patience than others, but my husband got laid off about a month ago, so he is home...which is great, sad to say. Jobless, but great having him home to help me or else I might be feeling the strain more often. Plus, my babies are a little older than yours and are much more into independant play right now. I have to agree with the pp...try to make time for yourself and not do too much in one day...space it out. And let the house go a little...I've found that if my kids are misbehaving, nine times out of then, they just want some attention. Sit down and read to them...easy activity for you, and that gets them the attention they needed from mommy. HUGS...and I hope you find the break you need! :)
  4. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I can totally appreciate your post!
    Although my twins listen very well, today was one of those days where I just couldn't even hear myself think! I told everyone to get their shoes on and we left. I didnt know where we were going but the solitude I got from driving my comfy car with 2 quiet toddlers sitting in the backseat enjoying the car ride was blissful. Today was just one of those days and I think we all have them :hug:

    Thank goodness for tomorrows!
  5. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I know exactly what you mean because that does tend to happen to me during my pregnancies. This time hasn't been too bad. But I am very 'space' conscious. My ds just loves to cuddle and hang on me all day. I have very little tolerance of this right now. I just want breathing space, so I frequently give him the boot after a few minutes of cuddling. I'm not sure if I'm being a bad mommy with this, but I literally feel suffocated by him some days. My dh is also not around much, since he's working on finishing up our new house. So I think ds is feeling the temporary loss more than my girls. Thank God it's almost done though... just another week and we should be able to move! Yahoo!
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