I'll fess up...it's been a hard day

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MichelleL, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Oh geez! It was AWESOME to get together with some MA Twinstuff mommies and their kiddos today. But...Emma had a meltdown to end all meltdowns at the park today and I was out of my head trying to get her to relax. I finally did, thank goodness, but I was more than mortified. At that point, I had to choke back tears all afternoon every time I thought about it.

    And then...we had our first EI appt. this afternoon for her speech. The girl was 15 min. late (no phone call, nothing, which I personally think is rude) and then the session was bad. The first 1/2 hour was okay and then all heck broke loose. Emma was being more than difficult, Lauren was being a little UGGGGG, pulling hair, not listening, blah, blah, blah, and it was just SO stressful.

    And now they are in bed and I'm rehashing the day and just sitting here in tears. I would never change it for the world, because I love them more than anything but WOW, parenting is just SO hard sometimes and parenting twin toddlers is horrible at times.

    I just needed to cry on your shoulders for a minute. :love0028:
  2. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

  3. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    :give_rose: :hug99:
  4. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Huge hugs Michelle! I am so sorry the EI session was stressful. Maybe as the sessions so on, the girls will be more used to it.

    And Emma at the park... :hug99: Try not to feel bad Michelle. I know that when S has a meltdown, he will check out and have a fit and it is sometimes impossible to bring him back. :hug99:
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :love0028: Don't beat yourself up, you're right parenting is HARD sometimes. We've all been there, you are not alone. As for the EI, maybe as she gets to know the girl & gets more accustomed to the program, it will get easier.
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the hugs. :cray: You guys are the best. :love0028:

    I meant to add...when Emma was in full on meltdown everyone was STARING at me. To the first group of onlookers I yelled out "it's a toddler crying, it happens!!". :blush: And to another woman who was outwardly gawking I asked "do you want to help?!". :blush: Ooopsie!!

    And about EI, I should add that the girl that came did some great stuff with Emma, so I have high hopes for future visits. I think the cumulation of everyting today, and then the girls acting out, is what made it hard for me. KWIM?
  7. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I meant to add...when Emma was in full on meltdown everyone was STARING at me. To the first group of onlookers I yelled out "it's a toddler crying, it happens!!". And to another woman who was outwardly gawking I asked "do you want to help?!". Ooopsie!!

    :Clap: Why do people stare? This is what they get =@

    I have btdt, I often think the best parents are the ones who have to deal with meltdowns because we do not give into whining/begging, etc. We are consistent even when it means having to deal with major meltdowns.

    So I say you are doing a great job momma, don't forget it :clapping:
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Jun 26 2008, 04:09 PM) [snapback]847987[/snapback]
    I meant to add...when Emma was in full on meltdown everyone was STARING at me. To the first group of onlookers I yelled out "it's a toddler crying, it happens!!". :blush: And to another woman who was outwardly gawking I asked "do you want to help?!". :blush: Ooopsie!!

    I'm so sorry Chelley, really I am, but this made me laugh. :hug99: :laughing: I'm sure they understood you were frustrated, and if they didn't, oh well, who needs them?!
  9. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    *scooching over so you can cry on my shoulder* :) i would have stared too! :p honestly, you are a GREAT mom! i've seen you in action, girl :) it is SO hard....think of how many times we've vented to each other...thank god we have each other! try not to beat yourself up...get a punching bag! ha ha!

    lymi, Lodog
  10. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to send hugs. :hug99: We all have those types of days! Tomorrow will be better!
  11. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug99: :hug99: Oh Chelley...I am sooo sorry you had one of those days!! Yep, been there done that, and it just bites. At least you were humorous to others about their behavior. Really, the 2 year old stage (which is from 18 monthsish on) is so not my favorite. It's just plain sucky at times. But you are a great momma and those little girls are gonna get through it! :hug99: :hug99:
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :hug99: Michelle, I know what you mean. I get all teary too when mine get all bent out of shape and we are ALL tired and things are just MORE difficult at that point!! I'm sorry the appt. was rough. Probably because of the busy day!! :hug99: Hang in there and have a nice cold something to drink and try to relax!
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Michelle, I am so sorry you had a hard day. :hug99: You are right, this parenting thing is hard. You are such a great Mom and have a great attitude about it. I love how you said, QUOTE
    I would never change it for the world, because I love them more than anything
    That is such a touching statement. :)
  14. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    Chelley, big hugs to you! I have been there a lot lately with these two, so I feel your pain :hug99: I'm sorry you had a hard day, but keep it up momma, you're doing a wonderful job :hug99:
  15. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Big big BIG hugs! :hug99: Those "one of those days" days are really something else, huh. I totally know the feeling. But - you survived! And so did they. (And that gawking onlooker TOTALLY deserved all the snarkitude in the world!)

    Sit back, put your feet up, veg out, get some sleep... And I hope the "good twin day" fairy visits your house tomorrow! :hug99:
  16. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    Awww, Michelle! :hug99:

    We have all been there. Please don't be too hard on yourself. You handle today like a trooper.
  17. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: :hug99: We are always here to lend a shoulder. :hug99: :hug99:
  18. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Chelley, :hug99: Give yourself a break sweetie. You are a super mom. I have see you in action and you are amazing with her! {both of them} I had a similar meltdown to that at Walmart with Patrick two weeks ago and I was mortified too. So I definitely know how you felt. It sucks and you always feel like somehow it could have been avoided. But you know what? It really can't. Their communication is so weak right now, and they are so frustrated! It comes to a head in these horrible breakdowns (for them and eventually MOMMY!). :hug99:

    We love you so much and we are here for you always. And it sounds like EI will be great down the line and so helpful. I am having Kevin evaluated in two weeks too. :( Let me know how things go.

    Have a drink tonight and take a little break -- maybe get your nails done this week. You deserve it.
  19. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    :love0028: :love0028: :love0028: Chelley, I was there Tuesday. I was at a friends house and Rachel started one of her fits (she's only started these lately) and I had to carry her out of the house b/c I knew it was time to leave. She cried all the way home! My friends just watched me do it, and I thought, wow have you never seen a toddler do this? It made me think they thought I was doing something wrong and they could have handled it better. So, I've BTDT! I'm so sorry you've had a hard day. I'm glad the EI has a lot of good things coming...it'll just take awhile for the girls to get used to the girl. You're a great mommy! Just relax tonight and remember tomorrow is a brand new day! :wub: :hug99:
  20. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Oh, man. What a day -- I'm so sorry. These little ones really know how to push us to our limits....

    I hope they're angels for you tomorrow. Now, go pour yourself a glass of wine! I will if you will! :D
  21. ehm

    ehm Banned

    Sorry you had a tough day! I think you should plan a nice girls night with drinks to just relax! You deserve it!
  22. CCJN

    CCJN Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Michelle

    Hope tomorrow is a better day :) Wish I could come down there I would love to have a girls night out with you!!
  23. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug99: Michelle, you are such a great mom and you handled it all so well. I loved what you said to that woman!! We have all been there and had tough days. I'm sorry the speech evaluation didn't go so great with them...they were TIRED!

    Hope you are enjoying a glass of wine! Tomorrow will be a better day!
  24. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    *hugs* to you.

    Sydney had her biggest tantrum/meltdown ever this evening. We are quite a sisterhood of mommies on here!
  25. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Some days are just too much! Sometimes I find myself wandering around the house muttering "God give me patience" under my breath and counting the hours until bedtime! I hope tomorrow is a better day Michelle.
  26. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(ehm @ Jun 26 2008, 10:41 PM) [snapback]848364[/snapback]
    I think you should plan a nice girls night with drinks to just relax! You deserve it!

    That sounds like a great idea! :good:
  27. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ehm @ Jun 26 2008, 10:41 PM) [snapback]848364[/snapback]
    Sorry you had a tough day! I think you should plan a nice girls night with drinks to just relax! You deserve it!

    :laughing: You are right on the money here, I think I will!! :drinks:

    THANK YOU to all of you for your kind words. :cray: I have a different frame of mind this morning, the guilt fog has lifted and I'm looking forward to starting the day with my sweeties. You are truly the best. :love0028:
  28. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I hope today IS much better. As everyone has said .. btdt .. I'm about to have our daily meltdown when I tell the boys its time to go to daycare. UGH.
  29. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Sorry you had a rough day! I think the tantrums are worse with our kids who have speech issues, since they can't communicate any other way!

    Yesterday, there must have been something in the air--Jon had a horrible one at Land of Make Believe when we were leaving--unfortunately, I can't carry my 4 foot tall, 53 lb child too much anymore!

    Have a great night :)
  30. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug99: We've all had those days and totally understand. Lets hope today is better. :hug99:
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