igmo brother's girlfriend

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Marbear, May 1, 2007.

  1. Marbear

    Marbear Well-Known Member

    My brother has been dating this woman (we call her Fifi jokingly behind her back) for several years. He really doesn't like her that much, but she has a young daughter he has raised as his own and since he is sterile from cancer treatment he kind of hangs on to the mom because he has always wanted to be a father. She has left him multiple times for crack/alcohol sprees and other guys, but she always comes back to him because he's free rent and he watches her kid. In fact, were it not for the girls paternal grandparents, my brother, and my two sisters and me, the kid would not have even had Christmas parents. Anywho, this lady is pure redneck. She leaves her baby girl to go hunting for weekends at a time, decorates my brother's home in a combo beer/nascar theme. Luckily she works at a package store so she gets a lot of displays and posters for free. Ah, the perks of the job. Anyway, I went home to visit my family for 2 weeks with the twins and my older son. 13 days into it, we meet my brother at a restaurant for dinner. He lives 10 miles from my two sisters but apparently wasn't bursting with enthusiasm to run see the boys he hasn't seen in over a year. Anyway, Fifi runs over to the car as we are getting the babies out (acting like she cares) and starts waving a cigarette over my son Hayden's carrier. I am freaking because this is the same child I had to carry to the doctor 3 days in a row at the doctor's request for evaluation to see if he needed hospitalization for viral bronchiolitis and who uses a nebulizer. I tell my brother to get him inside ASAP. Dumb woman then asks "how do you EVER tell them apart." Let's see...one is brunette, one is BLOND. I can't believe I haven't gotten them mixed up yet...maybe I need to paint their toenails or something.

    Anyway, flash forward to the meal. We are in a room with a really obnoxious group of teenagers and my sister asks them to move us. We are about to switch tables and Fifi stands up and screams that some people are too loud and we can't enjoy our meal. I am mortified. What good did that do?

    Here is the real kicker for me. The babies were kind of fussy (it was the witching hour) and she tells me I need to switch their formulas. My sister chimes in that I am pumping my breast milk for them. She tells me formula might be better. I am LIVID. I do not hook myself up like a freaking dairy cow because I like it...I believe in breast milk being the best and want to try to do this as long as I can sanely do so. I look at her and say "breastmilk is the easiest thing for babies to digest." Dr. Spock then proceeds to tell me "every baby is different though." I say (in a CRAZY voice with my CRAZY eyes) "It's the way God designed- so how can come formula company beat that." I mean even formula companies will tell you that! It was just so insulting that someone who doesn't even buy her kid Christmas presents or take care of her can criticize my attempts to give my babies breast milk like I am not thinking about what is best for them. IGMO!
  2. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    OMG!! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at your post. Beer/NASCAR-themed decorating, indeed! This woman sounds like a real winner.

    Now, you KNOW not to listen to anything that comes out of her mouth....and you KNOW you're giving your babies the best....so ignore her! It's not worth getting into a debate with people like that....

    (Seriously, how does your brother stand it?)
  3. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Well, if she says it's a good thing, it must be bad and visa versa right? I'm sorry about Fifi - that used to be my nickname as a little girl - but at least you don't have to see her often... there's always a silver lining. ;)
  4. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    The most frustrating thing is that NOTHING you say can make someone like that "get it"!! She will just go on with her oblivious life and never think twice about the things she says/does. I would want to strangle that woman. Well, if it's ant consolation I think you're doing a great thing by pumping as long as you can, and you're obviously a better mother than it would ever occur to her to be.

  5. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Why does it always seem that the worst mothers always comment on how we choose to raise our children???? I too pump BM but I do not get much and have to supplement with formula alot. No I do not enjoy having a breastpump attached to my breast several times a day but I believe that I am doing the best thing for my babies. It might not be what everyone thinks but they are my children and my breasts so who elses business it it?

    You are doing a great thing for your babies and dont let anyone tell you otherwise no matter how much research formula companies do they will NEVER be able to recreate the benifits of Breast milk.

    BTW: What does IGMO mean?? Ive never seen that one before.
  6. Mrs.B

    Mrs.B Well-Known Member

    Can we say CRAAZZYYY!!! I'm sorry you had to deal with her, she sounds like a real winner ;)

  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :crazy: <----Fifi
  8. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    Bless your brother for tolerating her "ole redneck self"! Don't let her get to you. I find the people that are not the best of parents usually are the ones with the biggest mouths on what you should or should not do. :D
  9. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becky5 @ May 1 2007, 12:15 PM) [snapback]240153[/snapback]
    :crazy: <----Fifi

    My thoughts exactly! :rofl:
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    OH my goodness!!! igmo is an understatement!!!
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