If yours were born early, do you take them out of the house anywhere??

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by runnergirl, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    Our boys were born at 36 weeks, 5 days. Jackson was and is perfectly healthy, Nicholas had RDS, was intubated and given surfactant during his 8 day NICU stay and is now perfectly healthy. Our pedi has advised us to not take them out in public and keep them away from crowds, etc (except for dr appts and going to grandma and grandpa's house). So, we've pretty much followed her advice. The only time they really leave the house is when I go for a run or walk with them in the baby jogger. I'm going a little crazy with always being stuck in the house and waiting to run all my errands either on the weekend or when DH comes home or MIL can babysit. I know its probably best for their health and I will continue to do it, if I have to. But it just seems kind of extreme...what does everyone else do??
  2. Shannon123

    Shannon123 Well-Known Member

    I guess I am lucky I have never been told to keep mine inside. They were born at 34weeks and 3days and were both brought out of the nursery the second day with no long term issues. Sorry I wish there was something I could offer for advice. It does seem quite extreme considering they are both doing well for you?
  3. K.C.

    K.C. Well-Known Member

    It's so been so cold here that I only take them out if it's above freezing....well, a good bit above freezing (at least 40 degrees), so I know exactly what you mean about going stir crazy. I have MAJOR cabin fever. I think my twins do too!

    But before I got pregnant, I was in my first year of nursing school and Peds was one of my rotations. Babies with a history of any lung/breathing disorder have to be pretty cautious in the first few months of life. It's great that you've gotten to take them at least for a run here and there, but I would follow your peds advice about crowds (as you have). Lung development is very much in its early stages and you should be proud of yourself for protecting your baby! Hang in there. You'll be glad you did!

    And hey, at least you've got great Cali weather where you can venture to the outdoors with them! Pity me here back east not even able to take them outside! [​IMG]
  4. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    I know its hard but RSV season is coming to an end. I dont like to take chances with my kids health, even if they were full term I wouldnt be taking them out in public in RSV and flu season in the first year especially. Babies are very suseptible to illnesses. We had to take our out on our drive cross country just because we had to go in and eat at some point and all 3 kids came down with an aweful cold...that is not something I would risk unless absolutly neccessary. If you must absolutly go out, keep them covered, a blanket over the stroller and dont let anyone sneak a peak. I know it seems extreme but like I said the season is almost over and its your childrens health...sick babies are no fun
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We kept ours in from October till Febuary their first year because of RSV.
  6. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    I have been keeping my babies in the house like you except for the occasional doc. appt and going to grandmas. I know what you mean about running errands, it is awful always having to go really late at night or on the weekend. My DH is still in school and is NEVER home; okay he is home from midnight until 7:30 in the morning. I have major cabin fever and so does my two year old. I am really struggling myself. I know what you are going through. [​IMG]
  7. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    I was told the same thing when the boys were born, but I would ask your pedi again since they've had their 2 month shots and rsv season is about over too.
  8. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We were told to be careful with Jake...but to be honest, we have taken him out a bit - mostly to places where we can eat outside (we live in CA as well) and the local supermarket. I've been less careful with Becca - but now they both have colds, so other than walks and trips to the DR we have layed low.

    They are due for their 2 month shots, but I"m worried they can't get them because of their cold and we have a car trip to Phoenix on Friday and we'll be gone a week.

    They did both get a cold, but they seem to be handling it well and I don't want to live like a shut-in either. I plan to ask the DR if we are now free to take them out more.
  9. Brockgirl

    Brockgirl Well-Known Member

    Mine were born at 30 weeks 6 days and were in the NICU for 40 days. One was even on a ventilator.

    I didn't keep mine inside because I figured if we had to visit the ped so much and had to go to the hospital so often for tests where there are the very most germs, that they could go out. Plus, we get the RSV vaccination.

    Anyway, knock on wood....they have only had a very small cold. And, yes, our ped told us to keep them inside.
  10. Carpathia

    Carpathia Well-Known Member

    Mine were born at 32 weeks and one basically went through the same thing as Nicholas plus a vent and other things. They came home after 6 weeks. It was summer time so a month and a half after coming home, we started taking them out to stores, etc. If it was winter, I would have been more cautious. However, if any stranger tried to touch them, I would immediately tell them not to. Also, once cold season started, I took them out less. I am waiting for it to end before doing gymboree, etc..

  11. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I was fortunate that mine were born at 36 w even with no lung issues or NICU time...I wasn't told to keep them inside and never have - they go everywhere we go...we've had one cold since they were born in May...
  12. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    I agree with a PP who said to try to keep them in until RSV season is over. I know it seems so tough, but you can do it! I just started going to a playgroup with my girls once a week for an hour when they were 6.5 months old and, what do you know, they both ended up getting RSV at 7 months old!! Thank God they were older when they got it - it was just like a bad cold. But it lasted 3 weeks!!! And they were miserable. You don't want to go through that believe me and your babies are younger than mine so it could be more serious with them. You really don't have that much longer - I think RSV season will be over when April gets here.
  13. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the support ladies! I know we are doing the right thing by keeping them in and I'm definately going to ask our pedi again at our 4 mos appt when they get their next round of shots. Because of Nicholas history with his lungs and being on the vent, I'm really paranoid about RSV!! I would feel so guilty if either of them got sick. I'm just looking forward to being able to go places with them, especially when the weather gets warmer, like the park and to the coffee shop and just run errands with them! I want to show off my babies!! But I'll wait...[​IMG]

  14. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    My girls were in the NICU for 8 weeks, they were born at 30 weeks. They came home in May and the doctors did tell us to be careful who came around them and not to take them anywhere (crowds, etc) for a couple of months. We followed their advice for the first few months then after that we would venture out every once in a blue moon. We took them to BRU a few times. We always went on walks but not around any people only the neighborhood. This winter we have kept them inside for the most part. We did venture out last week to the mall, wal-mart, and a clothing store.

    I dont blame you at all for not taking such young babies out right now b/c it is RSV season. It worries me too, that is why I kept them in most of the winter...
  15. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Our pedi just said to wait until RSV was over..so April here..plus that woculd put them at about a month old if they were born at 40 weeks. They were in the NICU for 5 days, but no real problems, just don't want to take any chances. I don't know where we'd go right now anyways..we're still just trying to get adjusted...
  16. Lindyloo

    Lindyloo Well-Known Member

    Frankly in those first few months I found the whole idea of doing anything with them terrifying. I was so exhausted and overwhelmed that I only took them out to docs appoints because I had to. The first time I went out with them in their car seats, then in their massive double stroller (which after the Csection and bedrest felt as heavy as a car) then through the supermarket with people staring and stopping me made me want to cry. I guess I was a little fragile. Heh. The upside of that terror was that they didn't get a cold till about their third or forth month.

    Someone told me that in Jamaica, or somewhere like that, all new babies don't leave the house at all for three months and are in contact with no people except parents and grandparents.
  17. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Our pedi told us to keep our girls in as well, of course our girls came as flu and RSV season was ramping up. Like another post said, I was terrified of them getting sick so I was more than happy to keep them in. I didn't really take them out until school let out, and then I took them on walks with me everyday. The first time they were actually in a crowd of people was this past fall. Lots of people thought we were a little too extreme, but since I was the one that was going to be up all night with two sick babies, I choose to keep them in where I knew they would be healthy. We even made people wash and sanitize their hands when they came in to our house until the girls were about 6 months. I did get a little stir crazy, but now that I look back, I am so glad that we did it that way.

    They now go out quite often, but they have only been really sick once--stomach virus that I brought home from school(I'm a teacher). Since that time, I still change my clothes and wash up real good before I handle the girls. Too afraid I might bring in something from school.
  18. FondofTwins

    FondofTwins Well-Known Member

    The Air Force let me out of my contract to keep my boys home. Yes, I'm going stir crazy. I want a big fat starbucks frappuccino and a long shopping session in the mall. We have stayed home and it hurts. The boys have been well and healthy, and knock on wood, will stay that way. I also haven't been able to show off my babies. But one day at home and not in the NICU or hospital is worth every minute of cabin fever.
  19. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I rarely take mine out. They were born at 31 weeks and are getting the Synagis RSV shots, but I still don't want to take the chance.

    We go to visit family occasionally (or they come visit us), I have taken them to get their pics taken at the mall, out to eat once in a while, and I do take them (one at a time) to a stroller exercise class at my gym. If I just have one with me, then once in a very great while I'll make a quick errand stop, but I never run errands with both of them.

    That being said, I work FT from home and have a nanny there during the day while I work. So a lot of times I run my errands on my "lunch" hour, or DH stops on his way home from work. Or I just do them when he's home. Even with that luxury, we are starting to get really stir crazy at our house. I cannot wait for spring to arrive so we can get out and go for walks to the park. I think my girls are tired of being cooped up.

    Oh, and we are starting a swim class this Saturday. DH and I participate with them.
  20. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    The girl's were born 7 weeks early (March 24th) and I took them out for that Good Friday and Easter. Joe totally freaked about me taking them out that early but they were fine.
  21. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'm going stir crazy. I want a big fat starbucks frappuccino and a long shopping session in the mall.

    Is there are drive through Starbucks close to you?? That has been my saving grace!!! [​IMG]
  22. NikD04

    NikD04 Member

    My girls were born last March. They were 36 weeks exactly. We were told to keep them inside until they were 8 weeks or so. But only because it was still cold and flu season. We took them for walks when it seemed warm enough, or we would bring them out to the backyard for a few minutes. Just enough so that we didn't feel like we were trapped inside all the time!
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