If you're on iron supplements ...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by SC_Amy, Nov 5, 2008.

  1. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    I just started on my iron supps yesterday and am miserable this evening (diarrhea, which I rarely get). Just wondering: If you took iron, did you have many of the digestive side effects (diarrhea and/or constipation)? If so, did they get better as your body got used to the supps or did you continue to have problems? Did you find any ways to minimize the side effects? (e.g. something you ate with the supps--I got nauseated taking them on an empty stomach, taking at a certain time of day, etc.?)
  2. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    I have been taking them from day one. I was told to take mine at the opposite time I take my prenatal, because taking them together could upset my stomach. I take one at night, and one in the morning. I did have some constipation for the first few weeks, but my body got used to the extra iron. I hope you feel better soon!!
  3. GenandThadsMom

    GenandThadsMom Well-Known Member

    I took them throughout my pregnancy, I had to take them at night or I would vomit. I would eat a few Triscuts then take the pills, you should not take iron with calcium. Near the end I had to take supplements three times a day with sucked because I had to be really careful what I ate around them. I didn't have any digestive problems while taking them which is rare I hear.
  4. mel&3

    mel&3 Well-Known Member

    I had a little constipation, but it helped when I took the "slow fe"/slow absorbtion formula rather than the regular iron pills. They're a bunch more expensive, but worth it for someone who is having the digestive woes.
  5. cmccarthy

    cmccarthy Well-Known Member

    They have always constipated me to the point of misery (and pain). My doctor only made me take them towards the end after a blood test showed I actually needed them and let me stop after the delivery.

    Hope you find some relief soon.
  6. glpkkg

    glpkkg Well-Known Member

    I take the Slow FE also and I do have constipation with it but I have always had a problem with constipation. It just got worse after taking the iron supplement. I just doubled my dose of Colace to 2 at a time and the constipation is much more manageable. Good luck!
  7. Kleppard

    Kleppard Well-Known Member

    I am also on iron supplements. I take it at dinner time with food and flax seed oil. So far (knock on wood) I have not had any problems. I think the flax seed oil really helps.
  8. rakellyb

    rakellyb Active Member

    I've tried a bunch of different prescription kinds this time around because I took Slow FE with my last pregnancy and it made me so nauseated... ask your Dr. for samples... I always had constipation problems due to the iron. The latest one though is GREAT! Its called Ferralet..and it has a stool softener in it.... I have yet to buy it so I don't know how much it costs but they also gave me a coupon. I was told to take both my prenatal vitamin and my iron with OJ (and at different times of day) as the Vitamin C helps with absorption. Good luck!
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Ditto the PP who suggested trying other kinds. My doc gave me 6 different prenatals and told me there were more to try if none of those worked for me. The first one I tried (that the nurse had said was so popular) contained a stool softener and let me tell you... it wasn't so much the loose movements as the horrendous gas. My guess is that you're taking a supplement with a softener that your body doesn't need. I never got constipated from taking iron and just plain didn't need the help.
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I did have some constipation at first, but the most noteworthy thing was that the iron turned my poop bright orange. DH (a 12-year-old in a 40-year-old's body) had a field day with that one. :rolleyes:

    I don't remember what kind I took -- I don't think it made me nauseated. I didn't have a big problem with nausea during the pregnancy (after the first 10 weeks) anyway though. Good luck!
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