If you pack a lunch for pre-K/kindergarten

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mom i am, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    I am assuming they can not have p-nut butter sandwiches. I am just curious what is normal to send.

    Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am having a terrible time wrapping my brain around certain things concerning the start of Pre-K.

    Do you send water, milk or juice?
    Do you send fruit?
    Besides sandwiches/wraps, is there anything else you send as the main course?
    Is there anything you are not permitted to send?

  2. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I didn't for pre K but I will for Kindergarten. I won't send the same for each child though, I will send what I know they will eat so they aren't hungry during the day. Kyle will most likely get a lunch meat sandwich of some sort.........he likes ham/turkey/bologna/cheese.............Kayla likes similar but not in bread, she likes the bread with the sandwich items rolled on the side. I probably won't send the same drink either as Kayla tends to do better with apple juice while Kyle prefers water. I am also thinking of grapes or they have actually asked me to include an apple but I think I might save that for their afternoon snack as they tend to take awhile to eat them and I don't know how much time they will have to eat. I have seen little containers in the grocery store where you can put a sandwich but it also has little side containers and I think I am going to try those so they have a few choices and I know they won't be hungry.

    If your children aren't into sandwiches.......does there really have to be a 'main course'? I would think doing a combination of other things would still do the trick (fruit, carrots sticks, cheese, crackers, yogurt etc etc ).
  3. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dianne!

    My guys love sandwiches but I make them all the time. :laughing: I was just wondering if that was what all the other kids mostly eat. :icon_biggrin:
  4. Millie&twins

    Millie&twins Well-Known Member

    I pack them: something meaty (mostly fish, salmon, or chicken, or every now and then a cold sausage), some vegetable (cucumber and/or carrots), some fruit (grapes, strawberries, a sliced apple), a drink (juice or a fruit smoothie (pure fruit, no milk)), and sometimes a treat (usually raisins). Ollie doesn't eat bread (coeliac disease) so he get's a ricecake, and Alex gets his meaty stuff in a sandwich if it is ham or chicken or turkey.
    I bring them a treat when I pick them up (Al usually still needs to eat half of his box and does that on the way home, then treat and nap-time, Ollie gets his when we pick him up from his school.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You can take pb sandwiches to most schools, for K (at a public school) unless they have a peanut free policy. At my DD preschool we could not send pb for anything, but at her elem. school we can, they do have a peanut free table though.

    That said for K last year she got:

    sandwich-either pb or ham
    string cheese/gogurt/yogurt
    drink box
  6. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Here are some other ideas/ combos:

    yougut, grapes, cheese and crackers, pickels
    muffin, smoothie, raisins
    cold cereal, milk (in seperate container, teacher can help pour), banana
    cheese stick, sliced deli meat or leftover chicken, cucumber slices and grape tomatoes
    peanut butter crackers, warm soup in a thermos
    carrot or banana bread, kiwi and strawberries, milk

    My gilrs love trail mix (cheddar bunnies or goldfish, raisins , a few choc. chips, whatever)

    Gotta run, I'll think of more la\ter
  7. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    My dd is very particular so it's the same thing usually....

    Chocolate milk or water
    Peanut butter and jelly or cheese sando
    yo gurt
    granola bar/chips/or string cheese
  8. happy_mumma

    happy_mumma Well-Known Member

    Jet doesnt usually eat alot, so we try to enourage him by letting him pack his own lunch, he usually has Vegemite on his sandwich, a poptop (of juice), a piece of fruit, yogurt ... ect.

    he has recently started asking me to pack him raw mushrooms, he loves them!
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