If you have B/G twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gatormommy, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    Just wondering who sat up unassisted first, crawled , walked, pulled up first etc. and if they are baby A or B. My baby B (Ava) has done everything first, including first tooth. I was curious what y'alls experiences were.
  2. indy2all

    indy2all Well-Known Member

    My Baby B, Jillian, rolled, sat, and crawled first. She also had the first tooth. My little Brendan is about 2 weeks behind her in the milestones in everything except speech. He has been babbling longer and is beginning to understand who Ma-Ma and Da-Da are as opposed to just randomly saying it. He also says "hi" and waves to us in the morning.
  3. c0nfuzd_drumr07

    c0nfuzd_drumr07 Active Member

    Well I don't have b/g twins, but I am one if that counts. :lol: Anyways, I know that when we were babies, I was the one to do everything first (at least from what I've been told)... sit up, crawl, walk, teeth... I think sometimes I was pretty far ahead, sometimes not that far ahead. And I was baby A.
  4. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    For us, Jack (Baby A) has reached all of his motor milestones just days before Ella. However, she is ahead in terms of speech.
  5. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    Drew (baby A) had done everything first except climb up the stairs, Zoe did that one! Not only did Drew sit up, crawl, walk, and talk first, he also fell of the bed first, climbed and fell out of the crib first, got a black eye first, and had his haircut first! Oh, Zoe did chip a tooth first! She was running trying to keep up with Drew and fell and chipped her front tooth!
  6. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    They haven't had a 'set' pattern yet as to who does what first, second...

    Baby A (Dylan) rolled from belly to back 1st and Baby B (Molly) rolled from back to belly 1st.

    Baby A sat unsupported (1+/- min), but his legs are chunkier at this point, which I think aided him.

    Baby A and B BABBLED, YIPE and SQUEAL about the same.

    Baby B stands better with assist.

    That's all I have so far, sorry.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would probably have to say Baby B, Trevor did everything first, but only by a few days to a week. But speech wise, Emilie is way past him.
  8. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    Israel (babyA) did, usually followed by Ruthie in about a week or so. It was like she was waiting for him to "test it out" before she did it! LOL!
  9. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    its funny because my son (Baby A) has done everything in precise order of milestones (ie he rolled, then army crawled, then sat, then regular crawled then pulled up, then cruised, then finally walked), but my daughter (baby B) has done things at her own pace, concurrently to her brother (they both sat at the same time, but she learned to pull up and cruise before he did)...they walked within 2 weeks of each other but DS took a few steps at a time and then dropped to his butt, his sister just let go one day and literally started walking around the room!!!

    they both teethe at the exact same time...they both woke up one Saturday morning with a bottom tooth and then on Sunday morning with the other one!

    speech wise DD was a bit ahead of DS for a while but now they are both babbling and screeching and say a few words....
  10. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    My DD is baby B and she does everything a week or so before her brother. He did get teeth before her, but everything else is her.
  11. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Ben, baby A, reached all of his major milestones first. However, they both began walking on the same day! Hannah though, is definitely more verbal!
  12. minnieinafrica

    minnieinafrica Well-Known Member

    Mia has pretty much done everything first. At first she would only do it a few days earlier, (first tooth, rolling) but she sat up confidently long before Jacob did. She also crawled, cruised, and walked well before he did. For example she has now been walking for 6 weeks and Jacob is now just starting to cruise.
  13. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    It's been Baby A here= DS. First for physical milestones, DD is more of a talker though.
  14. rachinoc

    rachinoc Active Member

    Baby B (Jackson) has hit all the milestones first for us :D
  15. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Mine have been very close in most milestones. The rolled over for the first time within a couple of days of each other (Elliot first, he's baby A). They sat up within a couple of days of each other. They took their first steps on the very same day . . . but then it took Clarissa (baby B) about 2 months to start to walk for real, and Elliot didn't really walk for another two months after that.

    Clarissa got 2 teeth months before Elliot got any.

    They both babbled and used 2 or 3 words at the same time, but then Elliot started to speak for real months before Clarissa did.

    Now that they are bigger we find that Clarissa is ahead on gross motor skills. She can run, jump, and climb much better than her brother. She's also completely caught up with him on language skills.

  16. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Baby A= Anthony, did these first:
    cut tooth
    roll, either way
    say mama, dada, smile, laugh, babble
    go from sitting to belly
    go from belly to sitting
    pull up

    Baby B=Angelina, did these first:
    say a "real" word

    Pretty even, right?? ;)
  17. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Sat up unassisted...Emma(a)
    Pulled up...Jake(B)
    First word...Emma(a)

    ETA...that smiley got me again! B)=b
  18. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    Baby A (Katherine) did everything first, usually 2 weeks before Michael.
  19. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Sophie (baby B ) did everything first to begin with. She smiled , held her head up , held her own bottle and sat up first. Then at around 8 months Jack ( baby B ) took over. He crawled, pulled himself up and walked first. Jack cut his teeth 2 months before Sophie but she has more than him (12 to his 10). They both started babbling around the same time but Sophie can say a few more words than Jack. So i guess they are kind of even now! x
  20. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(swiertel @ Sep 1 2007, 05:46 PM) [snapback]389352[/snapback]
    For us, Jack (Baby A) has reached all of his motor milestones just days before Ella. However, she is ahead in terms of speech.

    This is the same for us. Connor (baby A) was first on everything except speech.
  21. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My skinny mini boy (A) reached most milestones first. My chunky monkey (B) girl walked first.
  22. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine were actually split.

    Blake (Baby B) sat first and crawled first.

    Katelyn (Baby A) pulled up first and walked first.
  23. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Baby B McKenna reached all her milestones first. Apparently according to the nicu, thats backwards since baby b is usually the sicker one. They told me A is usually the healthier one and the one to reach milestones first (don't know where they heard that from???) McKenna has always been the more stubborn one and doesn't want anyone doing anything before her.
  24. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    Mikayla Baby B = Drank from a regular cup first.

    Mikayla Baby B= Crawled first

    Mikayla Baby B= Walked first

    Mikayla Baby B= Talked first (first words)

    Michael= Climbed first

    Michael= Got his tooth first, but Mikayla was within days (2 days later) of him

    Bridget :)
  25. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Chloe (Baby A) did pretty much everything 2 - 3 weeks ahead of Bryce, with the exception of cutting that first tooth. I don't know if it's an order thing or a girl thing, but he was just behind her on pretty much everything.
  26. party*of*five

    party*of*five Well-Known Member

    baby B dylan reached all the major milestones first...
  27. hopewait

    hopewait Well-Known Member

    Baby A - My DD has done everything first, sit up, stand, crawl, walk. Baby B- My DS got his teeth first.
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