If you had "duh" "da" talkers...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsBQ02, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    I remember a few months back or so, someone was posting about the success of their twins' speech. I remember them describing how everything once was "duh" or "da". My question is- could you remind me how you got them talking? My guys seem to be in the same boat. They just turned 18 mo (17 adjusted) and pretty much everything is duh or da, or duh-duh, or da-da. We had EI out last week, and while we don't have the official report, the lady said the way they handle things is by averaging all their scores, and they have to be 25% behind. She told me my guys were actually ahead in receptive language, just behind in speech, so likely we won't qualify for their services. Our ped yesterday at their WBE said she doesn't buy the averaging thing and wants her own evaluation, and believes they do need therapy. I know I just need to wait all these things out, but if you had any suggestions, or just encouragement, that'd be great! :) Thanks!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    One of my girls is in EI for expressive speech. One major thing they do is to put an object near your mouth and over-pronunciate it. I was told that this brings the focus to your mouth so they can see the way the word is spoken. Also, she says "my eyes" a lot to get my dd to look at her. If my dd is focusing on something and our EI girl wants her to pay attention she says very firmly "MY EYES" to make her look up and focus on what she wants her to try and repeat. Another thing is picture books. Get them out often and even if they are turning the pages themselves, find something on each page to point out.
  3. keejaylove

    keejaylove Well-Known Member

    My boys are doing the same and have been for some time... they have an eval with ECI on the 21st, so we'll see how it goes. It's nice to hear from other moms who are in the same boat :) good luck with yours and keep us posted if you have any breakthroughs... that's what i'm waiting for ... :)
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I think you should keep pressing the issue!! Good luck! :hug:
  5. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Michelle- thanks for the object near the mouth tip- we'll start working on that. They love picture books, but right now, Joel, will point to EVERYTHING, say "da" and want us to say what it is, and he'll do that for who knows how long... he just doesn't seem to want to repeat anything!

    I'm anxious to get our referral next week so we can get that second opinion!
  6. SuzanneTX

    SuzanneTX Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost exactly like that, although they do have a fair number of animal noises they make. No real words. Mine are in ECI for speech, and they have had us doing baby signs with them. It hasn't translated into verbal words yet, but is a great tool to reduce frustration and improve communication. I was skeptical about it at first, but it does seem to be a great tool for them and they have picked it up very quickly.

  7. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    Don't be afraid to appeal EI's decision either if they turn you down (your Ped. will play an important part in this process). My daughter was denied services the first time we applied, I appealed, and now she gets OT/PT/ and DT. It was a lot of work, but it is sure worth it - I think... 6 hours of therapy a week is a lot for a 6 month old!

    Good luck and stick to your guns! I know the waiting is the worst.
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