If you give one bottle a day at bedtime.....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jdorourk, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. jdorourk

    jdorourk Well-Known Member

    I know ive read of others that EBF that give one bottle/day of EBM at bedtime for a break... When do you pump for that bottle. I pump before going to bed, which is about an hour after they get the bottle but i am finding i cant pump enough to make up what they drank. I then pump after their first feeding in the morning but it sometimes takes awhile for my letdown - sometimes 10 min.

    What do others do ? Or are you giving formula?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I pumped just after giving the bottles. My body responds really well to pumping so I was able to pump enough to replace a feed. It is, however, quite common to need to pump 2-3x to make enough milk for one feeding. Here's why (scroll down to the section entitled "What is normal when it comes to pumping output and changes in pumping output?").
  3. Mom2VLS

    Mom2VLS Well-Known Member

    I agree that this sounds normal based on what I was told in classes/books/etc (my personal experience is slightly different from what they say but isn't everyone's?). One thing that did help me when I first started pumping with my oldest was adjusting the breastshield size.
  4. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    Have you tried a hot shower befor pumping? I found that always helped with my let down.
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