If you eat dinner as a family in the evening, what time is it?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christineinhk, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    If its later than 6pm, then bathtime, bottletime and subsequently bedtime becomes too late..... Just wondering what time everyone else does dinner....
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    6:15pm - DH gets home shortly after 6, changes clothes, and we sit down. Bedtime is anywhere from 7:30-8:00pm.
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Between 5-6 pm, but usually closer to 5. My dh gets home around 4 so it depends on how long it takes to cook it or if something else is going on. Bed time for my son is 7, my girls is 8. If we are at my parents house we eat closer to 6 so my son doesn't end up going to bed until after 7:30. My kids are used to eating early so if we don't eat closer to 5 then we have to give them a snack. Also like you said if we eat closer to 6 my sons bedtime gets pushed back because with everything going on and they like to play with daddy right after dinner.
  4. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    I shoot for 5:45 -6:00 . . . try for the earlier side on bath nights, and we still barely manage to bring the kids up stairs by 8:15 for bed. We do bath, video, bed. But this is also the only time of day they see their father, so I don't want to move bed time any earlier (and this way they don't get up until around 8:00, so that's less time that I'm on my own with them in the morning).

  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I try for 6 PM. My husband gets home between 5:45 and 6. We all sit down for dinner together every night.
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Right around 5. The babies eat lunch early, snack early, so they can't wait much longer than 5. My older kids eat lunch at school early also.
  7. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    It depends on if we're eating leftovers or I'm cooking, but usually we'll be at the table at 5:30 - 6:00.
  8. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    We eat at the latest 5pm. My hubby gets home b/w 4:30 and 5 and the twinkies are past ready to eat at that point (they eat an early lunch to get a decent nap in before I have to get my oldest from school).
  9. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I get home by 5:34 and the girls and I usually eat around 6:15. DH doesn't get home until close to 7 most nights (commutes into NYC), so it's too late for us all to eat together.
  10. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    We generally eat around 5 when DH walks in the door because he usually has a small job, estimate or when the season is for activities kicks in...one of us runs them and the rat race begins!
  11. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Between 5 - 6. Usually closer to 5 though.
  12. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I wish we could do the family dinner each night but we do ours on the weekends. My husband commutes to Chicago and does not get home until 7 pm. So, it is just us having dinner at the table with their high chair pulled in at 5:45/6 PM. Their bed time is 7:30 to 8:00 PM.

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin
  13. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for your input.
  14. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    We don't get home until after 6:00 so we eat anytime between about 6:45-7:30 depending on the time it takes to prepare the meal. They go to bed at 8 so on shower nights I make a meal that takes less time to prepare so we can eat closer to the 6:45 side and allow enough time.
  15. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We eat dinner as a family at 5:30. Emilie and Trevor go to bed at 7:30.
  16. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    By 5pm they usually start asking at 4, then bath, snack and bed at 7.
  17. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    Usually between 7 and 7:30 (depending on what we do for dinner). My DH does not get home until around 6:30, and we eat together.
  18. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We aim for 5:45 (pretty much the instant that we all walk in the door from work and daycare), but it's often more like 6:00. On weekends they can make it a little later because they have a longer nap and therefore a later snack.

    We don't do a bath every night. They're usually done with dinner by 6:30 (earlier if they weren't interested in eating). We can get them changed and in their PJs by 6:40, then we do bedtime stories, teeth brushing, and in bed by 7ish.
  19. jennyj

    jennyj Well-Known Member

    btwn 5-6 everynight
  20. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We do it right around 6pm.
  21. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    We eat at 5.
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