If you delivered vaginally with your twins?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mandajo_07, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. mandajo_07

    mandajo_07 Member

    Ok im just curious because i might and might now be able to deliver vaginally but if its my choice when it comes down to it im nervous about doing it vaginally because i have been hearing from a couple other twin mommies that they delivered vaginally with there twins and had hemmoraging
    i am just wondering if this happens alot with twin vaginal deliveries ?
    Thank you so much

    28 weeks =) with two boys.
  2. prairiemom3

    prairiemom3 Well-Known Member

    I too was nervous and my doc kept saying vaginal. I was so scared! Everything went fine though and they were born 10 minutes apart, no problems. I know it is so hard to try not to worry! They will take good care of you and whatever needs to happen will.
  3. mandajo_07

    mandajo_07 Member

    QUOTE(prairiemom3 @ Jun 8 2008, 08:55 PM) [snapback]816886[/snapback]
    I too was nervous and my doc kept saying vaginal. I was so scared! Everything went fine though and they were born 10 minutes apart, no problems. I know it is so hard to try not to worry! They will take good care of you and whatever needs to happen will.

    Thank you that is so reasurring to hear. I just worry about things and its hard not to .I just want them to know what to do if it happens and control it.
  4. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I was nervous also.. But i was more nervous.. about having someone cut open my tummy!!! My babies were 13 mins apart and no problems. ;)
    I think everyone is nervous no matter what they do.
  5. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    I was very nervous! I knew we were going to deliver vag, things went much better than I imagined. My two were born 13 minutes apart. any soreness down below was actually better than I had imagined!

    Good luck :)
  6. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had my girls vaginally. I did have to be in the c-section room just in case, but it was fine. My girls are 5 minutes apart.
  7. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I had lots of clots after but i did with my Dh too. I would go for the vaginal if you have the choice! C-section is major surgery and there is a lot more risks involved in that i would say. Good luck :)
  8. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    I delivered vaginally with no problem AND I am a nurses aide in the Mom Baby Unit. If your OB says it is safe, I would go for it. I do not see many complications from vaginal (or c Section) multiple deliveries. Good luck!
  9. walker006

    walker006 Well-Known Member

    I was the opposite. I was scared to death of having a c-section. I delivered vaginally with no problems at all. 7 min apart.
  10. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    I delivered vaginally with no problems, the boys were 6 minutes apart.

    Good luck

  11. eehrlich

    eehrlich Well-Known Member

    I was scared of pushing one out and having a c/s for the next - all went well though- they were 5 min apart even though baby B was breech. I did have PP haemorhage (sp?) but it was fine because they were expecting it. My doc kept telling me it would happen and when it did it was fine - I lost 2L but they put it right back in. I felt fabulous within 12 hours, was up and out of bed 7hrs after. Turns out in my multiples clinic I was the only bleeder in a long time - my luck! But when it happened it was worse for my husband than for me - I just got real sleepy. Better than a c/s - for sure. And if you have a c/s you can still have a PPH - it is due to your uterus not contracting after delivery of placenta - which occurs either way. Good luck - ah the joys of twin pregnancy.
  12. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I had my boys vaginally no problems at all, they were 30 minutes apart and I brought them home 2 days later.
  13. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    My delivery went fine, the girls were 7 minutes apart. I did have hemmorhaging afterward but if they would have been monitoring me properly, they would have caught it earlier and it wouldn't have been a big deal. Just make sure they're keeping good eye on you immediately PP. The big things that should have been warning signs for my nurses were that I couldn't stay awake in the recovery area (even when they brought the babies to me) and my pain increased quite a bit.
  14. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    My delivery went fine. Girls were 7 minutes apart. Addison had a complication but it would have happened whether she was born C-section or vaginal.
  15. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(prairiemom3 @ Jun 8 2008, 08:55 PM) [snapback]816886[/snapback]
    I too was nervous and my doc kept saying vaginal. I was so scared! Everything went fine though and they were born 10 minutes apart, no problems. I know it is so hard to try not to worry! They will take good care of you and whatever needs to happen will.

    Same thing here. I actually was in labor and still could not decide if I was going to try for a vaginal delivery. I had been telling everyone I was going to have a C Section, but both babies were head down so I kept thinking I might want to try. Since I couldn't decide, I was in labor for a good 6 hours, waiting for my doctor to arrive at the hospital so I could talk to her about it. The pain started to get really intense, so they gave me some Staydol (no idea how to spell that) - and that really calmed me down a lot, so when my doctor came in she said that it was my choice, but that I looked like I had a great chance for a successful vaginal delivery. At that point I was like "Just give me something for the pain and I'll try anything!" - right before the doctor left the room for DH and I to discuss what I would do I asked her "What is better for the babies?" And she replied that it's best for them to travel down the birth canal, so I decided to try. It was so much easier than I thought it would be, I think partly because I went into labor on my own and then I didn't get the epi until I was very far along, so they were delivered about 1 hour after I got the epi, with only a couple of pushes. I was up and walking around 2 hours after they were born and did not rip or get any hemoroids or anything. I only needed pain medication for 1 day, it was so so so much easier than I had imagined.

    Actually the pushing made me feel nauseous, and they told me that is a good thing, if you throw up the baby comes out. It's gross but it's true, I did 2 sets of 3 pushes and then I threw up and Amelia came out. They let me see her and started to clean her and the doctor told me it was time to push again. I did 1 more set of 3 pushes and Lily came out. Your body is made to deliver babies.
  16. room4moooore

    room4moooore Well-Known Member

    I've delivered 2 sets vaginally w/o any problems.
  17. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(walker006 @ Jun 9 2008, 02:41 AM) [snapback]817057[/snapback]
    I was the opposite. I was scared to death of having a c-section. I delivered vaginally with no problems at all. 7 min apart.

    I was the same way! I delivered vaginally at 37 wks 1 day. They were nine minutes apart. It was actually much much easier than I ever imagined! I did have a small tear, but that was b/c they had to use the vaccuum for just a second to get Alexis to move down a little bit. They wanted her out in a hurry b/c after Alana was born, they were having a hard time monitoring Alexis.
  18. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    I delivered vaginally and like the others I was also nervous. For me it was mostly the embarressment of having more than babies come out of me. :D I guess I peed on the doctor, but I didn't feel that.

    My babies were 32 min apart, the doc used a suction cup to get them out quicker and no they dont have coneheads. In fact that was the first thing my SO asked about :D
  19. chocomilko

    chocomilko Well-Known Member

    Delivered vag, no problems. 30 minutes apart one was breech and they were 8 pds and 7pds!!! It was fine. Really, I'd be WAY more afraid to cut myself open then have a natural vag delivery. If you can do it, then go for it. C-Sections are way underplayed in my opinion ;)
  20. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    It is reassuring to hear- I often hear about most multiples being born through c-section. :D
  21. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I also delivered vaginally with no problems. They were 6 minutes apart.
  22. erwelch

    erwelch Well-Known Member

    I had a super easy vaginal delivery about 15mins from start to finish & I didn't even have any tears. I think this being my 2nd delivery may have helped but with my son it was super easy too. I had to deliver in the OR with 18 people in there in case of any emergencies but they basically stood around for nothing. My girls were 36.1wks and both weighed 4.14lbs. Keira was born at 711pm and Finley came out at 722pm so it was quick and basically painless. I was up and walking as soon as the epidural wore off. I would totally go for it b/c you will need the quick recovery time to be able to take care of the babies. I really needed it b/c I also have a 19mth old to take care of. Good luck!
  23. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    I too was scared to have a vaginal delivery. I was afraid one would be born vaginally and one would be c-section and I'd have stitches and be sore in two places. But my OB really wanted me to try vaginally since they were both head down when i went into labor.
    They were both born vaginally, 17min apart with no problems. I did have a mild hemorrage right aftewards but they gave me a shot of methargine ( not sure if that is the right name ) it is supposed to contract the uterus and stop the bleeding which it did. Today they are so prepared for anything so I wouldn't worry about the complications. The fact is that a vaginal delivery is MUCH easier on your body than a c-section. Good Luck sweetie. :hug99:
  24. mandajo_07

    mandajo_07 Member

    MANDIE :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:
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