if you could reccomend 1 toy for the second year

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hsuter, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    Dh and I are going to buy 1 or 2 toys for the babies, they kinda got more babyish gifts for their b.day :-(. So, just wondering if you could reccomend 1 (maybe 2) toys for the second year what would they be?

  2. eechy

    eechy Well-Known Member

    We're only part-way through the 2nd year, but so far the two most favorite things are a toy shopping cart and a toy stroller. They just race them all around the house and they can use those baby toys as cargo. Both items were super cheap $10-$15ish. Happy shopping!

    Oh - we got all books for our kids' 1st. I mean, literally ALL BOOKS. They love books, so it's great, but I was hoping for some fun big-kid toys, too. So, I know how you're feeling.
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    A ride-on toy (truck, train etc). All the other toys they're getting bored of eventually and I have to rotate, but the ride on toys have been a hit since 13 months. I'd check craigslist, you can find some cheap ones there... I got their favorite fire truck for $10 from there.
  4. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I'm still wondering the same thing myself!! I can share a bit but we haven't made our big "second year" toy purchase yet either (waiting for xmas.. so, our girls are really into their ride on toys, stacking/nesting cups (finally lol!), pretend food, fisher price talking tea set, foam blocks (that say age 3+) and most of all.... empty diaper boxes and balls of any size! As a family we get tons of use out of our Radio Flyer wagon that seats two. LUV that thing!!!

    With Christmas coming, this topic is probably on many of our minds so all suggestions are totally appreciated!! We are thinking about getting them a little table with chairs and possibly some duplo blocks?? We also saw a table that has a removable duplo compatible table top which provides a cool place to build w/duplo blocks... we are considering that table but I don't really even know if kids in the second year are really into duplo/legos!
  5. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Toys: Megablocks, trains (we started out with the bigger plastic Thomas trains and then graduated to the wooden ones just a few months ago), ride on toys (we have elmo plane and radio flyer rocket), Little people and LP stuff (we have two barns, house, construction site, ferris wheel, and bus), Puzzles and books of all kinds, and finally push and pull toys.

    Other Stuff: RF Wagon!! This was a first bday gift and we use it almost every day. Table and chairs are a huge part of our days; we color on it, do play-doh, snack, etc. We got it for christmas and I'd say they didn't grow into it until they were 18 mo. Outdoors our sandbox and swings are VERY important. Their grandpa built that for them in the spring when they were 18 mo.

    HTH! DH and I like to add things every once in a while that we think they'd really like. Most recently it was a new train car for DS and a large magnadoodle for DD. We've had a lot of things passed down to us and I also shop consignment sales every season to add to their toys (and clothes) without spending a fortune. I got the coolest FP train at a recent sale that is the most beloved toy now.

    GL and have fun shopping!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would say big hits in our house are books, toy shopping cart & lawn mower, crayons & coloring books.
  7. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    BALL PIT!!! My girls still love it :) and you can get a ton of books (and colorong books) from the dollar store :)
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    We're only 1 month into the second year, but I heartily agree with this. The boys adore their FP ride on car. Be warned, they may fight over it so much that you have to buy 2!
  9. Bridgett

    Bridgett Well-Known Member

    My girls love the Fisher Price Little People - all of it! Also, books - especially the ones that have flaps that lift up.
  10. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    The longest lasting favorites for this year have been the ride on toys (Little people fire truck is the fave), the corn poppers, the popper lawn mowers, balls and books. Of course they play with a lot of different toys, but these have made it the entire year.

    We had to go toy shopping at 18 months because they needed some bigger boy toys :) I kept some of their gift cards from birthday and Christmas. That worked well and I think I'm going to do that again. If nothing else we can get some new summer/outside toys when the time comes. We travel for Christmas so they'll be sure to get a few small giftcards.
  11. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    we love our slide! and the ot says they work better when they play on it for a while.

  12. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Mine are just now a year old but I second the ball pit and a play tent has been a hit! We have a couple of ride on toys that they are just not interested in so far - I am still holding out hope that those will catch their attention soon. Of course, mine are not able to reach the ground when they sit on them so that could be part of the problem :)!
  13. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    play kitchen! The boys LOVE it and play with it everyday!
  14. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Hands down I'd vote for a kitchen! They play with it everyday!

    The previous suggestions are awesome too and are hits in our house: ball pit, shopping cart, wagon, etc...
  15. KellyJ

    KellyJ Well-Known Member

    My boys all still play with their play kitchen. My DH did not want to get our 1st son a kitchen, but I had to have it for his 1st b-day. What a wonderful toy it has been! All of the kids that come to our house play with it, boys and girls. It's been the lonest-lasting toy in our house as far as "playability" (not a word, but who cares!) goes.

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