If regurgitation grosses you out, don't come in here!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by betseeee, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I can't even believe this happened. The girls have been sick since before Christmas - Kate's got pneumonia, then Lilly got a pukey stomach virus, then she gave it to Kate, then to me, then Lilly developed a respiratory virus, and today (at an ear infection re-check) got diagnosed with another/continued ear infection. Lilly's really really cranky and didn't want to take her antibiotic, so we were all sitting on the kitchen floor while my husband held her and I held Kate (who is beyond clingy and can't be put down right now) while we both tried to get the medicine into the little fighter.

    She's fighting and fighting and then she starts coughing and gagging, so Ryan sits her up and she throws up into his hand. Kate sees this and starts gagging, then throws up all over my arm. Lilly sees her and throws up more on the floor. Kate sees her and throws up on my leg, and then on the floor for good measure. I have absolutely no idea how I didn't add to the mess, but I managed to hold back (maybe because I am still not really eating much myself). I swear, it was like that scene from "Stand By Me." Either identical twins really do feel each other's pain/discomfort, or that whole "I can't watch someone puke without pukng myself" mentality starts verrrrry early.

    The only upside is at least my husband is doing the pukey laundry this time. What's funny is I have read some pukey stories on here in the past, and always thanked my lucky stars. Up until this virus hit, neither of them had ever thrown up at all, except for when the doctor accidentally gagged Kate looking at her throat, which totally doesn't count. This definitely counts. :icon_eek:
  2. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    I feel like I could've written your post. My DH and I spent christmas day and the following wednesday covered in puke. Our home right now still smells like its covered in vomit. My babies have never had anything more than a cold before either and this really came and knocked us right off our feet. Luckily I haven't caught the bug, but my husband did. He hasn't left the bed(except for frequent bathroom trips) in the last two days. So I've been left to deal with two fussy, whiny, clingy,puke machines all by myself. BAH HUMBUG!!!
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I know you must be having a rough time but that is honestly the funniest thing I have read in a while. Sorry for your pain, but thanks for making me laugh. I completely understand, however, because last Christmas both my girls had an awful stomach virus.
  4. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinmom11 @ Dec 30 2007, 01:13 AM) [snapback]550264[/snapback]
    I feel like I could've written your post. My DH and I spent christmas day and the following wednesday covered in puke. Our home right now still smells like its covered in vomit. My babies have never had anything more than a cold before either and this really came and knocked us right off our feet. Luckily I haven't caught the bug, but my husband did. He hasn't left the bed(except for frequent bathroom trips) in the last two days. So I've been left to deal with two fussy, whiny, clingy,puke machines all by myself. BAH HUMBUG!!!

    Oh no! Sounds just like us except I was the sick one and my husband seems to have been "last man standing" (literally in this case). I only spent one full day (Thursday) in bed with the lights off all day (I barely even looked at the laptop or TV - that's how I know I was really sick), though. I see you're in NY, too - your kids weren't licking the ride-on toys at Walt Whitman Mall on Christmas Eve day, too, were they? My husband took Lilly to the mall while I took Kate to the doctor, and when I called to say I was picking them up, I heard him say "Nonono! Don't lick that!" We literally had not been ANYWHERE for several days prior to that because of Kate being sick, and since Lilly was the first one to get sick, I think that's pretty good evidence it started at the mall, don't you think?

    QUOTE(Utopia122 @ Dec 30 2007, 02:45 AM) [snapback]550367[/snapback]
    I know you must be having a rough time but that is honestly the funniest thing I have read in a while. Sorry for your pain, but thanks for making me laugh. I completely understand, however, because last Christmas both my girls had an awful stomach virus.

    I'm glad you got a chuckle. Honestly, as it was happening, everything went into slo-mo, and I was thinking "omigod please don't let me throw up" followed by "holy crap I can't believe this is happening" followed by "OK, this is really disgusting but it's also really #@&$-ing funny." At some point the grossness becomes so overwhelming you just give in to it and see the humor, I guess!
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Oh My Gosh Betsy!!!

    I'm so sorry. That is simply aweful and yes the Stand By Me scene totally describes it. I'm sorry they are so sick. As you know, we have been dealing with sickness after sickness as well. Lorien just got over a double ear infection and Arwen just got over her second round of pneumonia this month (the ped said that it is totally going around right now in addition to the stomach bug as you described). Arwen has been diagnosed with asthma so the nebulizer will be a big part of her life for the next couple of years (ped says she'll probably outgrow it around 4 or 5 years of age). We are FINALLY healthy for a good week now but that's because we haven't left the house.

    I hope your sweeties feel better soon and we can get together. I feel like we have been planning a get together FOREVER. Our kids will be entering college by the time we all meet :lol: Just can't wait for the winter to go away and for all the sicknesses to go with it. I HATE WINTER!!!
  6. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Dec 30 2007, 03:36 PM) [snapback]550737[/snapback]
    Oh My Gosh Betsy!!!

    I'm so sorry. That is simply aweful and yes the Stand By Me scene totally describes it. I'm sorry they are so sick. As you know, we have been dealing with sickness after sickness as well. Lorien just got over a double ear infection and Arwen just got over her second round of pneumonia this month (the ped said that it is totally going around right now in addition to the stomach bug as you described). Arwen has been diagnosed with asthma so the nebulizer will be a big part of her life for the next couple of years (ped says she'll probably outgrow it around 4 or 5 years of age). We are FINALLY healthy for a good week now but that's because we haven't left the house.

    I hope your sweeties feel better soon and we can get together. I feel like we have been planning a get together FOREVER. Our kids will be entering college by the time we all meet :lol: Just can't wait for the winter to go away and for all the sicknesses to go with it. I HATE WINTER!!!

    I am so sorry to hear Arwen got the asthma diagnosis. I know the "joys" of the nebulizer (not daily, but since they have been sick...um...all fall/winter...it's been daily a lot of the time) and I wish you guys didn't have to deal with that. But I bet the ped is right and she outgrows it. My husband had childhood asthma and is fine now. I have been thinking of you guys and wondering if you had given up on us! It sure does seem like getting all 4 kids (and moms!) healthy at the same time is a mathematical impossibility, but I know we will manage it one of these days. The girls' birthday party is the 14th, so I probably won't plan anything between now and then. I'm afraid they'll get over this and get someting else before then! But at this rate, jumping from sick to sick, before we know it, Spring will be upon us!

    OK, maybe not quite before we know it. But let's hope for health and a chance to meet up in the new year!
  7. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(betseeee @ Dec 30 2007, 05:02 AM) [snapback]550517[/snapback]
    Oh no! Sounds just like us except I was the sick one and my husband seems to have been "last man standing" (literally in this case). I only spent one full day (Thursday) in bed with the lights off all day (I barely even looked at the laptop or TV - that's how I know I was really sick), though. I see you're in NY, too - your kids weren't licking the ride-on toys at Walt Whitman Mall on Christmas Eve day, too, were they? My husband took Lilly to the mall while I took Kate to the doctor, and when I called to say I was picking them up, I heard him say "Nonono! Don't lick that!" We literally had not been ANYWHERE for several days prior to that because of Kate being sick, and since Lilly was the first one to get sick, I think that's pretty good evidence it started at the mall, don't you think?
    I'm glad you got a chuckle. Honestly, as it was happening, everything went into slo-mo, and I was thinking "omigod please don't let me throw up" followed by "holy crap I can't believe this is happening" followed by "OK, this is really disgusting but it's also really #@&$-ing funny." At some point the grossness becomes so overwhelming you just give in to it and see the humor, I guess!

    Not Walt Whitman, but come to think of it they were on the carousel at Roosevelt Field a few days before Christmas. I wouldn't be surprised if thats where they picked it up. Those things are germ magnets. Unfortunately as soon as my kids know we're going to the mall they start saying horsey, horsey, horsey and its the promise of that horsey ride that gives me the chance to get all my shopping done without any tantrums!
  8. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    I don't have a weak stomach...but *I* about threw up reading that!! Holy moly, that IS a gross twin moment!!! Kudos to you for hanging in there! I really hope that you ALL get to feeling better...and soon! Ha...that was really a classic twin mom story!!
  9. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    that tops DS throwing up (quite literally) full on in DH's face when DH was holding him one day....its not funny but after a while if you don't laugh you'll puke too!
  10. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you had to experience a pukefest, but your description was priceless! :lol:
  11. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    OMG, Nooooooooooooo!! We had a completely puke-free day yesterday. Lilly got a new antibiotic, and she only had a tiny bit of diarrhea, got her appetite back, and was actng just like her normal self. At bedtime, my husband put Katie in her crib, and I had Lilly. I kissed her goodnight, stepped towards her crib, and SHE POWER-PUKED ALL OVER ME. Three times. Whyyyyyy? Seriously, why is she still puking 7 full days after she started? This is nuts. The only upside is if I had put her down slightly faster, I would've had to wash all the crib bedding again, instead of just my clothes and the area rug.
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