If Prevacid Quits Working...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jenniferkkelly, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    My DS has been on Prevacid solutabs (twice a day) for about 6 wks now (he's 14 wks old, 9 wks adjusted). It has seemed to work really well & he gained a lot of weight this last month. However, in the last week, he's spit up twice, it came out his nose, and he just screamed & screamed. I know it's only twice, but I'm worried that this means his refulx is acting up again. I'm trying to give it to him 30 minutes before he eats, but that's tough to do in the mornings when we're rushing out the door to daycare. So anyway, if this is a reflux flare up & the Prevacid does quit working, what have you done for your babies at this point? Our ped. said that there's a medicine we could give him (reglan?) but it has some pretty bad side effects & so that scares me. I'm just so sick of dealing with reflux & with a baby in pain! I thought Prevacid was our solution, but now I'm worried that it's not & I just want to figure out what our options may be. So if any of you have BTDT, I'd love to hear about it!
  2. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    Just my $0.02 - ask you ped for a referral to baby GI specialist if there is one in your area. Since GI problems like reflux are their speciality they stay more up to date on what options are. And at least ours was much less likely to send us off down the new med path without some serious questions and a more exhaustive approach.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We too saw a Ped GI for the reflux. The Prevacid as you know wont take care of the spitting up, just the pain. We still had some spitting up on occasion even on meds. There are plenty more meds out there for reflux, so if he seems to be in pain and doesnt want to eat then I would get into the Ped and maybe even a Ped GI. The best help I got was from my Ped GI and that was to add 2 tsp of cereal per ounce of formula (we were only doing 1 tsp per the Ped). This advice significantly decreased the amount of spit up and gave us a much happier baby combined with the Prevacid and staying upright for at least 30 mins after eating. I would check with your Ped if you are still having persistant issues with spit up. GL! Reflux stinks! :hug99:
  4. jschiess

    jschiess Well-Known Member

    A couple of thoughts for what it's worth...

    1. If he's gained a lot of weight, maybe his dose is inadequate now? Might be worth a call to the pedi's office.

    2. DS2 was on Prevacid solutabs when first diagnosed, and I had a hard time getting them to dissolve well. The result was that sometimes less than a full dose made it into the baby. You are probably more talented than I am, but we ended up switching to a liquid (Axid--but I hear there's a liquid prevacid as well); and that helped him a lot.

    Good luck!
  5. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    one of my girls has silent reflux and i posted almost this same question a couple of weeks ago, her painful eating had gotten a lot worse despite the prevacid. i switched her formula to alimentum and she's been a new baby, taking 6 oz at a time rather than 3-4. but her problem wasn't spitting up. good luck!
  6. bebedoc

    bebedoc Well-Known Member

    We used the compounded prevacid and it worked much better than the solutabs on my DS. Our girls are on the compound now, we didn't bother trying the solutabs first. I ditto the comment on having outgrown the dose. Check with your pedi.
  7. annagloth

    annagloth Well-Known Member

    One of my boys has reflux and is taking Zantac twice a day and we are adding the cereal to his formula as the pp mentioned and propping him up for at least 30 min after meals, we also burp him after every ounce. So far this has helped tons!
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