identical twins - personality and sleep patterns

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sara b, Jul 18, 2007.

  1. sara b

    sara b Well-Known Member

    My girls are just over two weeks now and I was wondering...for those of you out there with identical twins, are their personalities and sleep patterns the same in the first few months, years?

  2. tracymcg

    tracymcg Well-Known Member

    Owen and Ben's personalities and sleep patters have been very different from the beginning. I was pretty surprised! O began sleeping through the night at 3 months (B started around 5mo). B has always been a better napper who sleeps more deeply and tends to go up to 2hours.

    Personality-wise they have done a little flip flopping. B was fussier as a newborn, but has become our easy going, happy guy and definitely the dominant twin. O was the mellow fellow for the first 4 months but has since become much moodier and more high maintenance.

    It's pretty fascinating to watch them grow and change. I've heard that ID's tend to flip flop back and forth with personality stuff.
  3. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    Both my girl's sleep patterns have been the same. Thank God! :)

    As far as personalities they've stayed the same for the most part. The have opposite personalities but they've never flipped flopped.
  4. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Trish_e @ Jul 18 2007, 05:41 PM) [snapback]336266[/snapback]
    Both my girl's sleep patterns have been the same. Thank God! :)

    As far as personalities they've stayed the same for the most part. The have opposite personalities but they've never flipped flopped.

    Boys have had the same sleep patterns all along. They have different personalities but they flip flop what seems like hourly....LOL
  5. sara b

    sara b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(tracymcg @ Jul 18 2007, 01:28 PM) [snapback]336239[/snapback]
    Owen and Ben's personalities and sleep patters have been very different from the beginning. I was pretty surprised! O began sleeping through the night at 3 months (B started around 5mo). B has always been a better napper who sleeps more deeply and tends to go up to 2hours.

    Personality-wise they have done a little flip flopping. B was fussier as a newborn, but has become our easy going, happy guy and definitely the dominant twin. O was the mellow fellow for the first 4 months but has since become much moodier and more high maintenance.

    It's pretty fascinating to watch them grow and change. I've heard that ID's tend to flip flop back and forth with personality stuff.

    I find that so interesting because I see their eating habits flip flopping almost daily. like they are following the lead.
  6. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    I have ID girls. They have very different personalities and have since birth. We worked very hard from day 1 at home to get and keep them on the same sleeping and eating schedule. It does take a little work but it is well worth it!
  7. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    They are on the same eating and sleeping schedule but that's because I did that, otherwise I'd go nuts. And that is interesting about the flip-flopping! My Con used to be very cry-ish, now Chase is one who fake-cries ... but they are both sweeties!!!!
  8. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    Ours have the same sleeping and eating patterns but definitely different personalities. Porter is much more easy going, quicker to smile. Bridger is much more skeptical of the whole world and so serious a lot of the time. I've never seen Porter serious.
  9. T.O. Twins

    T.O. Twins Well-Known Member

    Mine are pretty similar personality and sleeping wise. The down side of this is that at 13 months BOTH are still not sleeping through the night. (I'm sure that won't be your experience.) We have tried to keep them on the same eating/sleeping schedule and it has worked well. Good luck!
  10. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I guess my girls are the weird ones here :p Their personalities are very different. Alivea is very independant, only wants attention from us when she wants it and is completely happy playing by herself looking at a book. Kaytlin is very clingy, always has to be in mommy's lap getting love. Their sleep has been similiar though. They both sleep through the nite and have since 10 months old.
  11. NYCmom

    NYCmom Well-Known Member

    Mine are very similar on sleep (unfortunately, since they didn't sleep through until 9 months!). They have different personalities but aren't opposites -- they gravitate towards the same toys and the same foods, for example.
  12. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Their sleep/feeding patterns are so close it's creepy. They wake within minutes of each other and always have. In the early days, if I tried to feed just one, the other would wake and want to be fed before the first was done so I just started waking whomever was sleeping because I knew they'd be up soon anyway and it was much quicker to tandem. This was all before I learned they were identical and it was one big reason I started to consider that they might be.

    As for personality... they have distinct mannerisms and quirks that are very individual. Other things are very similar like their food preferences and when & how they go about learning/trying new things. They also flip-flop on some things like who is more outgoing at any particular moment.
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