Identical Twins but only one h/b at 7 wks-scared

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by babehopes, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. babehopes

    babehopes New Member

    If anyone has any stories similar to this please let me know your outcome. I did IVF and transferred 2 - however only one took. Today at my 7 wk u/s she sees two fetal poles (babies) in the one remaining sack. However there was only one heartbeat. The babies were directly on top of each other so you could only see one at a time. The baby with the heartbeat was measuring 6w1d and the one that didnt have a heartbeat was measuring 5w5d. But I am 7 wks along. And she wasnt able to measure the h/b. Is there any hope for both babies????
  2. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    mine's not exactly that similar, but since you haven't had any responses, i thought i'd input mine. i had an IUI with 3 follicles and at my first sono at 5w6d (i think), there were 2 sacs but no heartbeats. i returned a week later and there was only 1 heartbeat, and that sac with a heartbeat was MUCH bigger than the other sac. my RE told me that the smaller sac would reabsorb and i'd only be having 1 baby. being an ob nurse, i knew this was possible but it was also possible to have both babies. at my job, we had a sono tech on duty around the clock, and when i was about 7 weeks pregnant and waiting to get in to see my ob, i had the sono tech scan me and there were 2 heartbeats! they still measured a week apart at my first ob visit which was 10 weeks, but they both kept growing and eventually got to pretty similar sizes.

    so the final answer to your question is... yes, there is hope for both of your babies. there is always hope this early on. i will pray for you, and best of luck! hope to continue to see you around here!
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    :hug: The early stage can be very scary & nerve wracking, but I agree, there is still hope :hug:
    Try to stay positive :hug: When is your next appointment?
    I will be hoping for the best for you!
  4. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    No experience here, but couldn't read and not send hugs and good thoughts! :hug:
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: It is still early, try and stay positive, I know it's hard though.
  6. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    It could be a positional thing. I also had IVF. At my first u/s at 5.5 weeks, they saw just one sac and yolk sac...that's it. At my second u/s at 7.5 weeks....we saw TWO sacs and two beating hearts! So the first u/s was just hiding the other sac. I would say you'll know more in a week or two. GL!
  7. babehopes

    babehopes New Member

    Thanks so much for the replies and well wishes! THey wanted me to come back tomorrow for the next u/s but that is only 2 days later than when they just saw them. So I am thinking I would rather wait until monday and give them a few more days to grow maybe!I just wonder if identical h/b's can hide b/c they could see both babies just only one heartbeat. And this was with a vaginal u/s.
  8. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to send u well wishes and positive thoughts. Please keep us posted :hug:
  9. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    During my last pregnancy I had some bleeding problems and went in for an u/s at 5 weeks. AS suspected they saw a fetal pole but no hb. What the u/s tech told me though was interesting...she said that she really prefers to wait until 8 weeks at least to do an u/s because many babies will not have hbs even at 7 weeks. I wouldn't lose hope. I do agree that putting off the u/s for a few more days might be better. Until you are further along it really is just a waiting game, and a 'negative' u/s will plummet your hopes whereas a 'positive' u/s might just raise false hopes. It's got to be the hardest few days/weeks of any mom's life. Keep hoping, but try to distract yourself in the meantime! If the babies for some reason really are that early along then not having hbs could be totally normal!
  10. babehopes

    babehopes New Member

    I went back to the Doctor today for my follow-up u/s. I am 7w5d and each of them grew the same amount since last time (now they are 6w4d and 6w1d), but still only the larger one has a h/b. I wouldnt have expected the smaller one to keep growing if it wasnt going to develop but I dont know....
  11. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't lose hope... that's still early for a hb.
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