ideas for indoor things to do for 2.5 y.o girls

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by elhardy26, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    We are VERY excited to welcome a DS into our family in few weeks. However, this means that I will be home with my DD's full time for 3 months in the winter. There's no way I'll be able to take all three out any where in the car and outdoor play time will be limited by weather and temperatures unfit for a newborn.

    Any idea's for indoor activites for my DD's to keep them occupied while I'm with the baby? They don't play great without my constant attention and often end up fighting within seconds of me leaving the room (attention seeking for sure).

    I am willing to buy games/activities to keep them occupied. We try arts and crafts but they still seem to need a lot of adult intervnetion or else they'll have half the glue bottle dumped on their paper or they can't get the playdough accessory to work, or something they need drops to the floor... you know how it goes...

    what are other SAH mom's doing with your 2 year olds all day?

    Thxs for the tips!!!
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Here is a great website for indoor play/rainy day activities.

    We do arts & crafts, but some other activities that have worked well with my two:

    -water play
    -counting/seperating dried noodles in muffin tins
    -pudding painting (although messy)
    -chalk art (on construction paper)
    -make an indoor 'tent'...give them some pillows and flashlights, etc...

    Best wishes with your soon to be addition!
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Another thing I forgot to add to the above list....BUBBLES! Mine love bubbles, but I hate to sit and blow them. I picked up a cheapy bubble machine at Walmart. It has been the best $7 I have ever spent! It will keep them entertained for awhile. :)
  4. JennyR

    JennyR Well-Known Member

    SLIDE!!! I have 2 in the basement. It keeps them busy for hours. They slide down them. They slide stuff down them. They build forts with them. I LOVE MY SLIDES!!!
  5. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    My first thought was swimming. Do you have a hotel nearby with a warm saltwater pool? I specifically suggest a hotel pool because- the friends there change constantly or it will be empty, it is usually kept very warm so the girls will last longer, the air is warm for babe and they are usually small (easier to supervise) and have a ledge around the edge for short ones. Plus it is active to wear them out.

    Second- do you have an unfinished basement? We turned part of our partially finished basement into a playground. Slides, rope ladder, swings, rings and monkey bars attached to the ceiling. Climbing holds line one wall. Bikes and scooters work on the cement floor. Add music for dancing. A big mirror helps with that also. I've even let them chalk on the floor when it is ready to be washed.

    third- invite friends over to keep them entertained.

    Tub time- paint, shaving cream. food coloring, oobleck, etc confined in the tub with two naked kids.

    I think you'll surprise yourself with just how much you are able to get out and about. One baby is different than two. And if not, by the time spring rolls around you will be crazy to get out, the babe will be coming to life and the weather will feel lovely! Enjoy your new little one.
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Do you have any teenager girls in your neighborhood? Maybe hire one or two to be "mother's helpers" and have them do crafts and play with your girls a couple of times a week.
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what the weather is like where you live, but I took my twins out in the stroller (well bundled) at 5 weeks in December! If you have a plastic rain cover on the stroller, it can get downright toasty in there. So maybe you'll be able to get out after all!
  8. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    I would suggest recycling their toys, in other words, only keep out 1/3 of their toys at a time. When they start to get bored of what is out, bring out something "new" and it may keep them entertaied a little longer. Also, it is OK if they start to work out their differences on their own by 2.5. Before the baby comes, I would suggest leaving them safe, but unattended for longer stretches of time, getting them used to the fact that mommy isn't always at their beck and call.

    As far as activities, my kids loved painting with water. I would give them a cup of water and a paint brush and they would be entertained until the water ran out. We did not have a lot of success at that age with unsupervised crafts. We also turned our unfinished basement into a play area with bikes, balls, and all of their outdoor toys. My husband made a "dirt" table down there for them as well. Same height as a train table, except higher sides that contained sunflower seeds. I have boys who love digging with their trucks. Not sure if your girls would be into that. Allowing them to "destroy" an area, like my tupperware closet, was also something that kept them entertained.

    Good luck with your little ones!!
  9. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    Oh and stickers...
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